Software Release Notes / 5-2-2016 - Page 1 of 15
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Software Release Notes
RollMaster Retail Systemv1604.1
New Content sinceApril 2016
Sales Processing:
- A new menu appears in the Sales Processing main menu and now contains all Maintenance modules from the previous menu as follows:
When you select that menu item, the system will prompt a new Sales Processing Setup Programs menu as follows:
Additionally, a new Time Maintenance module has been added to this menu to allow for customizing Install Time descriptions for use in the Multi-Day Installation programming. When you enter this module, the screen will appear as follows:
Any existing Time descriptions will automatically appear and you can double-click to edit. To add, click the Add New button to prompt an Edit Time box as follows:
Use the Short Description field for a brief description and the Long Description field to be more descriptive. You can also click the Hide If No Records box to remove from sort fields if no records exist for a Time description. Once you begin typing, a Save button will appear to the right of the Changes to Descriptions Must Be Saved!prompt. You can use the Sort Order option to change the order of the Time Descriptions as they appear in the drop down menu. When you click on this option, the screen will appear as follows:
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the List Sort Order.
- A new Install Dates tab screen appears in the Order Entry screen to facilitate Multi-Day Installation Scheduling. That tab screen appears as follows:
Complete documentation on Multi-Day Installation Scheduling can be found in the Installation Scheduling stand-alone documentation located on the doc site as follows:
- The Copy button feature in Order Entry will no longer copy over any Credit Memo Lines. If any exist on the Job being copied, a message will prompt alerting the User that Credit Memo Lines were not copied. Additionally, wherever the “Copy” functionality has been added to the system, i.e., Jobs, Quotes, Templates, the system will not copy over any “Inactive” catalog items. A message will prompt as follows: The following lines weren’t copied because the items was inactive or not in the catalog.
- The system is now tracking, via the View Job Audit and Audit Review features, the User ID of who created a Job, along with all Users accessing the Job, and also when a Job is unlocked.Because of this change, the Order Log Boxthat popped up upon entering a new Job has been removed from the system. Also, Job Typechanges are now being tracked.
- An additional feature in the Inventory Reviewscreen is the addition of a Memo field display at the bottom left of the screen as follows:
This Memofield pulls from the Memofield in the Edit Inventory Itemscreen of the Inventory Maintenance module.
- With regard to the Line Comments feature, the Unitfield in the Add Room Comment Line box is now pulling from the Work Unitfield of the Product Code for non-roll good items. Prior to this update, the Unitfield was hard-coded to read “Each.”
- In the Property Management/Builders Templates module, a new Last Modifieddate field has been added to the main screen under the Selected Template Detailbox as follows:
- Two new fields have been added to the Payment Type Code Maintenance module. The Print on Documentscheckbox was added primarily for the ChargeItProCredit Card Processing integration because it does not produce a traditional CC receipt. However, with this box checked, whether you have CIP or not, the system will print a version of the CC receipt data on system documents, including the Sales Agreement, Customer Receipt, Invoice, and Credit Memo. The Alternate Bank Rec Groupfield, also accessible for non-CIP customers, can be used to “join” Payment Typestogether so they total together in the Bank Rec program for easier reconciliation. The drop down menu contains a list of pre-defined “Groups” that should cover all scenarios. In most cases, Visa, Master Card, and Discoverwill be grouped together under a generic “Credit Card” Group, leaving American Expressto Groupby itself as American Express. However, every company is different, so this field can be used to create a myriad of combinations.
- The Quotation Listing Excel export data now includes two new fields as follows: Close DateClose Reason.
Inventory Control:
- A new feature to move inventory between Products, Colors and/or Product Codes has been added to the Catalog Maintenance and Inventory Maintenance modules. The feature appears as Move Available Inventory from the Options menu in the Edit Existing Catalog screen, and as Move Inventory (Available) from the Options menu in the Edit Inventory Item screen. This will work for a few different scenarios, explained below. Only Available inventory will be moved. If any inventory is currently assigned, it will stay with the current record. All Cost, Freight, Overbill, Vendor Invoice #, etc. information will transfer with the moved inventory. Additionally, a Pointer Record will be written for both the old and new inventory record, and an Audit Detail record will also be created. This is handy for B2B conversion, among other uses.
In the first scenario, a single roll can be moved from within the Edit Inventory Item screen, and can be moved to a different Catalog Item, Color, or to an entirely new Product Code. If written to a new Product Code, the system will automatically create the Catalog Item during the inventory move process. The Move Available Inventory screen appears as follows:
To Move to a specific existing catalog item(1), use the fields in that section to identify a specific Catalog Item to move the inventory. To Move to new product code(2), use the drop down menu to select an existing Product Code. If the Catalog Item or Colordoes not exist under that Product Code, the system will automatically create the Catalog Item. Click the Move Inventory button to move the inventory.
