The Student

Last name(s) / First name(s)
Date of birth / Nationality
Sex [M/F] / Academic year / 20../20..
Study cycle[1] / Field of Studies at TU Graz[2]
Phone / E-mail

The Sending Institution

Erasmus code / Department
Address / Country
Contact person[3] / e-mail

The Receiving Institution

Name / Graz University of Technology
Erasmus code / A GRAZ02 / Department / International Relations and Mobility Programmes
Address / Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz / Country / Austria
Contact person / Gitte Cerjak / e-mail
phone /
+43 (0)316 873 - 6422

Responsible Persons

Responsible person[4] in the sending institution:
Name: Function:
Phone number: E-mail:
Responsible person[5] in the receiving institution:
Name: Function: ECTS Departmental Coordinator
Phone number: +43 (0)316 873 - ...... E-mail:
For end notes please look at Annex 2.

Section to be completed DURING THE MOBILITY

Table C: Exceptional changes to study programme abroad or additional courses in case of extension of stay abroad
Course code at TU Graz / Course title at TU Graz according to the TUGrazonline system / Deleted
[ please tick] / Added
[please tick] / Reason for change[6] / Number of ECTS credits to be awarded by TU Graz
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □
□ / □

The student, the sending and the receiving institutions confirm that they approve the proposed amendments to the mobility programme.

Approval by e-mail or signature of the student and of the sending and receiving institution responsible persons.


The student
Student’s signature Date:
The sending institution
Responsible person’s signature Date:
The receiving institution
Responsible person’s signature Date:
Annex: End notes


[1] Study cycle: Bachelor or first cycle / Master or second cycle.

[2] Field of studies: Please insert your field of studies at TU Graz according to your online application.

[3] Contact person: The person in your home university who does the administrative work conected with your exchange. Depending on the structure of your home university, this may be the departmental coordinator or a person who works at the international relations office or equivalent body within the institution.

[4] Responsible person in the sending institution: The person who signed your original Learning Agreement or another academic who has the authority to approve the mobility programme of outbound students (Learning Agreements), to exceptionally amend them when it is needed, as well as to guarantee full recognition of such programmes on behalf of the responsible academic body.

[5] Responsible person in the receiving institution: The ECTS Departmental Coordinator at TU Graz according to your field of studies at TU Graz. This academic approved your original Learning Agreement and will approve your changed course list.

[6] Reasons for exceptional changes to study programme abroad:

Reasons for deleting a course / Reason for adding a course
A1) Previously selected educational course is not available at receiving institution / B1) Substituting a deleted course
A2) Course is in a different language than previously specified in the course catalogue / B2) Extending the mobility period
A3) Timetable conflict / B3) Other (please specify)
A4) Other (please specify)