Humble ISD
General Instructions for Administering the
SpanishSpelling Inventory (SpSI)Grades 1-5
Scoring the Inventory Using the Feature Guides
- Make a copy of the Spelling Inventory Feature Guide for each student. Draw a line under the last word called if you called less than the total amount and adjust the possible total points at the bottom of each feature column.
- Score the words by checking off the features spelled correctly that are listed in the cells to the right of each word. For example, if a student spells redas RET they get a check in the initial recell but not for the final sound. Write in the final soundl used (T in this case) but do not give any points for it. If a student spells gigante as JIGANTEthey get a check in thegacell, and the nt cell, but not for the contrastes, letras mudas gi. Write in the spelling used (J-I in this case) but do not give any points for it. Put a check in the “correct” column if the word is spelled correctly. Do not count reversed letters as errors but note them in the cells. If unnecessary letters are added, give the speller credit for what is correct (e.g., If pan is spelled PANN, the student still gets credit for representing the short vowel) but do not check correct for spelling.
- Add the number of checks under each feature and across each word, allowing you to double-check the total score recorded in the last cell. Modify the ratios in the last row, depending on the number of words called aloud.
Analyzing the Results of the Spelling Inventory
- Look down each feature column to determine instructional needs. A student who misses only one (or two if the features sample 8 to 10 words) can go on to other features. A student who misses two or three needs some review work, but students who miss more than three need careful instruction on this feature. If a student did not get any points for a feature, then earlier features need to be studied first.
- To determine a stage of development, note where students first make more than one error under the stages listed in the shaded box at the top of the Feature Guide.
Using the Class Composite Form
- Staple each feature guide to the student’s spelling paper and arrange the papers in rank order from highest total points to lowest total points.
- List students’ names in this rank order in the left column of the Classroom Composite Form and transfer each student’s feature scores from the bottom row of the individual Feature Guide to the Classroom Composite Form.
- Highlight cells where students maketwo or more errors on a particular feature to get a sense of your groups’ needs and to form groups for instruction.
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5/2012 rev.curric\read\hils\spanish\Spanish spell invGr 1-5 general instruction
Humble ISD
Feature Guide for Spanish Elementary Spelling Inventory - Grades 1-5
Student’s Name Teacher Grade Date
Words Spelled Correctly: / 25Feature Points: / 62Total: / 77Spelling Stage:
Características / Vocal
Prominente / Consonante
Prominente / Vocales/ Consonants / Represtación de Sonidos / Dígrafos, Sílabas Cerradas / Contrastes, Letras
Mudas / Diptongos
Homófonos / Tildes, Plurales, Afijos / Raíces / Puntos / Palabra
1.el / e / l
2.suma / u / s
3.pan / a / p / re / d
5.campos / os / mp
6.plancha / pl / ch
7.brincar / c (k) / ar / n
8.fresa / sa / fr
9.aprieto / o / ie
10.guisante / ante / gui
11.quisiera / iera / qui
12.gigante / ga / nt / gi
13.actrices / tr / ac / ces
14.voy / v / oy
15.hierro / h / ie
16.bilingüe / b / üe
17.lápices / c / á
18.extraño / ñ / ex
19.autobús / ú / auto
20.haya / h-y
21.geometría / ía / metr
22.caimán / ai / án
23.intangible / ible / tang
24.herbívoro / í / herb
25.psicólogo / có / psi
Totals / (3) / (3) / (5) / (10) / (5) / (7) / (5) / (9) / (5) / (52) / (25)
Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
05-12curric\read\hils\eng\t-1 spelling inventory feature guide Spanish