Thank you for extending an invitation to me to be in front of you, the LincolnCity Rotary Club- especially, prior to my being sworn in as the new Mayor. I say that because I am assuming this will be the very last time you will NOT hold me accountable for whatever LC City Council does.
By the way of a show of hands, could we see those of you in the room who voted in the Nov. Mayorial election. Thank you, to 60% of you. I will be taking questions from the other 40% in hopes that I might change your mind about myself. And by the way, the 5% of you who cast the votes to make LincolnCity the cannibus capital of the OregonCoast. “we are watching you”.
Forgive me as I dwell on the recent campaign. It did take up a great deal of my time and it left some lasting impressions with me. I believe it may also have made some impressions with you that are myths, that developed during the campaign.There are 3 myths that I would like to do my best to “bust”.
Myth #1. That I’m against the arts.
My favorite daughter in law, one of your fellow Rotarians, who many of you have met today, is an Art Mayor and worked in that field until she decided to work with non-profits.
As recently as earlier this week I was assisting the Sitka Centers efforts to obtain funding for upgrading their facility by speaking with Congressman Schrader and Senator Merkley
I am a member and have been, of the CulturalCenter
I have purchase many art pieces and have them hanging in my home
I even attend theatrical and musical events on a regular basis
I believe that the Local public art fund should be used to enhance public art and support Local artists in their work.
I do support the Arts.
Myth #2. That I am against having any VRDs in LincolnCity
I am concerned about the number and density of VRDs
I am concerned about the enforcement level of VRD ordinances
I am concerned about the ease to obtain the privilege of a VRD license/permit
I do believe VRDs provide an option that the customersof our hospitality industry desire
VRDs are a business that have a low cost of entry compared to others in the hospitality industry and yet do not possess the same health inspection requirements as other living and eating establishments that serve the public.
I am concerned that VRDs negatively impact residential neighborhoods as businesses.
I am concerned that VRD occupants/guests do not always respect their neighborhood families who live here full time.
I do have concerns.
Myth #3. That I am not Earth Friendly or Green
I drive a hybred and have for 5 years
I live in a small attached home vs a detached, subdivision type
I recycle for my family and for 7 other families in our attached community
I rehabbed my home with earth friendly, energy efficient materials
I participate in the gas & electric company alternative energy programs
I believe that I very much “live” earth friendly.
And believe we all should
There you have the 3 myths. I hope they have been busted.
During my term as Mayor for LincolnCity I intend to place an emphasis on BUSINESS. I believe that with a strong, vibrant business community, more people will prosper. If business does well- more wages are paid and generally higher wages. Thus, providing more disposable income to spend locally. Notice I said, “place an emphasis”. The last thing you and I should want or expect is our local government creating jobs. We must work together to improve our economy. This meansthat the business community has to do something for itself to enhance business. It may be, improve customer service, physically improve the building or just become more creative in what it offers to the public. We need to grow existing business and encourage new businesses. I don’t mind leading the charge but your local government can’t carry all the water. Again, we must work together to improve our community.
I am also concerned about what I see as a “lack of a sense of Community” in LincolnCity.
The small coastal towns joined together to form LincolnCity years ago. But still we are not one strong community working together. I have seen too often how our citizens seem to draw lines in the sand as to someone being a friend or an enemy, based simply upon whether one agrees with their opinion or not. That is why I developed my campaign around Respecting the citizens and Listening to the citizens. Discussion is healthy and I have also found it very educational. A great skill is to stop talking, long enough to listen.
So, I will now stop talking and listen. Are there any comments or questions?
I look forward to being your Mayor. I feel encouraged and supported by all of you.
Thank you.