In the 2nd Scenario, you will access the Move Available Inventory screen from the Edit Existing Catalog screen. In this scenario, you can move all Available rolls/inventory within a Single color (Edit All Colors is unchecked) to a new Catalog Item or Product Code. The screen will appear the same as above with all fields available. This is the preferred scenario for B2B conversion and the inventory should be moved to an existing B2B Catalog Item.
In the 3rd Scenario, you will access the Move Available Inventory screen the same way as in the 2nd Scenario, but you will check the Edit All Colors box first, thereby removing the Move to a specific existing catalog item functionality. The screen will now appear as follows:
- A Height field has been added to the Catalog Maintenance screen below Widthand Length. This will only apply to specialized items where height data is needed.
- The Split Inventory feature will now work for 15’ goods. Applicable rolls can be split into 7’6” widths, provided a Product Code with a Custom Factorprogrammed for 7’6” exists to handle the new inventory size.
- A new option has been added to the Special Catalog Mtc. (By Product Code) module to update pricing by a percent. When you access this module, a new menu item will appear as follows: Edit Cost by Percent. When you click on this option, an Edit Cost by Percentbox will appear as follows:
In the Product Type, Product Code, Vendor Type, and Vendor(1)fields, select any applicable combinations to customize the list of catalog items impacted by this percent change. At the Cost %(2)field, choose an integer to multiply all costs, i.e., 1.11 will effectively raise costs by 11%, and .90 would effectively lower costs by 10%. Once programmed, click the Savebutton to activate the percent change. The system will then read through the catalog and update costs accordingly. The system will also write a history record within each catalog record, displaying the User ID, what was changed, and that the change came from this program. The Log List(2)option at the top right will display a running list of percent changes performed in this feature. When you click on that option, a Log Listbox will display as follows:
If you highlightand right-clickon a “Changed” item in the list, you will see the following option: Restore Pricing. This will revert the pricing back to what it was before the percent change was enacted. The system will also write a new history record for the Restoredpricing.
- The Inventory Audit report now displays quantity and valueon deleted items, rather than just displaying that the item was deleted. It now also has a time stamp.
Bar-code Management and Printing:
- N/A
Job Cost:
- N/A
Purchase Orders:
- When exporting the Receiving Report (Standard), the data now contains the Salesperson ID from the PO.
Installation System:
- In the Installer Maintenance module, the Preferred/Excluded feature now allows for printing the current list of Customers/Ship Toaddresses that are set up under the Installer’s account. Additionally, new Customers/Ship Toaddresses can be Addedfrom this screen, as well as Deletingexisting.
- In theInstallation Schedule module, when assigning an Installer, the system will check the Preferred/Excluded Installerlist against the Customer/Ship Toand pop up a warning where an ExcludedInstallerhas been selected.
- The Installer Payables History graphical screen has been updated with sortable columns to make it easier to locate jobs in the list.
Accounts Receivable:
- In the Sales Tax Code Maintenance module, the ability to update tax codes by Territory Code has been added. In the Replace Tax Codesoption screen under the Functionsmenu, you will now see a Sales Territoryfield, which defaults to **All**. To replace Sales Tax Codesfor a specific Territory, use the drop down menu to make that selection prior to clicking the Continuebutton.
- When exporting theCustomer Master Listing to Excel, new columns have been added to display the Invoice Print Preferencesettings at the Customerlevel and the Ship To Code level.
- The Print Statements module now has an option to exclude zero balance items. A new option now appears at the bottom left as follows: Omit Zero Balance Invoices. You must check this box in order for this option to work.
- On the A/R Aging Report (Standard), a new option appears as follows:Exclude Credit Balance Customers. If you type a “Y” for yes at this option, the system will leave off any customers with a credit balance on their account.
Accounts Payable:
- The entire Accounts Payable menu and Reports menu is now graphical. Please see the newly updated Accounts Payable documentation section located in the document repository on the website for complete details.
- In the VendorStatus Inquiry module, the O/I Datecolumn now sorts newest to oldest. Also, all the column headings are available for clicking to sort the screen display data.
- The Hold/Release Open Items menu option has been removed from the Accounts Payable menu. It was disabled in the previous release.
- The Check History – PO Version menu option has been removed from the Accounts Payable menu. It was disabled in a previous version.
- The non-graphical Bank Reconciliation menu option has been removed from the Accounts Payable menu. Every client has been migrated over to the graphical version.
