Experimental Study on Item-based P-Tree Collaborative Filtering Algorithm for Netflix Prize
Tingda Lu, William Perrizo, Yan Wang, Gregory Wettstein, Amal Shehan Perera
Computer Science Department
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58108, USA
{tingda.lu, william.perrizo, yan.wang, g.w, amal.perera}@ndsu.edu
Recommendation system provides customer with personalized recommendations by analyzing historical transactions hence identifying the mostly possible item(s) that will be of interest to the customer. Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithm plays an important role in the recommendation system. Item-based collaborative filtering is widely employed over user-based algorithm due to the computational complexity. Item similarity calculation is the first but the most important step in item-based collaborative filtering algorithm.
In this paper, we analyze and implement several item similarity measurements in P-Tree format to Netflix Prize data set. Our experiments suggest that adjusted cosine based similarity provides much better RMSE than other item-based similarity measurements. The experimental results provide a guideline for our next step for Netflix Prize.
With the fast growth of e-commerce, more and more online retailers realize the importance of recommendation system, which has the goal to identify the mostly possible item(s) that will be of interest to, or purchased later by the user through analyzing the historical transactions [4]. The quality of the recommendation system will not longer be a technical issue, but also a critical business consideration. Simultaneously, online customers need a reliable and trustable recommendation system to help them find the items they are mostly interested.
Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithm plays an important role in the recommendation system. It has been approved as a reliable and successful algorithm in e-commerce application [1]. The user-based collaborative filtering algorithm, one of the popular algorithms to build recommendation system, bases on the principle that if one buyer has purchased the same items as the other user, he or she is likely to buy other products that might already been purchased by the similar users. However, the computation complexity of user-based CF algorithm is linear to the number of users. Considering the fact that there are tens of millions of existing customers in the e-commerce database, most current algorithms would not be able to capture the user similarity due to the limitation of computational resources. The item-based filtering, another widely employed collaborative filter algorithm, has less scalability concerns compared to the user-based one and gained more and more attentions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section provides a brief introduction of item-based collaborative filtering algorithm we implement. In section 3 we present P-Tree algorithm, which is employed in our experiment for efficient data processing. Section 4 provides different item-based similarity measurements calculation. Section 5 describes the experimental results of implementing item-based similarities to Netflix Prize data set. Final section gives conclusions and directions for future research work.
To get the rating prediction of user u on item i, we first load the data set into P-Tree format for efficient processing. P-Tree will be detailed in section 3.
The next step is to build the movie-based similarity matrix for item i. The similarity between item i and j, , can be written as,
where is the similarity between and , the rating that user u gives to item i and j respectively, and is a normalization factor [2][3][4]. U’ denotes the user co-support, the subset of users who rate both item i and j.
Once the item similarity matrix is ready, we get the top K nearest neighbors to item i, which is denoted by I’.
The prediction of the rating for item i by user u is,
Table 1 briefly illustrates the algorithm to predict how user u rates item i.
// Convert the data into P-Tree data structurePTree.load_binary();
// Build movie based similarity matrix for item i
while i in I
while j in I
// Get the top K nearest neighbors to item i
while j in I
if sim[i,j] is not among the top K largest value
sim[i,j] = 0.0
// Prediction of rating on item i by user u
sum = 0.0, weight = 0.0;
for (int lp=0; lp<K; ++lp)
sum += r[u,j] * sim[i,j]
weight += sim[i,j]
pred = sum/weight
Table 1
The data in our experiment is first converted to vertical Predicate-trees or P-trees format [12]. P-trees are a lossless, compressed, and data-mining-ready vertical data structures. P-trees are used for fast computation of counts and for masking specific phenomena. This vertical data representation consists of set structures representing the data column-by-column rather than row-by row (horizontal relational data). Predicate-trees are one choice of vertical data representation, which can be used for data mining instead of the more common sets of relational records. This data structure has been successfully applied in data mining applications ranging from Classification and Clustering with K-Nearest Neighbor, to Classification with Decision Tree Induction, to Association Rule Mining [14][15][16][17]. A basic P-tree represents one attribute bit that is reorganized into a tree structure by recursive sub-division, while recording the predicate true value for each division. Each level of the tree contains truth-bits that represent sub-trees and can then be used for phenomena masking and fast computation of counts. This construction is continued recursively down each tree path until downward closure is reached. E.g., if the predicate is “purely 1 bits”, downward closure is reached when purity is reached (either purely 1 bits or purely 0 bits). In this case, a tree branch is terminated when a sub-division is reached that is entirely pure (which may or may not be at the leaf level). These basic P-trees and their complements are combined using Boolean algebra operators such as AND(&) OR(|) and NOT(`) to produce mask P-trees for individual values, individual tuples, value intervals, tuple rectangles, or any other attribute pattern [13]. The root count of any P-tree will indicate the occurrence count of that pattern. The P-tree data structure provides a structure for counting patterns in an efficient, highly scalable manner.
