Devon Rugby Referees Society (DRRS)

Compliance with the RFU Core Values of the Game (Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment Discipline, Sportsmanship)

Over the last two seasons across Devon, referees and match observers have witnessed a huge increase in the amount of:

  • Appealing (players, coaches and non-participants)
  • shouting at the referee
  • use of foul and obscene language
  • Provoking a response from the opposition
  • head slapping
  • applauding opponents mistakes –(Ungentlemanly conduct)
  • Sledging – (name calling, making personal remarks and foul language)
  • inappropriate celebrations
  • pushing and shoving opponents after collapsed scrums, etc.

As a Society, we have adopted a zero tolerance approach and next season will deal with the perpetrators who behave in this unacceptable behaviour. In order to achieve this we want to work in partnership with our referees, the Clubs in Devon and with Devon Rugby Football Union (DRU) to ensure the core values of the game areupheld. In adopting this policy, we recognise there are a number of stakeholders who all need to agree and adopt the outlined approach. Those stakeholders include but are not limited to, referees, match observers, players (male and female), coaches (at all levels), clubs, schools, colleges and universities


All members of the DRRS who accept appointments must agree to buy into this proposal without question, match observers should make comment in their reports if this policyis not adhered to. All stakeholders who are members of DRU, and or the RFU should also agree to adopt the policy and accept their role in ensuring it is maintained throughout the season. The issue of respect should be applied to all those involved in the game, not just match officials.

DRRS would seek the support of DRU supporting us in this with communicating the proposal to the clubs and other CBs support to support the policy and its implementation through any necessary disciplinary taken against clubs or individuals.Clubs, schools, colleges and Universities should recognise there is a problem and educate their players and coaches into the core valuesespecially conduct in the game and the sprit in which the game should be played.


The process is tobe communicated to all stakeholders via email, Clubs, DRRS websites and social media:

  • Clubs and other Constituent Bodies (CBs) by DRRS
  • Match officials and other referee societies by DRRS
  • The referee will remind the captains in their briefing, of the process and stress that there will be zerotolerance

If any issues occur, the referee will immediately blow their whistle and penalise the offender with the appropriate sanction. (a penalty or more if it is a serious incident.)

The referee will summon the captain and instruct him to talk to his team and remind them that any further transgression will mean the culprit will leave the field. Any foul play involving violent behaviour,must be dealt with, e.g. slapping an opponent is striking.

This should be dealt with as per the tackle:

For example:

  • Deliberate - penalty
  • To the head - yellow
  • With force – red

Referees need to communicate with each other and the Society if they encounter issues with a club whose players repeatedly transgress.

David Rose

Training Officer DRRS July 2017