Global 10: Lesson Plans

Unit 1: 9th Grade Review

Day .5: History Introduction

1.  Seating Chart

2.  15,000 years of History

3.  Rules [nb p.1]/Syllabus [wb p.3-4]/video policy [wbp.5]/Retraining [wb/nb p.2], Desk Writing

4.  Vocab [nb p.228-242, depends)]

HW: permission slip [wb p. 4,5]

Day 1: The Social Sciences

  1. Bellringer/collect Permission Slip [wb p.4,5]
  2. Notes 1 pg ½ (fill-in) [nb p.9-10]
  3. Social Science Mosaic [wb p.7-8]

HW: Geography Pretest [wb p.9]

Day 2: The First Civilizations

  1. Bellringer, Review HW [wb p.9]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.11-13]
  3. Video: Beginning of the End plus Questions [wb p.10]

HW: Code of Hammurabi Cartoon [wb p.11]

Day 3: Ancient Civilizations-Golden Ages

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb. p.11]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.14-16]
  3. Golden Age Acrostic Poem [wb p.12-13]

HW: A Struggle for Power Reading/Quiz [wb p.14-15]

Day 4: Belief Systems

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.14-15]
  2. Notes 2 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.17-19]

3.  History Memory

HW: Vocab [nb p228-242 – depends]

Day 5: The Middle Ages 500-1500 A.D.

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [nb p.228-242]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.20-22]
  3. Multiple Choice Practice [wb p.16-18]

HW: The Feudal Systems The Feudal System Chart [wb p.19], Advances in the Middle Ages Chart [wb p.20], Map Lesson The Spread of Islam [wb p.21]

***Extra page wb p.16***

Day 6: The Middle Ages Around the World

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.19-21]
  2. Notes 2 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.23-25]
  3. Reading: Constantinople the Crossroads of Europe & Asia [wb p.22-23]
  4. Begin HW

HW: Natural Resources & State Building Reading/Questions [wb p.24-25]

Day 7: The Renaissance

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.24-25]
  2. Notes 1 ¾ pg (fill-in) [nb p.26-27]

3.  Video: Exploring the Renaissance plus Questions [wb p.26]

HW: Middle Ages & Renaissance Chart [wb p27], Protestant Reformation Cartoon [wb p.28]

Day 8: The Age of Exploration

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.27,28]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.28-30]
  3. DBQ Short Answer Practice [wb p.29-32] & T.O.D. DBQ Outline [wb p.34]

HW: Finish Outline [wb p.34], Vocab [nb p.228-242 – depends]

Day 9: The Enlightenment

  1. Bellringer, Check T.O.D. DBQ Outline [wb p.34]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.31-32]

3.  Map Europe 1815 plus questions [wb p.35-36]

HW: vocab [nb p.228-242 – depends]

Day 10: The French Revolution

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [nb p.228-242]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.33-34]
  3. Thematic Essay Practice [wb p.37-38], T.O. Outline [wb. 39]

HW: Vocab [nb p.228-242 – depends] , Study for Test, Review Sheet Unit 1 [nb p.35-38]

Day 11: Review Day- Unit 1, 9th Grade Review

1.  Jeopardy

HW: Study for Test, Review Sheet Unit 1 [nb p.35-38]

Day 12: Unit 1, 9th Grade Review Test

1.  Test

Unit 2: The Industrial Revolution

Day 13: The Industrial Revolution Begins

  1. Bellringer
  2. Notes 1 pg [nb p.39]
  3. Video: The Industrial Revolution plus Questions [wb p.40]

HW: The Industrial Revolution Reading/Quiz/Chart [wb p.41-43]

Day 14: The Industrial Revolution - Causes

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.41-43]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.40]
  3. The Steam Engine Reading/Questions [wb p.44-46]

HW: Iron Ore Production Chart [wb p.48], Vocab #1-7 [nb p.243]

Day 15: The Industrial Revolution – Britain

  1. Bellringer, Check HW
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.41-42]
  3. Video: Engineering an Empire – Britain’s Industrial Revolution Plus Questions [wb p.49]

HW: Impact of Railroads [wb p.50], The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain Timeline [wb p.51]


Day 16: The Factory System

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.50-51]
  2. Notes [nb p.43]
  3. Assembly Line Activity

