The machine gun was not a new weapon in 1914 – the American Hiram Maxim had invented the gun that bore his name in 1884 – but it was refined and made easier to carry during World War I and used to even deadlier effect across the expanses of no man's land that separated the two sides on the Western Front. Germany's standard heavy machine gun, the Maschinengewehr 08, was derived from the Maxim gun and could fire 400 rounds a minute. The British equivalent was the Vickers machine gun, which could spit between 450-500 bullets a minute.


  1. WWI introduced the widespread use of the machine gun, a weapon Hiram Maxim patented in the U.S. in 1884. The Maxim weighed about 100 pounds and was water cooled. It could fire about 450-600 rounds per minute. Most machine guns used in WWI were based on the Maxim design.c


The majority of casualties on the battlefields of World War I were inflicted by artillery shelling. Artillery barrages to “soften up” enemy lines before an infantry assault could last for weeks – a bombardment of German trenches during the Battle of Passchendaele in 1917 lasted a fortnight, with 4.5 million shells fired from 3,000 guns.

Field guns such as the British Howitzer Mark 1 could fire two rounds of 290lb shells a minute, while in March 1918, the Germans began shelling the French capital with their long-range 'Paris Gun'. Made by Krupps, it had a 118-foot-long barrel and could fire a shell 25 miles into the air, targeting Paris from a site 74 miles away.


  1. Artillery barrage and mines created immense noise. In 1917, explosives blowing up beneath the German lines on Messines Ridge at Ypres in Belgium could be heard in London 140 miles (220 km) away.c
  2. Big Bertha was a 48-ton howitzer used by the Germans in WWI. It was named after the wife of its designer Gustav Krupp. It could fire a 2,050-lb (930-kg) shell a distance of 9.3 miles (15 km). However, it took a crew of 200 men six hours or more to assemble. Germany had 13 of these huge guns or “wonder weapons.”c


Chlorine gas was first used by the Germans at the Second Battle of Ypres in April 1915, killing hundreds of French troops.

The British also deployed chlorine gas, and later developments in the war included the deadlier phosgene and mustard gas, which blinded those it came in contact with. By 1917, poison gas could be delivered with greater precision by chemical shells and mortars, and there were an estimated one million gas casualties on all sides throughout the war.


  1. France, not Germany, was the first country to use gas against enemy troops in WWI. In August 1914, they fired the first tear gas grenades (xylyl bromide) against the Germans. In January 1915, Germany first used tear gas against Russian armies, but the gas turned to liquid in the cold air. In April 1915, the Germans were the first to use poisonous chlorine gas.c
  2. During WWI, the Germans released about 68,000 tons of gas, and the British and French released 51,000 tons. In total, 1,200,000 soldiers on both sides were gassed, of which 91,198 died horrible deaths.c
  3. Approximately 30 different poisonous gases were used during WWI. Soldiers were told to hold a urine-soaked cloth over their faces in an emergency. By 1918, gas masks with filter respirators usually provided effective protection. At the end of the war, many countries signed treaties outlawing chemical weapons.c


When the war started, most of the belligerents had a few unarmed, wood-and-canvas aircraft, which they intended to use as aerial scouts. By November 1914, though, pilots were dropping grenades on enemy troops as they flew over them, or carrying pistols to take pot shots at other aircraft. Air warfare took a leap forward the following year with the adoption of the interrupter gear, which allowed a machine gun mounted on a plane to fire without damaging the propeller.

This led to the era of dog fights and fighter aces such as the Germans Manfred von Richthofen, known as the Red Baron, and Max Immelmann, whose skills in their Fokker Eindecker aircraft made them the leading threats in what the British called the "Fokker scourge".

During the Battle of the Somme, German fighters were technically superior to their British counterparts, hence the German nickname "kaltes fleisch" – cold meat – for the British planes. But Britain introduced better fighters such as the SE5 and Sopwith Camel in 1917, and it was the latter which mostly likely claimed the life of the Red Baron when he was shot down in April the following year.


