Pre-Kindergarten Supply List
The following lists are supply items that will likely be needed by students during the 2016-2017 School Year
1 standard sized backpack. (NO wheels, and please be sure it is large enough to hold a folder, snack, art work, sweater, etc.) Optional: A lunch bag or box
a snack
2 Plastic pocket folder (paper ones rip easily)
1 box washable markers
10 Glue sticks
4 pack set of children’s dough (such as Play-Doh)
12 or more pencils
Box of Kleenex or tissues
Box of Crayons

*Complete change of clothing that fits your child and is appropriate to the season

It is helpful if families can donate some of the following school supplies:

  • antibacterial hand sanitizer
  • antibacterial hand soap
  • plastic gallon sized zippered bags
  • plastic quart sized zippered bags
  • plastic sandwich sized zippered bags
Kindergarten Supply List
The following lists are supply items that will likely be needed by students during the 2016-2017 School Year
1 pocket folder with paper fasteners
1 smock or old shirt for art class
1 bath or beach towel
1 full change of clothing in a plastic bag, including underwear (to be left at school)
5 large glue sticks
1 composition book
3 boxes of 24 count crayons
3 black broad tip dry erase markers
12 #2 pencils
1 backpack (no wheels)

Families may donate the following school supplies.

  • 2 boxes of tissues
  • antibacterial hand sanitizer
  • antibacterial hand soap
  • gallon zipper bags
  • quart zipper bags
  • sandwich zipper bags
  • snack zipper bags
  • 2 packages of baby wipes
  • 4 pack of play dough
Grade 1 Supply List
The following lists are supply items that will be needed by students during the 2016-2017 School Year
24 - #2 pencils (sharpened)
2 24-count boxes of regular sized crayons (no jumbo or large please)
1 pair metal blade scissors*
2 large pink erasers
6 glue sticks
2 black dry erase markers
2 plastic pocket folders (take home folder) *
1 purple pocket folder with brads* 1 red pocket folder with brads*
1 orange pocket folder with brads*
2 marble notebook (primary ruled)*
1 pencil case or plastic supply box*
1 full change of clothes, including underwear, in a plastic bag (to be left in school)*
1 box of markers
1 pack of index cards

Families may donate the following school supplies.

- Boxes of tissues- Snack size zip bags

- Liquid hand soap in a pump bottle- White paper lunch bags

- Hand sanitizer- Earbuds for use with devices*

- Baby wipes

- Gallon size freezer zipper bags

- Quart size zip bags

- Sandwich size zip bags

Grade 2 Supply List
The following lists are supply items that will likely be needed by students during the 2016-2017 School Year
1 box of crayons or colored pencils
# 2 pencils (at least 12) replenish throughout the year
rrep- replen
7 (plastic) poly pocket folders with inside fasteners –assorted colors
1 pair of scissors
3 marble composition books (wide-ruled, 100 pages each)
6 glue sticks
eraser and pencil cap erasers
1 pencil sharpener
1 sturdy supply case with zipper (no boxes, please)
1 pack of black dry erase markers (fine point)
1 full change of season-appropriate clothing in a plastic bag
(to be left in locker)

Families may donate additional school supplies to their local schools. These items include:

  • box of plastic sandwich or snack size easy-zip bags
  • box of plastic gallon easy-zip bags
  • yellow highlighter
  • boxes of tissues (family size)
  • container of baby or disinfecting wipes
  • Liquid hand soap
  • Earbuds or headphones to be used with laptop computers
Grade 3 Supply List
The following lists are supply items that will likely be needed by students during the 2016-2017 School Year
24 sharpened #2 pencils
(NO mechanical pencils) / 3 marble composition books
4 red pens / 1 sturdy supply case with zipper
1 pair pointed student size scissors / 2 large pink eraser and 1 pack of pencil top erasers
1 package dry erase markers / 2 yellow highlighters
6 glue sticks / 1 sturdy backpack (no wheels) to fit in locker
1 box of 24 crayons OR
1 pkg. colored pencils / 5 sturdy plastic pocket folder with
1 package of subtraction flash cards (available at the dollar store) / 1 package of multiplication flash cards (available at the dollar store)

1 full change of clothing in a plastic bag (to be left in locker)

Families may donate the following school supplies.

  • boxes of tissues
  • antibacterial hand sanitizer or hand soap
  • plastic zippered bags
  • cleaning wipes
  • a pair of earbuds (for personal use only)
The following lists are supply items that will likely be needed by students during the
2016-2017 School Year
6 highlighters (any color) / 1 zippered supply bag
No boxes please
1 box of 24 colored pencils or crayons
(no markers) / 5 pocket folders with brads
  • 2 red plastic folders
  • 1 green plastic folder
  • 1 yellow plastic folder
  • 1 extra any type/color

2 pack pencil top erasers and pink erasers / 1 dual-scale 12 inch ruler
(cm. and inches marked on the ruler) Please, no bendable
1 protractor / 4 Red pens
1 pair of safe pointed scissors / 6 glue sticks or 3 large glue sticks
4 marble composition books / 1 pack of wide-ruled loose-leaf paper
2 pencil sharpeners with catchers / 24 SHARPENED #2 pencils
No mechanical pencils
1 sturdy backpack (NO wheels) to fit in locker / 4 packs of sticky notes
1 package of DRY ERASE markers
Important Information:
  • Please put your child’s name on all of his/hers personal belongings with a permanent marker. This includes his/her lunch box, coat, back pack, supply bag, etc.
  • Please check and refill school supplies as needed throughout the school year.
  • No toys, electronics or otherwise, can be brought to school. Cell phones are to be kept OFF at all times.
  • Please send a full change of clothing in a plastic bag (to be left in locker)

*Parents and families may donate the following school supplies:

 Pump bottle of hand sanitizer or hand soap

 1 box of plastic GALLON and/or quart sized zipper bags

 Cleaning wipes

 Boxes of tissues( We will need LOTS of these.)

 A pair Earbuds (for personal use only)

The following lists are supply items that will likely be needed by students during the
2016-2017 School Year
1 yellow highlighter / 1 zippered supply bag
No boxes please
1 pkg. colored pencils or crayons
(we do not recommend markers)
1 package red pens for checking work / 5 pocket folders with brads
  • 1 red plastic folder
  • 1 green plastic folder
  • 1 yellow plastic folder
  • 1 blue plastic folder
  • 1 extra any type/color

1 pack pencil top erasers and pink erasers
*** Three sharpened pencils are needed for school EVERY day. / 1 dual-scale 12 inch ruler
(cm. and inches marked on the ruler) Please, no bendable
1 protractor / 2 Spiral notebooks
1 pair of safe scissors / 6 glue sticks or 3 large
1 marble composition book / 1 pack of wide-ruled loose-leaf paper
2 pencil sharpeners with catchers / 1 3-inch 3-ring binder AND 1 pack dividers
*Optional headphones or earbuds*
(The school will not be held liable for lost or stolen items.) / 2 packs of sticky notes
Important Information:
  • Please put your child’s name on all of his/hers personal belongings with a permanent marker. This includes his/her lunch box, coat, back pack, supply bag, etc.
  • Please check and refill school supplies as needed throughout the school year.
  • No toys, electronics or otherwise, can be brought to school. Cell phones are to be kept OFF at all times.
  • Please send a full change of clothing in a plastic bag (to be left in locker)

*Parents and families may donate the following school supplies:

 Pump bottle of hand sanitizer or sanitation wipes

 1 box of plastic snack and/or quart sized zipper bags

 Boxes of tissues