The current P-Tree API includes the following public methods of P-Tree class,
size() / Get size of PTreeget_count() / Get bit count of PTree
setbit() / Set a single bit of PTree
reset() / Clear the bits of PTree
AND operation of PTree
| / OR operation of PTree
~ / NOT operation of PTree
dump() / Print the binary representation of PTree
load_binary() / Load the binary representation of PTree
4.1 Cosine-based Similarity
In this measurement, the items are treated as vectors and the similarity between two items are computed by the cosine of the angle between corresponding vectors.
Similarity of item i and j is given as,
where U’ denotes the users who rate both item i and j.
4.2 Pearson Correlation
As the most popular similarity measurement, Pearson correlation of item i and j is given as,
where U’ denotes the users who rate both item i and j. and is the average rating of the i-th and j-th item respectively.
4.3 Adjusted Cosine Similarity
In the real world rating system, different users have the different rating scale. For example, in a 1 to 5 star movie rating scale system, some users tend to rate movies as 5 while others might hesitate to give a rating of 5. To eliminate the user rating difference, the similarity of item i and j is given as,
where U’ denotes the users who rate both item i and j. denotes the average rating of user u for all the items.
4.4 Binary-based Similarity
The actual rating value is discarded and the corresponding bit in P-Tree is set to 1 [5][6]. The similarity of item i and j is given as,
where and denote the numbers of users who rate item i and item j respectively, is the number of users who rate item i and j.
5.1 Data Set and Quality Evaluation
In 2006, Netflix Inc., the biggest online DVD rental company, released $1,000,000 Netflix Prize competition, which comes with the dataset of 480,189 customers, 17,770 movies and more than 100 million customer ratings on movies [11]. The competition drew unexpected interests from all over the world not only because of 1M rewards, but also the substantial and challenging real data that data miners have ever had.
Our experiment uses the training dataset in Netflix Prize as the training and probe dataset as testing. We remove the testing data from training to avoid inflated accuracy. We do not build the whole 17770 * 17770 movie similarity matrix. Instead we randomly select 50 movies and build the 50 * 17770 movie similarity matrix. The prediction quality experiment is taken on Netflix Prize probe set, but only those involving the selected 50 movies.
We evaluate the prediction quality by Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSE).
5.2 Experimental Results
5.2.1 Experiment on neighborhood size
The size of the neighborhood directly affects the prediction quality. We implement cosine, Pearson, adjusted cosine and binary similarity algorithms with neighborhood size K=10, 20, 30, 40, 50. The results are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
From the experimental results, we could observe that the best size of neighborhood ranges from 20 to 30, which works for all similarity measurements described in Section 4. The accuracy of the prediction improves when the neighborhood size increases from 10 to 30 since more similar movies are included. As the neighborhood size continues to increase, which means more non-relevant movies are selected, RMSE drops and the prediction quality gets worse. The detailed RMSE is shown in table 2.
Cosine / Pearson / Adj. Cos / BinaryK=10 / 1.01906 / 1.01736 / 0.96452 / 1.05802
K=20 / 1.01775 / 1.01483 / 0.95144 / 1.03562
K=30 / 1.02530 / 1.02182 / 0.94408 / 1.03055
K=40 / 1.02766 / 1.02964 / 0.94549 / 1.02882
K=50 / 1.03251 / 1.02863 / 0.94466 / 1.02959
Table 2
5.2.2 Experiment on similarity algorithms
The lowest RMSE of cosine, Pearson, adjusted cosine and binary similarity algorithms are shown in Figure 2. We observe that the adjusted cosine similarity algorithm gets much lower RMSE than other algorithms. The reason lies in the fact that other algorithms do not exclude the user rating difference. Adjusted cosine based algorithm discards the user variance hence gets better prediction accuracy.
Figure 2
In this paper we show the experimental study to item-based similarity collaborative filtering algorithm on Netflix Prize. The experiments are taken on cosine, Pearson, adjusted cosine and binary similarity algorithm. Each algorithm is implemented in P-Tree with different neighborhood sizes. The results show adjusted cosine similarity algorithm gets more accurate prediction than other algorithms. The optimal neighborhood size ranges from 20 - 30.
This paper is a preliminary one and variant forms of similarity algorithm are not included. We run the experiments on 50 randomly selected movies. It will be statistical confidence if the experiment is taken on more movies.
We would like to thank all DataSURG members for their hard work on P-Tree API. We also thank the Center of High Performance Computing at North Dakota State University, which provides the computing facility in our experiment.
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