New Jersey Library Association
Children’s Services Section
Executive Board Meeting
13 February 2009
Princeton Public Library
In attendance:
Ellen PozziRutgers
Jeri GuntherPt. Pleasant Beach Public Library – OCL
Kathy MuhmWestfield Memorial Library
Jan JohnsonPrinceton Public Library
Patty SumnerPiscataway Public Library
Priscilla CorderoOcean County Library
Kristen KirkOcean County Library
Sharon RawlinsNJ State Library
Allison SantosPrinceton Public Library
Juley RodwoginOld Bridge Public Library
Ellen called the meeting at 10:30 a.m. after a tour of the Princeton Public Library.
The January minutes were approved with corrections by Jan Johnson and second approval by Priscilla.All approved the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Jan stated there was nothing spent and there was no report.
Committee Reports
Garden State Children’s Book Awards
Juley reported that Kristen Kirk would be the committee’s Webmaster.
The winners for the GSCBA were announced. Super Fly Guy by Tedd Arnold, Henry and Mudge & the Big Sleepover, by Cynthia Rylant, Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People and The Magic School Bus and the Science Fair Expedition by Joanna Cole. It was noted that Tedd Arnold would be attending the GSBA luncheon in April along with Bruce Degen. Sharon noted that the GSBA- Teen award winners were just announced. The winners are Life as We Knew It, by Susan Beth Pfeffer, Book Thief, Marcus Zusak, and Freedom Riders, byAnn Bausum. It is possible that a book signing will occur after the GSBA luncheon.
Ellen reminded the committee that certificates need to be sent to H. Cramer and Cindy needs to be kept up to date with progress of the GSBA luncheon. Ellen also reminded the committee that the GSCBA wiki should be to link with the Children’s Services web page.
Joanna is back. She added the GSBA winners as a links of interest page. There is also a link to the shadowing program. Lisa still needs to add the performers showcase feedback link to the listserv making it in house comments only.
Books for Kids
There was no report sent in to the committee. It was noted that a meeting is tentative for March.
Performer’s Showcase
Diane sent in a report. The committee met on Friday 2-6-09, and plans are beginning to take shape for the 2009 showcase. Once the performers are confirmed a list for the showcase will become available. The tentative date for the Fall 2009 Performer’s Showcase is Thursday 11-5-09, tentatively at Monmouth County Library. This date and time will be confirmed in mid to late summer.
It was decided by the committee, that despite some of the scheduling obstacles, the best location for the showcase is MCL. The committee is also trying to devise ways of advertising the showcase to build attendance.
Choice Books
Priscilla reported that she has been working on pbwiki and is much easier to streamline and put things into folders. She will also send out an email to the Children’s Services Section about Njkidlib bloggers, stating there are some great bloggers out there.
Priscilla also expressed concern about the fact that the choice books is for librarians, yet participation for book requests appears to be quite limited thus questioning the value of this service. It was decided that it is a valuable service and should therefore continue, but perhaps we need to ask for some feedback from the listserv.
Other Reports
NJLA Executive Board
The January meeting was cancelled.
Ellen mentioned that the SCILS program at Rutgers is possibly changing its name to SCI (School of Communication Information). The programs will remain the same as well as its commitment to Libraries; it is just a name change.
2-19-09 is the date for Libraries across the state to take a look at what we do. “A day in the life of a library”. This is a campaign to show how important libraries are to citizens across the state.
State Library
Sharon reported there is still no information about the budget and it is important to get information out to the public in order for libraries to continue serving the public.
Sharon presented to the committee “What’s the Big Idea” based out of the Vermont Center for Books. The purpose of the program is to incorporate science and math concepts in all aspects of story time based on books that are commonly read. The program aimed at K-3rd grade. The kit provides materials and ideas to promote and execute a successful math and science program. Sharon and Allison were both trained in this program through a NJ Grant and now they are going to be training willing librarians in this program. The deadline for the training is 4-15-09.
The annual Author Conference is scheduled for Woodbridge Public Library on Friday, 5-8-09.
Summer Reading Club
Allison reported that the website was launched and has been structured as a more professional tool. The workshops went live and after few issues and snags, it is back up and running smoothly again. The workshops are filling quickly with three children’s workshops and two teen ones.
The goal for the workshops is to have one children’s and one teen workshop video taped and pod cast. Though the workshops are full day, the committee is making every effort to streamline and be fiscally responsible regarding expenses.
2010 committee will have its first meeting 5-22-09 in Princeton as of now; there are 7 members on the 2010 committee. Ellen will send out a message on the listserv in an attempt to recruit members.
The Summer Reading Club will have a table at the NJLA conference and at that time the committee will try to recruit members as well.
Youth Services Forum
Sharon reported that as of now there is no committee, but is hopeful people will join. The listserv will be used to recruit new members and to generate input about the upcoming forum. There is a meeting scheduled for March or April. Sharon is rethinking the format and structure of the forum due to the high demands for the need to use technology for presentations. The date had not been determined.
Old Business
2009 Conference
Jeri reported that she has received confirmation on most of the programs submitted. Math & Science and Home schooling were initially not approved, but the board was polled and decided to replace the Family Place program and the Fantasy program with the Math & Science and Home Schooling. It was approved. Jeri then recruited moderators for each of the programs, she will now send out emails confirming moderation assignments and times once set. It was also suggested that she retouch base will all of the presenters confirming meeting, time, and need for Internet connections at the time of the conference. It was suggested that there should be a Tech person available throughout the conference.
Jeri noted how much she enjoyed working on the conference and that it is only as good as the people you work with. She stated it was a worthwhile committee and experience.
Shadowing List/ Instructions
Ellen has compiled a list of mentors for the shadowing program. The link is on the CSS section of the NJLA web page.
Ballot 2009- 2010
Kristen reported she has a full ballot for the 2009-2010 NJLA-CSS Board. The ballot is:
Vice President/President Elect: Jan Johnson
Priscilla Cordero
Treasurer: Christina Estlow
Member at Large: Melissa Ernst
Amera Elbayar
New Children’s Librarian Day
Jan reported there is nothing to report and the committee will begin to meet soon.
New Business
The Guidelines manual was scanned into a PDF, however it is too big so it needs be done in smaller increments. Sharon is still working in this.
The next meeting is on 4-3-09 at Woodbridge Public Library.
Meeting adjourned 12:25
Patty Sumner