Advanced Chemistry


Julie Benson



1.  To prepare students for general college chemistry courses.

2.  To gain proficiency in chemical shorthand: symbols, formulas, and equations

3.  To introduce students to the mathematical aspects of science

Materials Needed:

Book, notebook, scientific calculator, and pen/pencil. These materials need to be brought to class every day!!


Assignments must be handed in on time. Late papers will be docked 15% if turned in the same day, 25% one day late, and 50% two days late. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE 2ND DAY!! If you know you will be absent on the day that an assignment is due, you are expected to complete all work prior to the absence. Work due during an absence is due upon your return. You have two days for every day absent to complete and turn in any makeup work assigned while you were gone. If you know about a test being given on a specific date and are absent the day before (review day) or day of the test, you will make up the test immediately upon return!


Labs must be handed in on time and follow the lab report guidelines. Late labs will be docked 15% if turned in the same day, 25% one day late, and 50% two days late. NO LATE LABS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE 2ND DAY. Students are expected to follow proper laboratory procedures at all times, explained by the instructor. When in doubt, ask before you proceed. You are expected to clean all lab equipment used and return it to the proper location.


Tests will be standardized and teacher-made. Tests given during a planned absence will be taken prior to the absence. Makeup tests will be given on the day of your return after illness. Periods of extended illness will be given special consideration.

Class attendance:

It is important that you attend class and take lecture notes each day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain the lecture notes from a classmate and meet with the instructor if you have questions about the material. Lesson plans including homework assignments are available on the Advanced Chemistry web page.


Grades will consist of 60% tests and quizzes, 30% daily homework and labs, and 10% for the comprehensive semester test. Grades will be calculated using the following scale:

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 77-84

D 69-76

F 68 and below

Things to Remember:

1.  Come to class prepared!! This includes all materials and homework.

2.  Treat your book like you borrowed it. You did! Don’t stuff pencils, notebooks, papers or other things inside of it. Make sure it is covered at all times!

3.  Be quiet when you have finished your test. Your classmates deserve the same respect you had.

4.  Work on homework during class whenever possible.

5.  Try to do the problem or question yourself before asking for help.

6.  Do not write on the desks!!

7.  School rules including dress code and food and beverage rules will be strictly enforced.

8.  Playing games on your calculator, palm pilot, etc. during class time is strictly prohibited!! I reserve the right to reset calculator memory at any time.

9.  CALCULATOR MEMORY WILL BE RESET BY THE INSTRUCTOR ON TEST DAY! You may lose your right to use a graphing calculator during a test if academic dishonesty occurs.

10.  Profanity will not be tolerated!!

11.  There will be absolutely no talking while the teacher is talking!

Academic Integrity:

Academic dishonesty is contrary to the moral standards and mission of O’Gorman High School and the spirit of education. Students should know that it is morally wrong to cheat and make the choice not to do it. All students at O’Gorman High School will be expected to adhere to the highest standards pertaining to Academic Integrity. Failure to do so will result in no credit for the work, including tests, and disciplinary action by the administration. The following is a partial list of behaviors that are considered dishonest.

1.  Asking, discussing, or divulging any part of a test with other students.

2.  Looking at someone else’s test.

3.  Copying someone else’s work (review sheets, lab reports, book problems, etc.) and taking credit for it. This would include copying answers from the back of the book.

4.  Using an unauthorized sheet of paper on a test.

5.  Putting notes on your body, clothing, textbook cover, calculator cover, etc, for use on a test.

6.  Talking during a test.

7.  Allowing someone to copy any part of your work.

8.  Using a calculator in an unfair way, for example:

  1. Storing unauthorized information in your calculator’s memory for use on a test.
  2. Removing test questions or answers using your calculator.
  3. Passing your calculator to someone else during a test.