HW: Activity Worksheet wb. p.52, Life in a New England Factory Reading/Questions [wb p.53]

Day 17: The Industrial Revolution – Hardships

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.53]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.44-45]
  3. Testimony on Child Labor in Britain [wb p.54]

HW: Journal: The Industrial Revolution [wb p.55]

Day 18: The Industrial Revolution Spreads

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.55]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.46-47]
  3. The Industrial Revolution Cause & Effects Poster [wb p.56-57]

HW: Age of Industry Timeline [wb p.58], Vocab #8-18 [nb p.243-244]

Day 16: Life During the Industrial Revolution

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.58]
  2. Station Activity: Life During the Industrial Revolution [wb p.59-63]
  3. Last 5 minutes review stations

HW: The Emergence of Mass Society Table [wb p.64]

Day 19: New Ways of Thinking

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.64]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.48-49]
  3. Power to the People Reading/Questions [wb p.65-69]

HW: New Economic and Social Theories Worksheet [wb p.70], Vocab #19-24 [nb p.242]

Day 20: Women & Society, 1800’s

  1. Bellringer, Check HW
  2. Notes 1 pg
  3. Unit 2 The Industrial Revolution Review Sheet

HW: Emmeline Pankhurst Reading/Questions, Vocab #1-25

*** Extra Page of Notes, nb p.51***

Day 23: DBQ – The Industrial Revolution

  1. Bellringer,
  2. DBQ Short Answer Questions [wb p.72-76]

HW: Finish Short Answers [wb p.72-76]

Day 24: DBQ – The Industrial Revolution

  1. Bellringer,
  2. DBQ T.O.D. Outline [wb p.77]

HW: Finish Outline [wb p.77]

Day 25: DBQ – The Industrial Revolution

  1. Bellringer,
  2. DBQ Essay [wb p.78-79]

HW: Finish Essay [wb p.78-79]

Day 26: DBQ – The Industrial Revolution

  1. Bellringer,
  2. DBQ Peer Grading (Rubrics) [wb p.80-81]
  3. Turn in DBQ Essay

HW: Unit 2 Review Sheet [nb p.52-53], Study for Test

Day 21: Review Day – Unit 2, The Industrial Revolution

1.  Jeopardy

HW: Study, Unit 2 Review Sheet [wb p.52-53]

Day 22: Unit 2, The Industrial Revolution Test

1.  Test

Unit 3: The Rise of Nationalism

Day 27: The Rise of Nationalism

  1. Bellringer
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.54]
  3. The Plot to Turn Back the Clock Play/Questions [wb p.82-86]
  4. Journal: New Ideas in Politics [wb p.87]

HW: New Ideas in Politics Reading/Quiz/Map [wb p.88-90]

Day 28: Latin American Nationalism

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.88-90]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.55-56]
  3. History Freestyle: Latin American Revolutions [wb p.91-92]

HW: Francois Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture [wb p.93]

Day 29: Germany’s Unification

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.93]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.57-58]
  3. Iron & Blood Reading/Questions [wb p.94-98]

HW: Bismarck and His Strategies Reading/Questions [wb p.99]

Day 30: Italy’s Unification

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.99]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.59]
  3. What is Nationalism Reading/Questions [wb p.100-102]

HW: Culture & Nationalism Italy & Germany Diagram [wb p.104-107]

Day 31/32/33: Nationalist Leaders Group Project

  1. Bellringer, Check HW
  2. Group Work/Worksheet [wb p.104-107]

Day 34/35: Nationalist Leaders Group Project

  1. Bellringer, Group Presentations (need Rubric)
  2. Notes [wb p.60-62]
  3. Watch Presentation on TV

Day 36: Russia 1800, Czars & Revolutions

  1. Bellringer, Check Group Presentation Worksheet [wb p.104-107]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.63-64]
  3. Journal: Europe Moves Towards War [wb p.108]
  4. The Execution in Semyonovsky Square Reading/Questions [wb p.109]

HW: Vocab #1-19 [nb p.244-245]

Day 37: Britain 1800’s

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [nb p.244-245 #1-19]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.65]
  3. Video: Engineering an Empire – Britain 1800s [wb p.110]
  4. London Street Portrait using The London Street Markets Reading & Friedrich Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 [wb p.111-114]

HW: Finish Portrait [wb p.114]

