AICE Review Topics

  • Use your notes and practice questions to review the following topics.
  • Remember your examples and case studies (focus on the management side of issues)
  • Go online and do practice questions- and check your answers
  • Come to the reviews 5/12 (lithosphere), 5/19 (atmosphere), 5/23(lithosphere/atmosphere) and 5/25 (biosphere/hydrosphere) in my room
  • Watch Bozeman videos online
  • Go to my website for resources to help you study

Paper 1

The Atmosphere

  • Structure of the atmosphere(troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere- temperature, air pressure
  • Earths energy budget- incoming and outgoing radiation (greenhouse effect), ozone (absorption of UV light)
  • (remember your climate packet and practice questions) Weather and climate patterns how they relate to the distribution of biomes- differences of solar energy with varying latitudes (temperature), prevailing global wind patterns and high and low pressure regions (between the cells)
  • Formation and characteristics (type of weather found) of: anticyclones (high pressure systems), temperate frontal depressions, cyclones (hurricanes)
  • How is weather forecasted?
  • Atmospheric pollution- sources, composition and effects: CFCs and their role in ozone depletion, carbon dioxide, methane and global warming, Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen in the formation of acid rain, dangers of ground level ozone, noise pollution in an urban environment, urban pollution (pollution plumes, differing levels of pollution in the urban environment) know examples.
  • Know solutions for the problems stated above-Ex, alternative energy sources (wind, water, nuclear) afforestation, CFC free products
  • Know controls and regulations (laws, treaties, Kyoto protocol)- problems on agreeing to solutions to atmospheric pollution by different countries, compare MEDCs and LEDCs

The lithosphere

  • Internal structure and characteristics of the earth- core mantle, asthenosphere (seismic wave evidence)
  • Post-Pangaea plate movement-evidence (fossils, geological fir, palaeo-magnetism)
  • Difference between oceanic and continental crust
  • Plate tectonics-major plates, convection currents, seafloor spreading, different types of plate boundaries
  • Earthquakes-Cause and effect, monitoring, rescue and aid, know an example MEDC and LEDC
  • Hazards due to earthquakes-tsunamis, landslides, ground deformation
  • Volcanoes-types of eruptions and their effects (explosive acid types and basaltic eruptions), know an example from an MEDC and LEDC (Etna, Pinatubo), how they monitor them (chemical analysis) and manage rescue and aid
  • Hazards from volcanic eruptions-volcanic ash, lava, hot ash clouds.
  • Rock weathering, Mass Movement on Slopes- causes (human-deforestation, building) of landslides, mudflows, rock falls, etc. know an example Washington, Himalayan foothills
  • Slope Management- angle reduction, afforestation, surface protection
  • Soil formation/characteristics, erosion and deterioration due to agriculture, deforestation, grazing, compaction, salinization.
  • Sustaining soils- management practices in agriculture
  • Know examples MEDC and LEDC (Himalayan or India foothills, USA dust bowel)
  • Energy Sources-Renewable (wind, solar, water) and non-renewable (depletion of fossil fuels-oil, coal, natural gas)
  • Examples-how an LEDC and an MEDC supply their energy needs

Paper 2

The Biosphere

Vocab- abiotic factors, biotic factors, habitat and niche, biomass, biodiversity

  • Ecosystem Structure-Food chains and foodwebs (energy transfer), trophic levels, pyramidsetc
  • Photosynethesis and net primary productivity- factors that affect it (light intensity, rainfall)
  • Know how ecosystems are distributed (latitude) due to abiotic and biotic factors like rainfall and energy (sun) intensity, temperature
  • Know info about two different ecosystems and be able to compare and contrast them, ex: tropical rainforest, monsoon, tropical savannah, desert, temperate deciduous, tundra
  • Know how to read charts and graphs showing temperature and rainfall patterns of biomes
  • Succession (primary and secondary)- human activity that disrupts it
  • Nutrient cycles, how nutrients are recycled between soil, leaf litter and biomass
  • Know how the following damage ecosystems (ex- tropical rainforest- Amazon example) and lead to loss of biodiversity- agriculture (commercial farming), deforestation, fires
  • How human activity can damage coastal ecosystems, oceans and coral reefs (Florida example)
  • How are ecosystems preserved, conserved or restored, ex national parks, afforestation, changing agricultural systems, ecotourism, forestry conservation, wildlife management (remember Amazon work)
  • Montreal and Kyoto Protocols


