Leadership and Super-Chickens

“…the striking thing about this experiment …is their social connectedness to each other…it means what happens between people really counts because in groups that are highly attuned and sensitive to each other, ideas can flow and grow and they don’t get stuck and waste energy down dead ends.” Margaret Heffernan

As a leader do you see yourself as the bricks or the mortar?

In the group you work with, are there a few people on whom the success of the group/business/practice/facility depends?

Are there superchickens in your group? You know…the ones at the top of the pecking order.

What does your organizational chart look like? If it’s primarily vertical…you might want to pay attention to what Margaret Heffernan says in this 16 minute talk.

Margaret thinks it’s time to get rid of the pecking order and as leaders, focus on being aware of helping others because that’s how we find ourselves. And when we find ourselves we are able to let go of control, authority, power and begin to invest in creating a culture of helpfulness and connectedness. Helpfulness, as Margaret says, routinely outperforms individual intelligence.

My OBA basketball team models this sentiment. It’s one of the main reasons they placed second in the Division 1 Championship Finals this year. Their huddle chant is, “Uson Five!!!”

There are so many gems in this 16 minute talk you might want to file it under Watch Often!

Your role as a leader, or better yet, as a facilitator, is to create the conditions where helpfulness and connectedness can flourish. The problems you are facing suddenly turn into solutions in the making.

“…what I learned is that it’s the environment and if you get the environment right, every single one of us has the capacity to do these remarkable things and more importantly, others have that capacity too.” Simon Sinek

From the practice fields…

Joe Putos, PT

Chair, Leadership Division

Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Looking for Professional Development opportunities about Leadership for your staff or colleagues?We have an innovative three part leadership development series that we can bring to your site.

For more information send us a message at or visit our website where you will find more resources on leadership.

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