I was doing some outside work around our house when my wife, called me. “Come in, an airplane just crashed into the Twin Towers.” Since I am a native New Yorker, and we have visited the Twin Towers, we knew exactly where they were located. Within minutes, the second airplane crashed into the other Tower. Instantly, we knew the USA was under an attack. Militant Orthodox Islamic terrorist performed this evil deed. The day wore on. Additional deaths and tragedy ensued. We wept!
Along with, I would suppose millions of people around the world; we stayed glued to the TV. Tears of great sadness stayed in our eyes for hours. With all the images engraved, yes, burned into my memory, there is also another image I shall not forget. I do not think that the media repeats this imagery, although I may be wrong, since first aired on September 11th, 2001.
PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IMAGE: The images I refer to are the pictures of the Muslim World dancing and cheering in the streets. I do not want to forget these images. This image showed the utter outrageous joy and happiness of the killing of some 3,000 innocent people that were engaged in their normal, peaceful everyday activities. Another “Act of War” planned and executed by Militant Orthodox Islam.
In a “Prayer for the Overthrown of the Wicked” the follow biblical verse fits the mindset of bloodthirsty people, “He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent:” (Psalms 10:8 KJV) Further, we remember this type of act against mankind is something that is “an abomination” to God Almighty, and that is “hands that shed innocent blood" (See Proverbs 6:16-19).
Another memory I will never forget at this time of weeping, and sorrow was an e-mail I received from some of my brethren In Christ from Russia. They conveyed their deep grief on what transpired this terrible day, a day I cannot forget, September 11th, 2001.
Side Note: “There will be war in this world as long as people believe in Muhammad and his teaching. Islam is a religion of violence, not peace.” (Reference: Page 63, Is Islam A Religion Of Peace? By Charles Collett, extracted from book, 2003 Spring Bible Institute Lectureship, ISLAM –From God or Man? David P. Brown, Editor
NOTE: For your additional studies, we have dozen or so essays on our web site dealing with Islam/Islamic subjects.
NOTE: Further, see essay entitled “TREASON." When citizens plan to overthrow their nation, this is treason.
NOTE: For Islamic Law infiltration in the USA see: