January 21, 2015

The regular meeting of the Hammonton Planning Board was called to order this date by Chairman Edward H. Marinelli, in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m., with the announcement of the Sunshine Law and fire exit procedure. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The meeting was televised.


Paul Esposito Philip DeMarco Michael Malinksy, Esq.

Salvatore Capelli Kristin Kent Robert Vettese, Eng.

Thomas Gribbin David Horner, Traffic

Michael Hozik Patricia Berenato, Sec.

Gordon Pherribo

Elsie Baez

Vincent Messina

Chairman Edward Marinelli

Mr. Malinsky swears in new board members, Thomas Gribbin, Council, and Elsie Baez, Alternate # 1 to the Hammonton Planning Board.

At this time, Mr. Gribbin recuses himself from voting in the application of Atlanticare, as his wife is an attorney with Archer and Greiner, the applicants counsel.

Chairman Marinelli designated alternate board members, Elsie Baez and Vincent Messina as full voting members for tonight’s meeting.


Mr. Hozik made a motion to adopt the meeting minutes of January 7, 2015 as received. Mr. Pherribo seconded the motion. All board members agreed.


Robert Bucknam of Archer and Greiner, is present for the applicant, Atlanticare. They are requesting amended preliminary and final major site plan for Block 4501, Lot 36, Zone HB at 219 North White Horse Pike. Previous approval was granted on March 10, 2010 for Completeness, Preliminary and Final for Major Site plan, Phase 1 and preliminary major site plan for Phases 2, 3A, 3B and 4. They are now requesting amended preliminary Site Plan approval for all remaining phases and final major site plan for the second phase of development including a 1200 sq. ft. medical office building, and a 9200 foot addition to the existing imaging building.

Mr. Malinsky swears in David Scheidegg of Schaeffer Nassar and Scheidegg, the applicants engineer/planner and Frank Casper, Corporate Director of Construction and Real Estate for Atlanticare.

Mr. Bucknam submitted his response letters concerning the engineer’s report and traffic report, both dated January 19, 2015.

Page 2, January 21, 2015

Mr. Scheidegg submitted A-1, 2010 site plan, A-2, 2010 aerial view, A-3, architectural rendering of office building, A-4 , architectural rendering of the expansion of imaging building, A-5, overall rendered site plan, showing phasing, A-6 signage plan, A-7 site plan and A-8 landscape plan. All exhibits are discussed. He said 1 additional free standing directory sign and 5 façade signs are needed with the expansion. The shape of the 1200 sq.ft. office building has changed, but parking will stay the same. Modifications to the bio-retention pond and basins are discussed. He said existing storage sheds were demolished and replaced with 576 sq. ft. of storage space. An amended phase 3 consists of an emergency room addition and helipad, and phase 4 consists of an addition to the Ranere building. Phase 2A and 2B will not start until DOT approves the plans to the Fairview Avenue and White Horse Pike intersection.

Robert Vettese, engineer for the board, addressed his report dated January 12, 2015. He stated, all matters have been addressed to his satisfaction by the applicant.

Dave Horner, traffic consultant for the board, addressed his reports dated June 11, 2014 and January 15, 2015. He stated all plans are acceptable and matters have been adressed. He said that all trash collection should be in off the hours.



Mr. Hozik made a motion to approve the amended preliminary and final major site plan for Phase 2A and 2B and preliminary major site plan for Phases 3 and 4, a total of 9 façade signs and 5 free standing signs, and US RT. 30 to be curbed as to DOT approval and subject to all professional reports and testimony given. Mr. Capelli seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


Being no further business, Mr. Pherribo made a motion to adjourn this meeting of the Hammonton Planning Board. Mr. Esposito seconded the motion. All board members agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Berenato