1.  The term “dogfight” originated during WWI. The pilot had to turn off the plane’s engine from time to time so it would not stall when the plane turned quickly in the air. When a pilot restarted his engine midair, it sounded like dogs barking.


Originally called “land battleships”, then “thingum-a-jigs”, tanks were developed on the orders of Winston Churchill and first deployed on the Somme battlefield in September 1916. The tank was specifically developed to break the trench warfare stalemate – their armour would be impervious to machine gun fire, and their tracks would be able to cross trenches and barbed wire entanglements. But although the tanks at the Somme weakened German morale, they were slow and beset by mechanical problems.

"By 1918 (tanks) were more reliable and were available to British forces in greater numbers," says the Imperial War Museum’s Matt Brosnan. "It was only during the Hundred Days offensives – from the Battle of Amiens on August 8 until the Armistice on November 11, 1918 – that tanks were used to full effect in combination with sophisticated artillery, advanced infantry tactics, aircraft and well-organised logistical support.


  1. During WWI, British tanks were initially categorized into “males” and “females.” Male tanks had cannons, while females had heavy machine guns.h
  2. “Little Willie” was the first prototype tank in WWI. Built in 1915, it carried a crew of three and could travel as fast as 3 mph (4.8 km/h).c
  3. Tanks were initially called “landships.” However, in an attempt to disguise them as water storage tanks rather than as weapons, the British decided to code name them “tanks.”c


Originally passenger airships, the iconic Zeppelins were commandeered by the German military in 1914, and began bombing missions over Britain at the start of the following year. There were just 20 of these airships in operation at any one time, but as they flew above the reach of British aircraft they bombed almost with impunity, until the introduction of the high-flying Sopwith Camel in 1917.

The Zeppelin raids had a significant psychological effect on Britain, says the Imperial War Museum's Matt Brosnan, and the British took the threat seriously enough to task engineer Barnes Wallis – who became famous in World War II as the inventor of the 'Dambusters' bouncing bomb – with designing their own airships.


Germany had 33 U-boats, or submarines, in operation in 1914. The German navy saw an opportunity to starve Britain – an island nation dependent on maritime trade – out of the war, but Kaiser Wilhelm insisted on “restricted” U-boat warfare, as he was anxious to avoid antagonising neutral America by sinking its ships.

Such restrictions were lifted in 1916, however, and German submarines were sending some 320,000 tonnes of Allied shipping to the bottom of the ocean by the start of 1917. "(The) effects were particularly seriously felt in 1917," says the Imperial War Museum’s Matt Brosnan, "with significant losses to British merchant shipping in (the) spring and food queues an increasingly common sight on the home front."

Yet the U-boats were a double-edged sword for the Germans, as US casualties on ships sunk by the submarines significantly contributed to America declaring war on Germany in 1917.


  1. While the first military submarine (named the Turtle) was first used by the Continental Army during the American Revolution, submarines only made a large military impact during WWI when Germany launched its fleet of U-boats. Its submarines mostly stayed on the surface and submerged only to attack ships with torpedoes. Germany’s indiscriminate submarine warfare was a primary reason the U.S. joined the war.c


The standard rifle of the British army during World War I was the Lee-Enfield .303, a variation of a weapon that had been used by the army since 1902. Fed by a magazine that could hold 10 bullets, the bolt-action Lee-Enfield was a robust, reliable rifle well-suited to the harsh conditions of trench warfare. A trained regular soldier could fire 15 rounds per minute with the weapon. In fact, it was so successful that further variants were used throughout World War II and, in some countries, for decades after that.

German infantry, meanwhile, were issued with the Gewehr 98, a rifle with a bolt action designed by the famous Mauser company. The Gewehr was a well-constructed and accurate weapon, but it was ill-suited to the conditions on the Western Front. Longer than the Lee-Enfield, it was unwieldy in a trench and required an extra sight for short-range firing.