Holy Ghost Carpatho Russian Orthodox Church

249 South Seventh Avenue Manville, NJ 08835 Rectory: 908-725-3385

Parish Website: Visit our Facebook page

Rev. Father Kenneth E. Ellis, Pastor Fr. Ken’s E Mail:

Sub deacon Jacob Hando, AttachedElizabeth Drenchko, Board President

A Parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese

Diocesan Website: Camp Nazareth:
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Weekend Schedule of Services

Saturday: Great Vespers 6:30 PM with confessions following

Sunday: Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM

Holy Days: As Announced

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Meatfare Sunday/Tone 7

St. Maurice of the Seventy, Martyr

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 8: 8-9:2

Gospel Reading: Matthew 25: 31-46

Please remember in your daily prayers:

Mary Matson, MikeEvelynHolodinski, Sue Zujkowski, Arnold & Julia Katko, Ann Rinkovsky, Peter & Margaret Rasko, Renata Cimova,Nancy Collins,Kim Monto, Elaine Provenzano, Greg Zripko, Joshue Hernandez, Lori Sladky, Carol Petersen, Victor Hando, Lois Meltzer, Steven Nolan, Vincent & Elizabeth Baldanza, Vasil Fetchina, Bernadine Trubilla, William Roach andHailey Elizabeth Hopper. Let us also remember in a special way all those who are caregivers to those who are ill,all of the personal intentions that are in our hearts, all of our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout our country and around the world, and all of our Armed Forces, especially CPO Jeff Strauch. Please let Fr. Ken know if any names should be added to or deleted from the prayer list.


Robert Limyansky 3/6

Sergei Cima 3/6

Gary Kost 3/8

John Zripko 3/12

Many Blessed Years!!! Nam Mnohaja I BlahajaL’ita!!!


+Helen Hutnyan 3/7/1975

+Julie Tafton 3/7/1995

+Mary Barna 3/9/1959

Memory Eternal!!! Vicnaja Jim Pamjat!!!


In Honor of the Holy Ghost Parish Family No Sponsor This Week

Many Blessed Years! Nam Mnohaja I BlahajaL’ita!

In the Name of the Lord…We welcome all guests and visitors today, and are pleased that you have joined us in worship this morning. Please be sure to join us in our hall downstairs afterwards for coffee and fellowship.

LAST WEEKS OFFERING AND EXPENSE REPORT…Theoffering fromSunday, February 28, 2016, including the Sunday Tithe offering, Candles, Shop Rite Cards, Lenten Food Sales and Special Offeringamounts to $3482.00 Expenses this week include PSE&G, Pension, Verizon, Sewer, Shop Rite Cards, Fire Extinguishers, and Fr. Ken, for a total of $4262.06 TheSpecial Projects Fundis at $92. Thank you to all of the generous souls who support our parish and its different projects and ministries. It is through YOUR help that we are able to accomplish many things for our parish and our community!

Forgiveness Sunday Vespers…will be held next Sunday at 3PM at St. John the Baptist Church, Perth Amboy. Following the completion of church services and the exchange of forgiveness, a light Lenten meal will be shared in the parish hall. All are welcome to join together as we begin the Great Fast.

Sunday of Orthodoxy…clergy and faithful from our deanery will gather at 12:30 PM here, and together we will process to SS Peter & Paul, where we will meet up with their clergy and faithful, and together process to St. Grigol for Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at 1:00 PM. Following the Vespers service, all of those assembled will walk back here to Holy Ghost, where a Lenten meal will be provided by the courtesy of the Georgian community of St. Grigol. This has become an honored tradition in our deanery, and in town. Encourage your family and friends to join us in solidarity as we celebrate Orthodoxy in Central New Jersey!

Deanery Fundraiser for the Camp Nazareth Bus…Through the efforts of our own Sharon Kechula, our Deanery is selling Dip Mixes/Oils/Spreads from Gourmet Creations. With this fundraiser, our Deanery will earn 50% There are flyers and order forms in the hall, and you can also see their information online at You don’t need to have kids going to camp to support this fundraiser! The bus cost is a staggering $4400; your generous support makes it possible for our deanery kids to get to Camp Nazareth!

Donors/Sponsors are needed…for a new set of white Altar Server Dalmatics. A few parishioners have committed to sponsoring; we need a total of eight in various sizes to accommodate our boys as they grow. The cost for each dalmatic is $250. If you’re interested in sponsoring one or more, please see Fr. Ken!

Donors/Sponsors are needed…for some maintenance and replating of two of the chalice sets that are used for Divine Liturgies. Over time, the gold plating has become scratched and worn down. The small set used for weekdays has been sent out for replating, and is expected back in approximately 3-4 weeks. Once that set is returned, the set that is used for Sundays will be sent out. The cost to refurbish the small discos, star and chalice is around $500; the larger set, including the spoon and spear along with the discos, star and chalice is around $600. Thank you to the generous souls who have asked about underwriting the costs for this project.

Handicap Ramp…the concrete is scheduled to be poured this week, weather permitting. Soon the project will be complete and the ramp usable. Many thanks to all who have helped to make this project a reality.

Lenten Food Sales…continue with week #5this Friday, March 11th. Sheila’s crew will meet on Tuesday morning to prepare one of the soups; Pani Cyndi’s crew will meet on Thursday after 5PM to prepare another soup. Extra hands are always helpful to prepare and set up the hall, stock supplies, roll silverware, etc. The hall will be open on Friday from 12-6 PM for lunch and dinner, and takeout orders. Your hands are needed to ensure everything goes smoothly! Remember, how well we do dependson YOU! This week’s soups are onion soup or broccoli and cheese. There also may be frozen containers of black bean , corn chowder, acorn squash, southwestern sweet potato chowder, tomato basil, split pea, cream of asparagus, and mushroom barley; halushki is also likely available.

2016 Eastern Region Diocesan Lenten Retreat…Saturday, April 16, 2016 9am-5pm at the Conference Center at Valley Forge, Phoenixville, PA. $20 adults/teens, $7 kids ages 6-12. Register by April 2, 2016.