The Art of
Dr Mitch Garsin
GP Principal, LMC Chairman ,Hillingdon
How to Become an LMC Chairman
- Look Stupid
- Lose the ability to SAY NO
- Say what you think not what others want to hear
- Put your hand up too often
- Come to all the meetings and stay to the end
- Forget to wear a disguise
- Pretend to know what you are talking about
- Look Stupid
- Be in the wrong place at the wrong time
Lose the ability to SAY NO
Pronunciation: ni-'gO-shE-"At, ÷-sE-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Etymology: Latin negotiatus, past participle of negotiari to carry on business, from negotium business, from neg- not + otium leisure -- more at NEGATE
Date: 1599
intransitive senses: to confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter
transitive senses
1 a: to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling) : MANAGEb: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>
2 a: to transfer (as a bill of exchange) to another by delivery or endorsement b: to convert into cash or the equivalent value <negotiate a check>
3 a: to successfully travel along or over <negotiate a turn> b: COMPLETE, ACCOMPLISHnegotiate the trip in two hours>
Negotiate What?
- Salary
- Holidays
- Study Leave
- Work Hours
- Who does what and when
- The colour of the curtains
- Car parking space
Why Bother to Negotiate?
- Because not everyone sees it your way
- Because everyone thinks they’re right
- Because BLACK is normally GREY
- Because you are cleverer than they are
- Because it’s better than a punch up
The Rules of Negotiation
- Know Thyself
And decide your Bottom Line
The Rules of Negotiation
- Be Reasonable
Do as well as you can for yourself………………..
But expect the other person to do the same
Be prepared to concede minor points to achieve your objective ……… But make sure you get something for every concession
The Rules of Negotiation
3.Be Prepared
- Don’t give information; try to get as much information as you can.
- Get your facts right (or be prepared to BLUFF)
Always have a Plan B
The Rules of Negotiation
- Think Ahead and Control the Meeting
- Present your agenda
- Keep the minutes and get agreement
- Appear knowledgeable, not patronising
- Be friendly, calm and collected
- Understand your opponent
- Think strategically
- Always appear to want a deal
The Rules of Negotiation
- Win-Win and Get Out
- The ‘ideal’ result
- Everyone is happy
- Preserves working relationships
- The most important outcome may not be monetary
The Rules of Negotiation
- Once It’s Over, It’s Over
- Don’t harbour grudges, get even
- The most important negotiation is the next one
- No negotiation is perfect, learn from your mistakes
How Not To Do It
- Forget to turn up (a bit late is ok)
- Accept their agenda
- Shout (or fart)
- Not take notes
- Not know the facts
- Be muddled about what you want
- Not have a Plan B or C or D
- Be too stubborn
- Negotiate for negotiation’s sake
- Walk out before the deal is done
You Can’t Win Them All
Good Luck !