Remember your population assignment

Vocab- carrying capacity

  • Population models Malthus and Boserup
  • Comparing populations of an MEDC and an LEDC, impacts on resources of the countries, policies aimed at resolving population issues (economic, social, agriculture)

The Hydrosphere

  • Water cycle (evaporation, precipitation, interception, runoff, infiltration and ground water, drainage basin)
  • Supplies of water: % of water Stored in zones Ex Ice
  • Ground water storage- features of aquifers (confined and unconfined) know an example
  • How does human activity affect our stored water- agriculture, industry, domestic usage, know examples remember the Everglades, Aral sea, California, mid-west
  • How does urban development and deforestation contribute to flooding of rivers
  • How does climate change affect sea level and ice volume- Impact of rising sea levels and flooding of low-lying areas
  • How water is managed-(supply, demand) dams, reservoirs, aquifers. Advantages-water supply, recreation, power. Disadvantages- cost, silting, environmental.
  • Desalination
  • Water pollution-Remember the video onEverglades,
  • Pollution of ground water by metals (mercury, lead etc),
  • Nutrients enrichment from agriculture- eutrophication (causes and effects)- Everglades
  • Impact of sewage disposal on rivers/lakes/seas-health and environmental problems with disposing of sewage sludge- management of waste and controls
  • Marine pollution (oil) effects on aquatic life, birds and coastal environment- BP oil spill- Management of oil spills

Study Hard

AICE Review Topics

  • Use your notes and practice questions to review the following topics.
  • Remember your examples and case studies (focus on the management side of issues)
  • Go online and do practice questions- and check your answers
  • Come to the reviews 5/12 (lithosphere), 5/19 (atmosphere), 5/23(lithosphere/atmosphere) and 5/25 (biosphere/hydrosphere) in my room
  • Watch Bozeman videos online
  • Go to my website for resources to help you study

Paper 1

The Atmosphere

  • Structure of the atmosphere(troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere- temperature, air pressure
  • Earths energy budget- incoming and outgoing radiation (greenhouse effect), ozone (absorption of UV light)
  • (remember your climate packet and practice questions) Weather and climate patterns how they relate to the distribution of biomes- differences of solar energy with varying latitudes (temperature), prevailing global wind patterns and high and low pressure regions (between the cells)
  • Formation and characteristics (type of weather found) of: anticyclones (high pressure systems), temperate frontal depressions, cyclones (hurricanes)
  • How is weather forecasted?
  • Atmospheric pollution- sources, composition and effects: CFCs and their role in ozone depletion, carbon dioxide, methane and global warming, Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen in the formation of acid rain, dangers of ground level ozone, noise pollution in an urban environment, urban pollution (pollution plumes, differing levels of pollution in the urban environment) know examples.
  • Know solutions for the problems stated above-Ex, alternative energy sources (wind, water, nuclear) afforestation, CFC free products
  • Know controls and regulations (laws, treaties, Kyoto protocol)- problems on agreeing to solutions to atmospheric pollution by different countries, compare MEDCs and LEDCs

The lithosphere

  • Internal structure and characteristics of the earth- core mantle, asthenosphere (seismic wave evidence)
  • Post-Pangaea plate movement-evidence (fossils, geological fir, palaeo-magnetism)
  • Difference between oceanic and continental crust
  • Plate tectonics-major plates, convection currents, seafloor spreading, different types of plate boundaries
  • Earthquakes-Cause and effect, monitoring, rescue and aid, know an example MEDC and LEDC
  • Hazards due to earthquakes-tsunamis, landslides, ground deformation
  • Volcanoes-types of eruptions and their effects (explosive acid types and basaltic eruptions), know an example from an MEDC and LEDC (Etna, Pinatubo), how they monitor them (chemical analysis) and manage rescue and aid
  • Hazards from volcanic eruptions-volcanic ash, lava, hot ash clouds.
  • Rock weathering, Mass Movement on Slopes- causes (human-deforestation, building) of landslides, mudflows, rock falls, etc. know an example Washington, Himalayan foothills
  • Slope Management- angle reduction, afforestation, surface protection
  • Soil formation/characteristics, erosion and deterioration due to agriculture, deforestation, grazing, compaction, salinization.
  • Sustaining soils- management practices in agriculture
  • Know examples MEDC and LEDC (Himalayan or India foothills, USA dustbowel)
  • Energy Sources-Renewable (wind, solar, water) and non-renewable (depletion of fossil fuels-oil, coal, natural gas)
  • Examples-how an LEDC and an MEDC supply their energy needs