E-Annex 7
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Quality Handbook Section E
E-Annex 7
Student Learning and Experience Committee
In preparation for the Institutional Approval Event, panel members are requested to use this checklist to identify areas for discussion at the meeting.
Prior to the event, the Partnership proposal will have been subject to Due Diligence and Risk Assessment approval by the University.
The role of the Institutional Approval and Review Panel is to consider the infrastructure and resources in place to support delivery of the academic proposal and to make a recommendation to SLEC on whether the Institution should be approved as a Partner of the University.
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Quality Handbook Section E
E-Annex 7
1 / Educational Objectives and Organisational Structure (see Collaborative Provision Checklist)- What are the overall management and organisational structures and are roles clearly defined in relation to the oversight of course delivery and quality of teaching?
- Is there evidence of a good level of awareness by the Partner of the requirements of operating within a HE environment?
- Is there clear evidence of commitment to Partnership working?
- Does the Collaborative Partner’s educational objectives and organisational structure continue to align with Teesside University Values and Mission?
- Does the evaluation and analysis provided support the continuation of the Partnership?
2 / Any Issues identified from the Due Diligence Process
- There may be instances where the University identify a need to refer a matter for further exploration by the Institutional Approval Panel. In such instances, the Panel will consider those issues referred to it and will document its findings.
3 / Staff and Physical Resources
- Is the overall qualification base and academic expertise of the HE staffing establishment adequate to support the delivery of HE and are there any gaps?
- Are staff development arrangements adequate to ensure that staff are appropriately prepared for their role in the delivery of HE and at the relevant level?
- Is there a formal policy/commitment to promote wider scholarly activity and professional updating?
4 / Operations Manual and Regulations
- Are all relevant administrative and quality management and enhancement processes clearly described and understood?
- Does the Partner have clear Institutional oversight of HE provision including roles, responsibilities and management structures?
- Academic Misconduct.
- Extenuating Circumstances.
- Academic Appeals.
- Complaints.
- Fitness to Practise.
5 / Oversight of Management and Quality
- What processes and mechanisms does the Institution use to quality assure the standard of documentation submitted for Teesside Universitycourseapproval, monitoring and review purposes?
- How does the Institution align its provision with an appropriate range of external reference points including QAA requirements and is there sufficient understanding of UK HE and its application at an operational level?
- How does the Institution use quality assurance processes to maintain academic standards?
- How does the Institution use management information to maintain academic standards and enhance the quality of teaching and learning?
- Understanding of Teesside University Quality Handbook.
- Are there In-Country Course Accreditation requirements and are these clearly outlined?
6 / Quality of Public Information
What is the Institutional policy regarding the availability of information to relevant stakeholders and how does it make the following documents available to the public:
- Information on Institutional context, e.g. mission statement, strategic plan, quality assurance processes and relevant HE/teaching strategies.
- Information about the quality and standards of courses, e.g. Programme Specification, courseapproval, monitoring and enhancement, accreditation from PSRBs, assessment and outcomes from student surveys/feedback.
- External Examiner Reports.
- The Key Information Set 9 (UK Partners only).
- The Wider Information Set (UK validated Partners only).
- Information about employer links.
- How does the Institution assure the accuracy of its course and public information and comply with CMA?
7 / Operation of Assessment Processes and Compliance with Regulatory Frameworks
- Are there appropriate arrangements and infrastructure in place to fulfil the Partner’s obligations in relation to the administration of assessment including assessment feedback, marking and moderation? Note: the level and range of responsibilities will be specified by the University and documented in the Operations Manual.
- Are there appropriate arrangements and documented processes regarding the maintenance and updating of student records and the security of assessment materials including student work?
- On-going management including evaluation and feedback mechanisms.
8 / Student Experience and Management of Learning Opportunities
- Is there evidence that the general accommodation and physical resources (including accessible IT and any specialist resources) needed to support HE delivery are available and appropriate, for each delivery site?
- Admission and induction of students including how its admissions and any related policies/processes are clear, fair and consistently applied?
- Student academic and pastoral support and how these processes help students achieve their learning outcomes?
- Provision of careers education, information and guidance.
- Student feedback and engagement including their opportunity and those of other stakeholders to participate in quality assurance.
- What arrangements/services are available to support additional and diverse needs including those who are disabled or have protected characteristics?
- Is there a commitment to providing an accessible educational experience and how is this operationalised within the Institutional context?
- Management of any student transition issues.
- Are any articulation arrangements proposed, and if so, how will this be managed?
In what ways is the ‘student voice’ facilitated?
9 / Learning Resources
How does the Partner ensure that learning resources are reviewed and managed?
Note: only students who are fully enrolled as Teesside University students are entitled to access the University’s e-resources (including books, journals and databases) due to publishers’ copyright and licensing restrictions.
The following issues are prompts:
- Whether appropriate arrangements are in place for access to learning resources including books, journals, print and electronic resources?
- Are you aware that any e-resources accessed from Teesside UniversitySLS are subject to licensing terms that can change? Note: only students who are fully enrolledas Teesside University students may be entitled to access the University’s e-resources (including books, journals and databases) subject to publisher’s copyright and licensing restrictions.
- Does the Partner have appropriate arrangements in place for the development of skills, including information literacy, to support student access and use of learning resources?
- How access to the Partner’s VLE will be facilitated?
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Quality Handbook Section E
E-Annex 7
10 / Potential Conditions and RecommendationsIdentify any areas for development in relation to the Partnership and location (and provision, if this has been explored in a preliminary way) to be delivered. Any issues that need to be addressed before commencement of the Partnership will be specified as Conditions of Approval, and those that are part of future development will be identified as Recommendations.
Please note any potential areas of development below.
11 / Areas of Good Practice
Identify any potential areas of good practice or commendation that the Panel may wish to identify as part of its overall conclusion.
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Quality Handbook Section E