Day 38: Irish Nationalism

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.114]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.66]
  3. Video: Irish Potato Famine plus Questions [wb p.115-116]

HW: The Irish Potato Famine Reading/Questions [wb .117], From a Lecture on the Causes of the Irish Famine Reading/Questions [wb p.118]

Day 39: Nationalism Spreads

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.117-118]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.67]
  3. Thematic Essay: T.O. Outline [wb p.119-122, Rubric [wb p.123-124]

HW: Unit 3 – The Rise of Nationalism Review Sheet [nb p.68-69], Study for Test, Finish Unit 3 Vocab #1-24 [nb p.244-245

Day 40: Review Day- Unit 3, The Rise of Nationalism

  1. Bellringer, Check Thematic T.O. Outline

2.  Jeopardy

HW: Study for Test, Unit 3 – The Rise of Nationalism Review Sheet [nb p.68-69]

Day 41: Unit 3, The Rise of Nationalism Test

1.  Test

Unit 4: The Age of Imperialism

Day 42: The Age of Imperialism Begins

  1. Bellringer
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.70-71]
  3. The Englishman’s Burden Reading/Questions [wb p.3-5]

HW: The West Moves East Reading/Quiz/Chart [wb p.6-8]

Day 43: The Partition of Africa

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.6-8]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.72-73]
  3. Movie: History vs. Hollywood - Zulu plus Questions [wb p.9]
  4. The White Man’s Burden Poem/Questions [wb p.10-11]

HW: Map Review Africa 1914 [wb p.12-14]

Day 44: European Imperialism – China

1.  Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.12-14]

2.  Notes 1 ¾ pg (fill-in) [nb p.74-75]

3.  A Dance of Death Reading/Questions [wb p.15-16]

HW: The Boxer Rebellion Reading/Quiz [wb p.17-18]

Day 45: European Imperialism – India

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.17-18]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.76-77]

3.  Video: Queen Victoria plus Questions [wb p.19]

HW: The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 Reading/Questions [wb p.20], Vocab #1-13 [nb p.246]

Day 46: European Imperialism Around the World

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.20]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.78-79]
  3. History Freestyle: European Imperialism [wb p.21-22]

HW: Two Views on the Suez Canal Reading/Questions [wb p.23]

Day 47: Japan – The Meiji Restoration

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.23]
  2. Notes 1 ¾ pg (fill-in) [nb p.80-81]
  3. Movie: History vs. Hollywood The Last Samurai plus Questions [wb p.24]
  4. Recognizing a Stereotype Reading/Question [wb p.25]

HW: Japan Modernizes Worksheet [wb p.26]

Day 48: Imperialism – Impacts

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.26]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.82]
  3. Cause & Effect Imperialism Poster [wb p.27-28]

HW: The Effects of Imperialism [wb p.29], Finish Unit 4 Vocab #1-22 [wb p.246-247]

***extra page of notes nb p.83***

Day 51: DBQ – Imperialism

  1. Bellringer
  2. DBQ Short Answer Questions [wb p.30-34]

HW: Finish Short Answers [wb p.30-34]

Day 52: DBQ – Imperialism

  1. Bellringer
  2. DBQ T.O.D. Outline [wb p.35]

HW: Finish Outline [wb p.35]

Day 53: DBQ – Imperialism

  1. Bellringer
  2. DBQ Essay [wb p.36-37]

HW: Finish Essay [wb p.36-37]

Day 54: DBQ – Imperialism

  1. Bellringer
  2. DBQ Peer Grading (Rubrics) [wb p.38-39]
  3. Turn in DBQ Essay

HW: Study for Test, Unit 4 The Age of Imperialism Review Sheet [nb p.84-85]

Day 49: Review Day- Unit 4 The Age of Imperialism

  1. Bellringer,

2.  Jeopardy

HW: Study for Test, Unit 4 The Age of Imperialism Review Sheet [wb p.84-85]

Day 50: Unit 4, The Age of Imperialism Test

1.  Test

Unit 5: World War I

Day 55: Europe 1900 – Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism

  1. Bellringer
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.86-87]
  3. How to Start a War Reading/Questions [wb p.90-91]
  4. Complete Review Maps [nb p.205-227]

HW: World War I Alliances [wb p.42]