- An update has been made to the system to allow batching of credit cards to make reconciling easier in the Bank Reconciliation module, i.e., all credit cards together for bank rec, or some split out separate, such as American Expressand/or Discover. This feature was added because of the Credit Card Processing integration software now available from RollMaster and ChargeItPro, but does not require use of that functionality. To begin, access the Payment Type Code Maintenance module. The Alternate Bank Rec Group field at the bottom can be used to “join” Payment Typestogether so they total together in the Bank Rec program for easier reconciliation. The drop down menu contains a list of pre-defined “Groups” that should cover all scenarios. In most cases, Visa, Master Card, and Discoverwill be grouped together under a generic “Credit Card” Group, leaving American Expressto Groupby itself as American Express. However, every company is different, so this field can be used to create a myriad of combinations.
- In the Open Item Adjustment Register, when an Open Item is Deleted, the date on the report will now reflect the Deleted Date, not the original Open Item date.
- The Items Selected for Payment Listing report is now graphical. When you enter this report module, the screen will appear as follows:
Click the Printbutton to print the report.
- The Open Invoice Listing (As Of)no longer appears in the menu. It was disabled in a previous version, as the ability to print “As Of” was added to the Open Invoice Listing report during the graphical update to that module.
- With the change over to the new graphical Print Checks module, the following menu items have been removed from the A/P Reports Menu 2 of 2: Print Checks – 3up Laser Version, Print Checks – MICR Version, and MICR Account Maintenance. All of this functionality can now be found within the new Print Checks module.
- The Outstanding Check Listing no longer appears in the menu. It was disabled in a previous version, as the ability to print a list of outstanding checks was added to the Reconciliation Reportsmenu located within the Bank Reconciliation module.
General Ledger:
- Both the G/L Budget Comparison Report and G/L Budget Comparison Report (Pct Sales) are now exporting to Excel.
- A new report has been added to the system and appears as follows: Annual Income Statement – Profit/Loss. This report currently only exports to Excelbecause of the landscape format required to compare multiple periods in column format. When you enter this report module, the screen will appear as follows:
This module looks and works very similarly to the Annual Trial Balance module. The cursor will be positioned at the Company ID (1)prompt. If applicable, use the drop down menu to select a different Company. One big difference is the BeginningPeriod(2)field will be hard coded to Period 1. The Ending Periodfield will default to the current default Posting Period. You can adjust the Ending Periodwhen applicable. The default for the Select(3)box fields is This Year. You can click Next Year if that period is not open in the current year, or click the Previous Year(4)option and the system will display an FYEdrop down menu so you can select a prior year. At the Report Format(5)field, even though the report is not yet printing to paper, you must select an option at this fieldthat contains IncomeExpenseaccounts to display in Excel. Next, click the Excel icon (6)to export to Excel. To exit without exporting, click the Cancelbutton. The exported data will display a column for each Periodincluded and then a Totalcolumn as the last column.
- N/A
Owner Functions:
- N/A
Special Functions:
- N/A
B2B Catalog Process:
- Kraus Flooring is ready for B2B catalog import. A new Product Code has been set up for Kraus Flooring accessories as follows: xs.
- The system is preventing any duplication of Invoice #’s from the 810 files from the Vendor. If a duplicate is found to exist, the system will alter the number to create a unique Item Number.
System Maintenance:
- There arefour new controls in the Company Control 4 level of the System Control Maintenance module. The first control, Use ChargeItPro CC Processor, will be activated by a RollMaster Support Team member when a client adds ChargeItPro to their system. The second control, Prompt Branch in new Sales?, if set to “Y” for yes, will activate a new Branch IDprompt when creating a new Job, Quote, or Property Management Template. This will be used primarily by multi-Branchoperations with central processing locations. The third control, Tax Codes Default from Table, if set to “Y” for yes, will require Tax Codes on new Customers to pull from the Region default linked to the State/Province designated in Region Setup. The fourth new control, Make InvAdj Comment Required, if set to “Y” for yes, will make adding an Inventory Adjustment Comment mandatory.
- In the User Control 1 screen, when adding a new User, the prompts to copy the Userto other Branches has been removed for the time being. This prompt needs to appear after controls have been set, not before, and new programming will reflect that change.
- A few new Custom Menus have been added to the system. They are as follows: MENUOWN.FIL. This menu is the same as MENUMAN.FIL, but also includes the Owner Functions menu items. The next is as follows: MENUWHM.FIL. This is the full MENUWH.FIL custom menu with the addition of the Bar-code Management & Printing menu added to the Inventory Control menu. The last is as follows: MENUSLSG.FIL. This menu mirrors MENUMANB.FIL, but does not contain Sales Analysis, and does include A/R Aging by Salesperson.
Miscellaneous programming notes: