You must send copies to the student’s UoS email where there is one, personal emails should not be used unless the University account is no longer active. You may choose to send an email to a personal address asking them to check the UoS email, but not containing details of the case. Whenever a personal email account is used please seek to ensure that it belongs to the relevant person (e.g. is it the one in Banner).
<Student Name>
UoS Email:
Further the Academic MisconductSchool Hearing held on xxxx, I am writing to confirm the decision of was that following consideration of the evidence presented, on the evidence before it and on the balance of probabilities, thatyou hadnot committed academic misconduct under sections 2.2 and 3.10of the University’s Academic Misconduct Procedure.
If you wish to acquire further understand the importance of good academic practice in order to avoid similar situations in the future it is suggested that you speak to your Personal Tutor and access as much help as possible. NB: if there is a referral for poor academic practise by the Panel there must be a specific referral on for further assistance within the school – see other template letter.
I can also confirm that the University offers support for Skills for Learning which you are strongly advised to engage with. They can be found at
The Students’ Union Advice Centre can offer you independent advice on this and other student facing procedures, they can be contacted on or 0161 351 5400.
The University offers a Wellbeing service as well as other student support services through AskUS
Information on the University Academic Misconduct Procedure may also be found via
If you have any queries regarding the content of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact xxxx.
Yours sincerely,
Enclosures:Academic Misconduct Procedure
Record of Consideration from the Academic Misconduct Panel
ccProgramme Leader
Programme Assessment/Exams Officer
Personal Tutor
Student File
Link Tutor & Partnerships Manager, Academic Business Development Office (where delivered with CP Partner)
The cc: list should not be too long, but should include relevant staff depending the on the structure of the programme