The Band Intensive for 2016is for Senior Band, Concert Band, Junior Band and Orchestra ONLY. It will be held at the school on Saturday 14th May and Sunday 15th May 2015. Over the weekend the children will rotate between group tutor practice and band practice. The cost has already been included in Semester 1 Band Fees. Jazz Band will hold there Intensive on Thursday 12th May from 3 – 5.30pm, at school. More details will be sent out about this to Jazz Band families shortly. Please check the programme below for when your child’s Band is practising.
Sat 16th May / 12.45pm / SB, CB & JB only / Sign in by Parent/AdultTutor / MW / C
1.00-1.50pm / SB / CB / JB / MW (Band room)
2.00-2.50pm / JB / SB / CB / Conductor (Library)
3.00-3.50pm / CB / JB / SB / Tutor (classrooms)
4.00-4.15pm / Afternoon Tea / Playground
4.15-5.30pm / Band Rehearsals
5.30 pm / PICK UP / Sign Out by Parent/Adult
Sun 17th May / 8.45-9.00am / SB, CB, JB, Orchestra / Sign in, roll call
9.00-10.45am / Band Rehearsals
10.45-11.00am / Morning tea / playground
MW / C / C / C
11.00-11.35am / CB / JB / O / SB / MW (Band room)
11.35-12.10pm / JB / SB / O / CB / Conductor (Library)
12.10-12.45pm / SB / CB / O / JB / Conductor (Infants Cola)
12.45 -1.30pm / Lunch / Playground
1.30 -2.30pm / Mini Concert (all Bands) / Hall - Parents Welcome
2.30 pm / PICK UP / Sign Out by Parent/Adult
PermissionForms. The attached “Permission Notes” must be returnedto the band box at the office by Friday 6th May 2016.
Payment-No payment is required as this was included in the First Semester Invoice.
Arrival & Departures. Children MUST be signed IN and OUT by a parent/guardian or adult.
Late Arrival & Early Departures. It is expected that your child willattend the entire time their band is required. If there are any difficulties meeting this commitment you must adviseMr Walmsley in writing,explaining the reason your child cannot attend. Please also send an email to the Band Coordinator (see details at end). Children are required to be signed in and out by a Parent/ Guardian.
MusicStands. Concert Band members are to bring their music stands with them. Please mark them clearly. They will stay in the band room overnight on Saturday.
Meals. Each day’s session will have a break – no food will be provided so please send lunch/snacks with your child. Ensure you provide a water bottle for each child.
ParentAssistance.We need parents to assist with supervision for each session for the Intensive Camp to work effectively. Tasks will include: supervision of tutors lessons, rehearsals and breaks. Parents may also be asked to assist in music sheet sorting during their shifts. Please make yourself available and complete the ‘Offer of Help’ form.
Emergency Contact. On the Permission Note please give a number for the ENTIRE TIME your child will be at the Intensive. Children do get sick and accidents can occur. If you are unavailable, then nominate someone who can act for you. Failure to provide a responsible emergency contact point affects all of us – both personally and legally.
MedicalAdvice. Parents/guardians are to complete the medical advice on the Permission Note in order to assist the Parent Helpers in caring for your children.
MiniConcert. An informal concert will be conducted from about 1.30pm on Sunday and parents are welcome to attend. There will be some seating available for the concert.
Ann-Marie Cahill 0421 597 131
Key for Timetable
JB = Junior BandCB = Concert BandSB = Senior Band
JB1 = Jazz Band 1O = Orchestra
MW = Matthew WalmsleyC = Conductor
As a parent/guardian of ______(child’s name) of ______(band), ______(class),I give permission for him/her to attend the Artarmon School Band Intensive on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th May 2016at Artarmon Public School.
I understand that:
- the Band Intensive is conducted by the P&C Band Committee who are a part of the Artarmon Public School P&C;
- the children will be under the control of parent volunteers, tutors and the Band Director acting in a supervisory capacity;
- that all persons in such supervisory roles will exercise reasonable care and diligence in supervising the children and will not be liable for any loss, injury, expense or damage suffered or incurred by any child attending the intensive;
- a reasonable attempt will be made to have someone with first aid, nursing or medical qualifications on each shift but this may not be possible;
- I am to be contactable the entire weekend or nominate someone who will be
Contactable at all times;
- in the event of accident, injury or illness, when I am contacted, I will take responsibility for any further action;
- in the event that I cannot be contacted, I authorise the supervising parents to obtain medical assistance if they consider it necessary and I agree to pay for and/or indemnify the Supervisors in respect of any claims or expenses reasonably incurred on behalf of the said child or children; and
- I have discussed with my child the need for cooperative behaviour to make the weekend a success.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Name: ______(please print)
Emergency contact numbers over the weekend.
Medical Advice Please list any medications your child is taking, or medical issues that must be considered.
All notes should be in the band box no later than Friday 6thMay 2016
Name ______
email ______
Mobile ______
Child’s name______Band______
This Band Intensive offers the children the opportunity to refine their skills prior to the upcoming competitions. For the Intensive to proceed and be a success we need your help. Please indicate your preferences with a 1, 2 or 3 by the sessions.
12.30 pm – 3.15 pmSATURDAY (6)
3.00 pm – 5.45 pmSATURDAY (6)
8.30 am – 12.00 pmSUNDAY (6)
11.45pm – 2.45 pmSUNDAY(6)
Band Intensive Permission note 2016