Title of the Paper (style: POLI_header R)

Title of the Paper
Capitalise the First Letter of Each Word with Exception of Preposition, Articles, etc... (style: POLI_title)

Name1 Surname1 a, Name2 Surname2 b(style: POLI_author)

a Affiliation, City, Country, e-mail (style: POLI_affiliation)

bAffiliation, City, Country, e-mail (style: POLI_affiliation)


Papers should include an abstract of no more than 150 words (style: Normal/Normale).


keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5 (style: Normal/Normale).

1INTRODUction (style: heading 1/titolo 1)

Instructions for the preparation of the manuscript are given in this paper. Please follow the format described here and demonstrated by example with regard to placement of titles, tables, figures, headings, etc…

These instructions serve as an example for proper manuscript production. All text of the paragraphs follow the “Normal” (or “Normale”) styleand must be single-spaced, without blank line inserted between paragraphs. The paragraphs should be no indentedand should be justified at left and right margins of the text.

1.1List of styles (style: heading 2/titolo 2)

Please insert the automatic numbering of the titles with the corresponding “Heading” (or “Titolo”) level style.

The styles available in the current paper are:

  • POLI_title
  • POLI_author
  • POLI_affiliation
  • POLI_figure
  • POLI_table
  • POLI_figure caption
  • POLI_table caption
  • POLI_header L
  • POLI_header R
  • POLI_formula
  • POLI_references

1.2Notes(style: heading 2/titolo 2)

a) In the left header (equal page) the name of the author follows the “POLI_header L” style. If there are more of 5 authors, please write: “N. Surname1 et al.”

b) In the right header (odd page) the title of the paperfollows the “POLI_header R” style. Please insert max. 2 lines of text, and capitalise the first letter of each word with exception of preposition, articles, etc…

c) The styles will give you correct spacing automatically, do not modify the provided styles and do not add any extra spaces. Please move the figure/table position and dimension in order to minimize the blank spaces in the pages.

d) References should appear together at the end of the paper, listed alphabetically by last name of the first author;thereafter sorting is made by co-authors and year.Example reference citations are provided at the end of this paper.

In the text, the references to one or more authorsappear as following:

Author1, 2001; Author1 and Author2, 2002; Author1et al., 2004.

e) Please, do not underline the words within the text of the paper (you can use bold or italics).

1.3Figures and tables(style: heading 2/titolo 2)

Before to add a figure in the text, please insert a blank line. The figures (photos, graphs…) have to be in grey scale and the minimum resolution is 600 dpi.Figure captions should be below the figures.

Figure 1. Example of a figure caption (style: POLI_caption figure).

Figure2. Example of a figure caption (style: POLI_caption figure).

If you add more figures (see above Figure 1 and Figure 2), you have to insert the blank line only before the first figure. In the text the reference to a figure is: “Figure 1”, “Figure 2”, etc...

Table 1. Example of a table caption (style: POLI_caption table).

(Stato Limite) / CU / VN [anni]
81% Operatività (SLO) / 0.7 (I. Strutture secondarie) /  10 (Opere provvisorie)
63% Danno (SLD) / 1.0 (II. Strutture ordinarie) /  50 (Opere ordinarie)
10% Salvaguardia della vita (SLV) / 1.5 (III. Strutture importanti) /  100 (Grandi opere)
5% Prevenzione del Collasso (SLC) / 2.0 (IV. Strutture strategiche)

After to insert a figure in the text, please add a blank line. Table heads should appear above the tables. In the text the reference to a table is: “Table 1”, “Table 2”, etc...


In the text the reference to aformula is “(1)” or “Eq. (1)”.

2conclusions(style: heading 1/titolo 1)

Conclusions must be clearly stated in a separate section appearing at the end of the paper.

3ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS(style: heading 1/titolo 1)

Acknowledgements, if any, follow the conclusions as a separate section.

4references(style: heading 1/titolo 1)

Author1 N. (2001). “Title of the paper”, Reference to Proceedings or Journal or Book, Vol. n, Editor, City, State.

Author1 N., Author2 N. (2002). “Title of the paper”, Reference to Proceedings or Journal or Book, Vol. n, Editor, City, State.

Author1 N., Author2 N., Author3 N., Author4 N. (2004). “Title of the paper”, Reference to Proceedings or Journal or Book, Vol. n, Editor, City, State.

See the following examples:

Cosenza E. (2007). “Normativa e progettazione sismica: c'è del nuovo in Italia?”, Atti del workshop Materialied approcci innovativi per il progetto in zona sismica e la mitigazione della vulnerabilità delle strutture, Salerno, C. Faella, G. Manfredi, V. Piluso, R. Realfonzo editors, Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher, Monza, Italy.

Kadir M.R. (1974). The structural behaviour of masonry infill panels in framed structures, Ph.D. Th.¸ University of Edinburgh, U.K.

IervolinoI., Maddaloni G., Cosenza E. (2008). “Eurocode 8 compliant real record sets for seismic analysis of structures”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 12(1): 54-60.

Mainstone R.J. (1974). “Supplementary note on the stiffness and strenght of infilled frames”, Current Paper CP13/74,Building Research Establishment, London, U.K.

Papia M., Cavaleri L., Fossetti M. (2003). “Infilled frames: developments in the evaluation of the stiffening effect of infills”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 16, Techno Press, Korea.

Saneinejad A., Hobbs B. (1995). “Inelastic design of infilled frames”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,121(4), pp. 634-650.

Savoia M., Vincenzi L. (2008). “Differential evolution algorithm for dynamic structural identification”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering (in press).