Term 2
Term 3
Term 4 / Monday 20 April – Friday 26 June
Monday 20 July – Friday 25 Sept
Tuesday 13 Oct – Thursday 10 Dec
Forthcoming Events
Friday 26 June
Term 2 ends
Monday 20 July
Term 3 begins
Tuesday 21 July
Parents’ Association, 7pm
Thursday 30 July
Parents Association Quiz Night, Boundary Tap & Kitchen, Raumati, 7pm
Friday 31 July
Polyfest, Te Rauparaha Arena, Times TBC
Friday 7 August
Y7 & 8 dance
Tuesday 18 August
Nishio Students arrive
Parents’ Association meeting, 7pm
Wednesday 19 August
Y 7 & 8 Parumoana Schools Ultimate Frisbee/Netball Tournament
Wednesday 26 August
School Birthday - 9am school chapel in Gym
NIWA Regional Science Fair (26 – 28 August)
Friday 28 August
Victoria University Open Day
Wednesday 9 September
Year 11-13 Exams start
Year 8 Gardasil Immunisation
Friday 18 September
Year 11 Dance
/ Virtue: Prudence
Being careful about one’s choices, not taking undue risks, not saying or doing things that might later be regretted.
Message from the Director
As we reach the end of Term 2, and mark the halfway point of the school year, I should like to pay tribute to all the teaching staff for their untiring dedication to, and support for, the students in their care; to the students who have worked hard and with great enthusiasm throughout the past two terms and to the parents who support us so generously. It is all much appreciated. Senior students - no doubt you have been told many times that this break is one for study, as much as it is for rest, so make sure you have a study timetable planned and one which incorporates plenty of both.
Next term we will welcome into school a group of secondary school students from Nishio, Japan and I am looking now for volunteer families to host one or two of these delightful young people. If you have never hosted before, please contact me for more details, and for the name of someone to talk to who has had that experience. In essence you provide food and board for someone who will attend Marsden Whitby with your son/daughter most days of the visit. On other days Porirua City Council put on field trips, and visits to places such as Marsden Karori, Botanical Gardens, Te Papa, Pataka etc. The dates are Tuesday 18-Tuesday 25 August so please do consider this if you have not done so before, and host families from previous years, please feel free to take another student this year!
Recently some of our Art students had the privilege of working with Michel Tuffery and ‘pop-ups’ of the work they, and other students, have been doing are available in Porirua today and tomorrow. See the attached flyers for details.
Ultranet Information
If you have forgotten your Ultranet password or need any assistance please contact Anna Engleback, PCSchool and Ultranet Administrator, via email
Student SuccessCongratulations and well done to Oliver Couchman and Bronte Page (Year 13) who represented Marsden Whitby in the inaugural Rotary Club Speech Competition last Friday. Oliver spoke on how humanity ultimately prevails against adversity, despite seemingly overwhelming odds, and Bronte on why we still need feminism. They both spoke eloquently, fluently and with passion about their chosen subjects and clearly hit the spot with many of the audience members. Well done! Many thanks to Mrs Balasingam for her support and encouragement.
More to come on House Debating next term but congratulations to Resolution House who won by the narrowest of margins (1 point) negating the moot ‘That we should change the New Zealand flag.’ Best Speaker was Benjamin Eagle but all speakers are to be congratulated on their content and delivery. Many thanks to Mrs Balasingam for coordinating the event and adjudicating, and our other adjudicators Mr Baigent, Mr Powell and Ms Adeane (Academic Director, Karori) who was the impartial Guest Adjudicator for the final.
The Marsden Whitby Taiko drummers were a huge hit at this week’s Kapo Kapo Matariki festival. They played with strength and spirit and got a marvellous response from the audience. Many thanks to Erola Whitcombe for her wonderful coaching of the group.
Eight of our keen Year 8 students entered the inaugural EPro8 Challenge event last night. This was a competition between teams from some of the local primary and intermediate schools. Their task was to construct large engineering works out of pieces of equipment they were given. This event was a great exercise in problem solving and team work. One of the two teams managed to get through to the semi-finals taking place in September. Congratulations to Callum Walker, Luc Hackner, Mawgan Bailey and Josiah Katene.
Careers EveningAll Year 10-13 students and their parents are invited to attend the annual Careers Evening being held at Marsden Karori on Wednesday 5 August at 6.15pm for a 7.05pm start.This evening is organised to help students and parents/caregivers find out more about career paths available. It is important to look at and compare a number of alternatives and over a four year period your son/daughter has the opportunity to hear from sixteen different speakers.Liaison Officers from some tertiary institutions will be available in the Cultural Centre to discuss any queries. After this there will be a number of guest speakers running short seminars on their profession. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage first-hand with people currently working in different industries and vocations. The permission letter for this event is attached to this update and will also be emailed home at the start of next term.
Uniform Shop Holiday HoursWill be open on Friday 17th July from 9-12 in the School Holidays. Sonja Braddock will respond to emails daily through the break.
Office Holiday HoursThe school office will be unattended from Monday 29 June for two weeks. JennyMonkwill be back in the school office Monday 13 July. For all urgentenquiriesduring this two week period please contact either:
Christine Allen: or
Hilary Fiennes: .
Both Christine and Hilary can be contacted by phoning(04) 476 8792 extn 861.
All otherenquiriesJennyMonkwill respond toduringthe week beginning Monday 13 July.
Wacky Hair Day FundraiserToday’s ‘Wacky Hair Day’ gold coin donations will be donated to St Christopher’s Orphanage and Bishop Kempthorne Primary School in Fiji. It was great to see so many students and staff get involved in this. Some wonderfully creative and inventive hairstyles!!