Day 55: The Powder Keg

  1. Bellringer
  2. Video: Powder Keg Europe 1914-1918 [wb p.43]

HW: vocab #1-4 [nb p.247]

Day 56: World War I Causes

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [nb p.247 #1-4]
  2. Give student note cards before, do at end of notes
  3. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.88-89]
  4. History Storyboard: Causes of WWI [wb p.44-45]

HW: Newspaper Headlines Assassination of the Archduke [wb p.46], Cartoon Causes of WWI [wb p.47]

Day 57: WWI – A Modern War

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.46-47]
  2. Notes 1 page [nb p.90-91]
  3. The Balance of Power in 1914 [wb p.48]
  4. World War I Technologies Chart (in notes) [nb p.92, wb p.49]

HW: Finish Chart [nb p.92/wb p.49], vocab #5-9 [nb p.247]

Day 57: WWI in Color

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [nb p.247, #5-9]
  2. Video: World War I in Color – Slaughter in the Trenches [wb p.50]

HW: WWI Map [wb p.51-52]

Day 58: The Great War

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.51-52
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.93-94]
  3. Map Europe 1914 [wb p.53-54]

HW: The World at War Reading/Questions [wb p.55-56]

Day 59: WWI Peace?

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.55-56]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.95-96]
  3. Newspaper WWI Peace/Questions [wb p.57]
  4. The Great War WWI Casualties Chart [wb p.58]

HW: Peace After World War I Map [wb p.59], Unit 5 World War I Review Sheet [nb p.97-98], Study for Test, Finish Unit 5 Vocab #1-17 [nb p.247]

Day 60: Review Day- Unit 5 World War I

  1. Bellringer,

2.  Jeopardy

HW: Study for Test, Unit 5 World War I Review Sheet [nb p.97-98]

Day 61: Unit 5 World War I

1.  Test

Unit 6: The Rise of Dictators

Day 62: World Struggles – Post WWII

  1. Bellringer
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.99-100]
  3. Map Europe 1930’s [nb p.219, wb p.3]

HW: The Mexican Revolution Diagram [wb p.4], Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Reading/Questions [wb p.5-6]

Day 63: Palestine or Israel?

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.5-6]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.101]
  3. Video: War on Imperialism – The Palestine Conflict plus Questions [wb p.7]

HW: The Balfour Declaration Letter [wb p.8], Jewish Immigration into Palestine Graph [wb p.9]

Day 64: Indian Independence Movement

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.8-9]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.102-103]
  3. Salt & Satyagraha Reading/Questions [wb p.10]

HW: Independence for India Reading/Quiz [wb p.11-12]

Day 65: Mohandas Gandhi

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.11-12]
  2. Movie: History vs. Hollywood Gandhi plus Questions [wb p. 13-14]

HW: Mohandas Gandhi – Hind Swaraj Reading/Questions [wb p.15]

Day 66: The Great Depression & Totalitarianism

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.15]
  2. Notes 1 pg (fill-in) [nb p.104]
  3. Holding a Debate Quote/Questions [wb p.16]

4.  Video: Great Depression plus Questions [wb p.17]

HW: The End of World Peace [wb p.18-19] Reading/Questions, Vocab #1-15 [nb p.248-249]

Day 67: The Russian Revolution 1917

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.18-19]
  2. Notes 1 ¾ pg (fill-in) [nb p.105-106]
  3. A Cold Winter in Russia – Choose Your Destiny Reading/Questions [wb p.20-26]

HW: Changes in Russia/Quiz [wb p.27-28]

Day 68: The Rise of the Soviet Union

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.27-28]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.107-108]
  3. Video: Vladimir Lenin [wb p.29]

HW: Russia After the Revolution Reading/Quiz/Map [wb p.30-31, Changes in Russia Map [wb p.32]

Day 69: The Soviet Union Under Stalin

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.30-32]
  2. Notes 2 pg (fill-in) [nb p.109-110]
  3. History Freestyle: The Rise of Joseph Stalin [wb p.33-34]

HW: Growing Up in Stalin’s Russia Reading/Questions [wb p.35]

Day 70: The Chinese Civil War

  1. Bellringer, Check HW [wb p.35]
  2. Notes 1 ½ pg (fill-in) [nb p.111-112]
  3. Nationalist vs. Communist Poster [wb p.36-37]

HW: The Long March Across China Reading/Questions [wb p.38]