WaukonHigh School Athletic Dept.
1061 3rd Ave. NWWaukon, IA 52172 Telephone: (563) 568-3466 Fax: (563) 568-3165
March 21, 2018 (Updated April 11th)
Dear Boys’ Track Coaches and Athletic Directors:
The following information should allow you to finalize your plans for participation in the 2015Boys’ Indian Relays on April 20, 2018. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email.
- TIME: The field events will begin at 4:30 p.m.and the running events will begin at 5:00 p.m. All warm ups for field events must be completed by 4:30.
- TEAMS: Crestwood, Decorah, New Hampton, Osage, and Waukon.
- ENTRIES: Varsity-2 individual and 1 relay events, unlimited entries for JV.
- Please go to this address for entries:
- DO NOT DECLARE until you have made your final changes.
- ONLINE ENTRIES DUE BY 11:00am on the 4-20-18.
- Last minute changes on the day of the meet (April 20th) should be e-mailed to Dave Davies by 2:00 pm-
- REPORTING IN: When you arrive please report to the press box to make any last minute scratches.
- SCORING: Individuals = 8-6-4-2-1 for individuals; Relays = 8-6-4-2
- BLOCKS: Starting blocks will be furnished.
- ORDER OF EVENTS: The standard order of events will be used. We will run heats slowest to fastest.
- REPORTING: All runners should report to the clerk at the northwest end of the track. Each event will be called ONLY once.
Discus: The varsity will complete their competition and junior varsity competition will follow.
Shot put: The junior varsity will complete their competition and varsity competition will follow.
Long Jump: The varsity will complete their competition and junior varsity competition will follow (cafeteria style).
High jump: Varsity & junior Varsity will compete together. The bar will start at 4’8”.
- RESULTS: Results & Medals may be picked up at the conclusion of the meet by a coach in the press box. At the conclusion of the meet, the results will also be uploaded to ASPI so coaches will be able to upload meet results to Quik stats.
- Exchange Zone- Please use the half tennis balls. NO TAPE is allowed and buckets of half tennis balls will be on each corner of the track.
- MEDALS: The top three varsity participants in individual events will receive a medal as well as the top two varsity teams in relay events.
- Please use only 1/8th pyramid spikes or flats.
- Coaches must stay outside the perimeter fence.
- Please make sure all athletes stay off the football field.
- Individual team camps must be set up outside of the perimeter fence.
- Please make sure athletes pick up all trash around team camp at the conclusion of the meet.
- Buses should drop athletes off on the west side of the school by the football field. The buses should then park on the east side of the school.
- Entry Fee: $75 due
- Admission: $5 adult, $3 student
- Runners will report to the start clerk on the Northwest side of the track. Hip numbers will go on the right hip and will be given out when your athletes check in. Please make sure athletes have their shirts tucked in.
- The rules of the IHSAA will govern the meet.
- ONLINE ENTRIES DUE BY 11:00am on 4-20-18.
Brian HilsabeckTed Snitker
Waukon High School ADWaukon Head Boys Track Coach
563-568-7963 cell
***Please let us know if you have a wheelchair participant
All Field Events
High Jump
Long Jump
Running Events
800m sprint medley relay
3200 meter run
4 X 800 meter relay
Shuttle hurdle relay
100 meter dash
1600m distance medley relay
400 meter dash
4 X 200 meter relay
110 meter hurdles
800 meter run
200 meter dash
400 meter hurdles
1600 meter run
4 X 100 meter relay
4 X 400 meter relay