House Debating Round 2The debate between Endeavour and Adventure Houses too k place on Wednesday 17 June in the School Assembly. The moot was “That Plastic Bags Should be Banned”. The Affirmative team was represented by Brooke, Thomas and Qiyun. The team focused their arguments around environmental issues while the Negative team, represented by Malina, Kian and Ryan, argued against the drastic extent of the environmental effects, and countered with ideas like the fact that plastic bags do break down ultimately and, because they are recyclable and multi-purpose, sometimes even providing shelter for the most needy, are a justifiable use of resources. The adjudicator, Mr Leith Powell, eventually gave the debate to the Affirmative team. It was a very good debate on an issue of growing concern for many and the team points scored were very close. The Best Speaker was Qiyun. Congratulations to all who participated.
Year 9 EnglishThe focus for Year 9 English this term has been the tragi-comedies of Shakespeare; Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice. Included in a range of activities based on the plays, our students have memorized and performed an excerpt from a major speech, becoming fluent in delivering the lines meaningfully. Paired or small-group performances were thoroughly enjoyed. Year 9 students now have a solid foundation on which to build future Shakespearean studies.
Y9 thoroughly enjoyed their theatre trip to watch Whitireia drama students perform ‘In and Out of Love’ this week. They were treated to a workshop session afterwards showing how to approach blocking a scene. Thanks to Ms Visser, Mrs Balasingam and Mr Stewart for accompanying. /Marsden Whitby Parents’ Association Quiz Night
Marsden Whitby Parents' Association has organised a Quiz Night for July 30. Gather your group and grab a table! Please support our fundraising efforts - we are starting some big projects - retaining wall and bleacher for the field, plus a summer cooling system for our gym. Boundary Tap and Kitchen, Raumati at 6.30pm for 7pm start, to 9.30pm. Up to 8 per table. If you don’t have a group we’ll find you one! Tickets $10 per person. Quiz night pizza or burger ($10) can be booked at Boundary Tap. Costumes/themes encouraged, prize for best dressed table + 1st and 2nd winners’ prizes. All school parents and their friends welcome (not for students). We particularly encourage Kapiti families - come and meet other local Marsden families. For tickets or questions: Payment will be by direct banking.
Changes to Tracksuit HireChanges are being implemented to remove the need to provide cash or checks when hiring a tracksuit. The changes allow for fees to be disbursed to your son’s/daughter’s accounts.
The revised procedures are effective immediately and include:
· The hire fee of $10, which is non-refundable, will be disbursed to your son’s/ daughter’s account
· An extra charge of $50 will be disbursed to their account if the tracksuit is returned dirty, wet or damaged (this replaces the previous bond)
· If you lose the tracksuit, or fail to return it to school within two weeks of the event, you will responsible for complete replacement costs.
Changes to the Hire procedure are reflected in the Tracksuit Hire Request Form attached. Please read carefully. This form is also available on Ultranet.
Financial Assistance for NCEA Examination FeesFinancial assistance is available to assist with the payment of entry fees for National Secondary Schools qualifications. You cannot claim financial assistance for international fee-paying students. To be eligible to apply you must be the fee-payer and meet at least one of the following criteria:
· be receiving a Work and Income or Study Link benefit (benefit-based applications)
· have a joint family income that would entitle you to receive a Community Services Card (income-based applications)
· be a fee-payer with two or more children who are candidates, irrespective of family income (multiple candidate applications), where the total fees you would have to pay would otherwise be more than the $200 multiple candidate maximum.
How do I apply for financial assistance?
Complete an application form as soon as possible. Send the completed form to the school that you have listed on the form. If your application covers more than one candidate, send the form to the school of the first candidate you have listed. That school will process your application. If you are the fee-payer for candidates attending different schools, the first school will send it on to any other schools for you. This entire process must be completed by mid-August to ensure applications are processed in time. Later applications incur a late fee or may not be processed.
Application forms can be found here. Please contact Ms Sharron Morgan for further information
NCEA Scholarship ExaminationsScholarshipis the highest level of achievement available to students at the end of their secondary schooling. At Marsden we encourage our high achievers to take up the challenge and test their skills and knowledge against other top students in New Zealand.Scholarshipexaminations provide an opportunity for national academic recognition and monetary award. As of this year, a fee of $30 per subject will be charged byNZQAfor eachScholarshipentry. As recognition of the hard work and commitment of our students, Marsden has undertaken to pay this cost on behalf of allScholarshipcandidates. However, should a student not meet the dates below, or choose not to sit the examination at the end of the year, this $30 fee, as well as a $20 administration fee, will be disbursed to the student’s account, per paper. All Year 13 students have received a letter with the details andScholarshipEntry Form. Students wishing to sit aScholarshipexamination in any subject should discuss their intentions with their teachers and parents/caregivers and ensure a programme of learning is in place. Entries must be made on this form and be with Ms Morgan by Friday 21 August. If students decide to withdraw from a Scholarshipsubject, details should be emailed to Ms Morgan by Friday 28 August. Entries are then forwarded toNZQAand are considered final.
Useful NCEA information for Students and ParentsAs we near the middle of the year it is timely for students and parents to refresh what we understand about how NCEA works, especially the requirements for University Entrance.
Understanding NCEAis a booklet designed for use by students, parents, and the wider school community. It is designed to be a guide to understanding how NCEA works and the importance of having a plan, choosing subjects, career planning and aiming for endorsements. All students have a copy of this booklet, given to them either in year 10 or 11. It can also be viewed here.It is the green booklet on the right. A recently updated digital resource is also available on the NZQA website here TheHow NCEA worksvideo is a popular animation that provides basic information about NCEA and is particularly useful as an initial overview for parents and students new to secondary school.