Sloveso to be v záporu

singular plural

jednotné číslo množné číslo

1. I am not we are not

2. you are not you are not

3. he is not they are not

she is not

it is not

Použití ve větách.

We are not at school. Nejsme ve škole.

The boys are not here. Chlapci zde nejsou.

Jack is not at home. Jack není doma.

I am not busy. Nejsem zaneprázdněn.

Zkrácené tvary

I am = I' m

you are = you' re

he is = he' s

she is = she' s

it is = it' s

we are = we' re

you are = you' re

they are= they' re


I am not = I' m not

you are not = you aren' t

he is not = he isn' t

she is not = she isn' t

it is not = it isn' t

we are not = we aren' t

you are not = you aren' t

they are not = they aren' t

Sloveso to be v záporu

singular plural

jednotné číslo množné číslo

1. I am not we are not

2. you are not you are not

3. he is not they are not

she is not

it is not

Použití ve větách.

We are not at school. Nejsme ve škole.

The boys are not here. Chlapci zde nejsou.

Jack is not at home. Jack není doma.

I am not busy. Nejsem zaneprázdněn.

Zkrácené tvary

I am = I' m

you are = you' re

he is = he' s

she is = she' s

it is = it' s

we are = we' re

you are = you' re

they are= they' re


I am not = I' m not

you are not = you aren' t

he is not = he isn' t

she is not = she isn' t

it is not = it isn' t

we are not = we aren' t

you are not = you aren' t

they are not = they aren' t