Date: January 29- February 1
Lesson Description/Learner Characteristics
Title: Word ChoiceDuration: 11:00-11:40 Tuesday-Friday
Grade Level/Setting- Grouping: 4th Grade (whole group, small groups, individual
Objectives, Essential Question, & Standards.
Objective(s):- Using a variety of words and the text, My Mama Had a Dancing Heart, students will choose common words and replace them with new descriptive words in their writing.
- Using new descriptive words, students will create a poem about a person or animal.
- How do I liven up my writing using words?
- R4.A.1.1.2: Identify and/or interpret a synonym or antonym of a word used in text.
- R4.A.2.1.1: Identify and/or interpret meaning of multiple-meaning words used in text.
Materials and Resources
Materials/Resources:- Packet: Key Qualities of the Word Choice Trait—class set
- Word Choice Transparency
- Book: My Mama Had A Dancing Heart, written by Libba Moore Gray
- Pencils
- Dry Erase Marker & Permanente Marker
- Large chart paper hung on chalkboard
- Tribute Chart—class set & Transparency
- Jefferson Poem with transparency
- Thesaurus
- Clip board
- Plain paper
Instructional Delivery
Warm-up/Engagement:- “Today we will be starting a new writing trait. Today’s writing trait is word choice”
- Show word choice trait transparency
- Discuss quickly what is word choice? Class opinions??
- Hand each student a word choice packet and a thesaurus. Have them look at the first page of the packet. Do not open thesaurus
- Why word choice? What is word choice? We do NOT want our writing to sound boring. We WANT our writing to be livened up by the descriptive words we choose.
- Introduction to the trait word choice. Say “Word choice is how a writer uses words and phrases to bring the writing to life. When you write, try to choose the “just right” words to help the reader understand and picture what you are writing about. This is a very important trait because words are the most valuable tool in a writer’s toolbox.
- Read transparencyWord Choice IS:
*The “just right” words make the message crystal clear
*The words are accurate, specific, and powerful.
*The active verbs add energy and punch
What is a verb? “A verb is a part of speech which describes an action, state, or occurrence.” Example: walk, play, run
*The words and phrases have a marvelous sound.
5. “We have 5 large pieces of chart paper hanging on the board. We will be finding words in our thesaurus which fit under the various categories. The categories are: 1. Funny & Silly 2. Happy & Kind 3. Dark & Sad 4. Exciting Words 5.Scholarly”
* Does anyone know what a scholarly word is? What does the word scholarly mean?
Scholarly means highly educated words which get your attentionwhen you hear them. They are a higher level of words such as established, consistent
Why do some words sound interesting as you read them and others do not? (I will write on the board)----The words stuff, good, nice, cool. Which category do you think these words would fit in?? what would our writing sound like if we used these words? BORING, FLAT, UNEXCITING
6. Describe what a thesaurus is. A thesaurus contains words with synonyms for each word. This will help us find better words to use during writing. We do not want to keep using the same words such as happy or sad. We may want to say something like (CALL ON STUDENT) Possible answers include: exciting, thrilled, depressed…
7. We will now take time to look in the thesaurus to find some of our favorite words. We will then share these words to make one master list of words to use during our writing.
8. Give about 5 minutes for students to find words in the thesaurus.
9. Allow time for students to share their new words to add onto the chart paper
10. Closure: “Today we have seen a variety of new words which we could potentially use in our writing in the future. I want a couple people to raise their hand to tell me a new favorite word they found today to spice up their writing. ALLOW FOR EXAMPLES! We will continue with word choice tomorrow.
11. At any time you find a new, descriptive word you may add it to our chart
DAY 2:
- Review what is word choice? Name a few new words they have learned
- Today I will be reading the book My Mama Had a Dancing Heart. Everyone needs to get a clipboard, a piece of paper, and a pencil. Meet me on the rug.
- As I read the book I want you to write down new words from the book to add onto our chart. Listen for words which paint a picture in your mind or captured your imagination. We want a large variety of words which we could start using in our writing.
- Read book aloud with students on rug “I want you to actively listen to the words as I read the text”
- Have students go back to their seat after book is finished. Ask students if they heard some new interesting words within the text.
- Have students come to board one at a time to add new words onto the chart.
- Discuss the words and where they belong on the chart (agree thumbs up thumbs down as a whole class)
- Review word choice…What is it... adds interest to our writing. Grabs the reader’s attention. Allows for our writing to be spiced up and not boring!
- Have students turn to the tribute chart page in their packet.
- Tell students we will be writing a poem. Each student will pick their own topic to write about... such as a friend or pet. Each student must write about their chosen person or pet. They must fill in the tribute chart answering the following sections: physical description, activity words, personality words, feeling words. In these poems you MUST use alliteration
- Someone tell me what alliteration is??
- Write on transparency for example tribute chart. This tribute chart will be written about a person or pet you admire or respect. Who might you write about? EXAMPLES: call on students—parent, president, teacher, dog… You may want to write about your mom because she writes an I love you note in your lunch box. Your dad because he coaches your soccer team, or about your dog who runs to you as soon as you come in the door.
- Allow students to fill in own tribute chart using a thesaurus
- ** Tribute chart may include physical desscribtion such as smooth paws, big ears, blue eyes, furry, blonde, grey nose. WRITE ON TRANSPARENCY
- Show example of Jefferson Poem
- Review tribute chart and have students get out their tribute poem planner
- Review Jefferson example on transparency. Leave up for students to see example as they write
- Review what each stanza in the poem will contain:
- Have students begin their draft on the tribute poem planner.
- Students must get draft edited by self then myself. Remind students to use chart paper and thesaurus for their word choices. Do not want the poem to be boring
- Allow all class for drafting and editing
Finish drafting/Editing/Start final copy
Instructional Adaptations
Follow student IEP plan –extended time and small groupsAssessment
Observation on chart paper—observe new word choices foundSummative—student will demonstrate word choice through poem created
(Did students learn what you intended? How do you know? Which students did well? Had difficulty? Why? + And – of the lesson. What would you do differently? Time use? Transitions?)