Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd.

Notice Inviting Tender

Sealed item rate tenders are invited in duplicate on behalf of HPSEBL by the undersigned from the approved / experienced contractor’s of appropriate category (Category I, and II as indicated below) for the execution of following work on TURNKEY BASIS. The bids will be received and opened in this office on the stipulated date and time in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives, who wish to be present. Tender documents can be had on any working day from the office ofSr. Executive Engineer, City Electrical Division, HPSEB Ltd., MC car parking Near Lift, Shimla w.e.f. 27/09/2010 to 12/10/2010 (up to 11:00 AM)against payment of 2500/-(Two thousand & five hundred only) in the shape of demand draft in favour of Sr. Executive Engineer, CityElectrical Division, HPSEB Ltd., Shimla. The tender shall be opened on 12/10/2010 at 3:00 PMin the chamber of undersigned.

Bid No. / NAME OF WORK / Estimated
cost / Earnest
money / Completion
Period / Cost of
tender documents
2010-11 / Providing and fixing 5 (Five) Nos. High Mast illumination lights with Umbrella Shelter at 8(eight) feet height from floor level in Shimla City at By-pass Tutikandi, Victory tunnel, Lift, Chotta Shimla, & Rivoli Bus stand under City (E) Division, HPSEBL, Shimla. / 22.0 Lacs / As
mentioned in
the tender document / 6 Months / 2500/-

Before issue of tenders the bidder shall have to furnish adequate documentary evidence in support of qualifying requirements stipulated as under:-

  1. Category I: The bidder / Joint venture firms shall be financially sound and average turn over of the bidder for the past 2 years out of last 5 years should be Rs.1.00 Crore.
  2. Category II: The H.P. based bidder/Joint venture firms shall be financially sound and average turn over of the bidder for the past 2 years out of last 5 years should be Rs.50.00 lacs.
  3. The bidder/Joint venture firms should have “A” class license from Chief Electrical Inspector, HP. The bidders from outside HP should also be registered with CEI anywhere in the country, but they have to register with CEI, HP within 2 months of the award/LOI..
  4. The bidder/Joint venture Firm should have sufficient experience of providing and fixing high mast illumination lights. These should be in successful operation for the last two years for which necessary documentary proof is required.
  5. The bidders shall submit a bank guarantee from the scheduled/Co-operative banks for the amount equal to 10% of the contract price within 30 days after award/LOI. The bidder shall have to produce documentary proof in regard to financial turn over/ capability at the time of purchase of tender from scheduled bank/Co-Op.Banks/C.A.
  6. The bidder should have income tax/Sales Tax (VAT)/CST/Employees provident fund registration as required under rules. Documentary proof thereof is required to be submitted with tender documents duly filled.
  7. The bidder will declare on non-judicial stamp paper that he is not black listed by any State or Central Govt. agency in the last 5 years and shall furnish a list of works executed in HPSEBL/others Government utilities/Govt. Undertaking unitswith value and countersigned by the concerned Engineer-in-charge.
  8. Earnest money shall be 2.5 % of the tendered cost and shall be submitted in the shape of demand draft payable in favour of Sr. Executive Engineer, City Electrical Division, HPSEB Ltd., Shimla. The EMD available against other works, if any, shall not be transferable to this tender.
  9. If the date of receiving / opening of tenders happens to be a holiday, the tender will be received / opened on the next working day respectively.
  10. The bid documents are not transferable and cost of bid documents is not refundable under any circumstances.
  11. Telegraphic tender and tender without Earnest Money will not be accepted.
  12. Undersigned reserve the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason and no contractor shall be allowed to put the tender after stipulated date and time.
  13. Undersigned reserves the right to increase/decrease the quantum of work as per requirement at site.
  14. The bidder must quote the rates for whole of the job as mentioned in the schedule of work. The part rates, if any, quoted by the bidder will not be considered under any circumstances and shall be out rightly rejected.
  15. The detailed terms and conditions can be seen in the tender documents.

Superintending Engineer,

Operation Circle, HPSEBL,

Shimla-9 HP.