Site name: /

Assessment no:

Product name: / Johnson Diversey – Carefree Satin / Product code: / 030440
Supplier: / Description: / Floor polish
Dept/section: / Location(s) used:

Hazard classification (tick as appropriate)

Irritant Corrosive Harmful
Toxic Very toxic Non-hazardous

Method of use

Ensure the area is well ventilated before commencing work.
Strip off old polish using a stripper or high speed stripper, depending on the type of floor. Wet vacuum slurry. Rinse the floor thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of the stripper. Wet vacuum again. Allow floor to dry thoroughly (wooden floors overnight). Apply a thin even coat of polish using either a clan mop or a polish applicator. Allow to dry thoroughly (20-30mins, dependant on air temperature) before applying second/subsequent coats.
Burnish the floor after 2-3 days to harden and consolidate the polish.

Persons at risk

Caretakers and cleaners.

Action in case of emergency (spillage, uncontrolled release, fire)

Personal protection: Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see personal protective equipment).
Spillages: In the event of a spillage use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. Take up with inert absorbing material. Place in a suitable clean, dry containers for disposal by approved methods. Use a water rinse for final cleanup.
Fire: It is appropriate to use dry chemical, water spray, foam and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers on this product.

General precautions & personal protection

(e.g. warning signs, ventilation, personal hygiene/cleanliness, protective clothing).

Protective gloves should be worn when handling chemicals.

Ecological information

On the basis of available information this material/preparation is not expected to produce any significant adverse effects, when used as directed.

Emergency first aid treatment (eyes, skin, swallowed, inhaled)

Eyes: Immediately wash out with water. If irritation develops, get medical attention.
Skin: Immediately wash off with plenty of water. If irritation develops, get medical attention.
Inhalation: No specific first aid measures are required.
Ingestion: No specific first aid measures are required.

Handling, storage, disposal & transport information

Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Store in a secure, dry, cool and well ventilated area. Keep away from heat. Protect from freezing. Keep out of reach of children.

Assessment of risk

Low Medium High

Notes/further action


Assessment by

(Name & job title) / Date: / Next review date:
Review record
Date / Reviewed by /

Result/action taken