Reaching for Excellence


Parent/Student Handbook

Francis Howell North High School

2549 Hackmann Road

St. Charles, MO 63303

(636) 851-4900

2014-2015 FHN Parent Student Handbook


1. Welcome to FHN

1.1 FHN Knights: Who we are

1.2 Mission, Vision, Values Statement

1.3 Pyramid of Intervention

1.4 P.R.I.D.E.

1.5 Building Contacts

2. Schedules and Important Calendar Dates

2.1 Bus Line-up

2.2 Student Schedule & Info page

2.3 Daily Bell Schedule

2.4 School Calendar

2.5 Semester Grade Reporting & Exam Schedules

2.6 Important Guidance Dates

3. Academic Information & Programs

3.1 Reporting Grades

·  Progress Reports

·  Report Cards

·  Credit by Semester

3.2 Final Exams & Make-up Finals

3.3 Final Exam Exemption Privilege System

3.4 Examination of Records

3.5 Graduation Requirements

·  Graduation Rehearsal

·  Commencement Pledge

·  Graduation Ceremony

3.6 Academic & Special Awards

·  Honor Roll

·  Departmental Awards

·  Perfect Attendance

·  Student of the Week

·  National Honor Society

·  Cum Laude Honors for Graduation

·  Missouri College Preparatory Studies Certificate

·  President's Award For Educational Excellence

·  Standard of Academic Accomplishment Award

3.7 Academic & Special Programs

·  A+ Program

·  Homeroom Intervention Program

·  Alternative Program

4. Activities/Sports

4.1 Activities & Club Listing

4.2 Eligibility for Activities

·  Drug Testing

·  MSHSAA Standards

·  FHSD Eligibility Standards

·  NCAA Clearing House Center

·  NAIA Eligibility Standards

4.3 Activity Awards

·  Scholar Athlete Award

·  Activity Letter Awards

2014-2015 FHN Parent Student Handbook


5. Attendance

5.1 Compulsory Attendance Law of Missouri

5.2 Attendance Procedures

·  Hourly Attendance

·  Excused Absences

·  Unexcused Absences

·  Prearranged Absence

·  Late Arrivals to School

·  Tardy Policy

5.3 Make Up Work

5.4 Credit Suspension

5.5 Homebound

5.6 Permission to Leave Campus

5.7 Work Program

5.8 Lewis & Clark Tech School

6. Campus Information & Rules

6.1 Campus Security

·  SRO Officer

·  School Surveillance

·  Search and Seizure

6.2 Commons/Cafeteria

6.3 Learning Commons

6.4 Computer Labs

6.5 Food and Drinks

6.6 Nurse’s Office

·  Visiting The Nurses’ Office

·  Fever Guidelines

·  Medications at school

·  Medications on Field Trips

·  Hepatitis Prevention Guidelines

·  Immunization Policy

6.7 Poster, Sign and Flier Policy

7. Student Conduct

7.1 FHSD Code of Conduct

7.2 Conduct at Activities

·  Dance Rules and Conduct

·  Sportsmanship

·  Sporting Event/Activities Rules and Conduct

·  Transportation to Away Events

7.3 Code of Dress

7.4 Public Display of Affection

7.5 Inappropriate Physical Contact

7.6 Harassment

·  Sexual Harassment

·  Bullying

·  Hazing

7.7 Plagiarism and Cheating

7.8 Substitute Teachers

7.9 Altering/Forging A Document or Signature

7.10 Bus Rules and Regulations

7.11 After School Activities

7.12 Care of School Properties

2014-2015 FHN Parent Student Handbook


7. Student Conduct (continued)

7.13 Laser Pointers

7.14 Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

7.15 Private Property

7.16 Tobacco Products

7.17 Threats and Pranks

7.18 Discipline Notices

7.19 Detention Study Hall

7.20 Suspensions

·  In-School Suspension Alternative Program (ISAP)

·  Out of school Suspensions

8 School Procedures

8.1 Deliveries to Students

8.2 Distribution of Literature

8.3 Emergency Procedures

8.4 Hall Pass Privilege

8.5 Identification Badges

8.6 Inclement Weather

8.7 Locker Assignment and Use

8.8 Valuables at School

·  Student Responsibility

·  Lost and Found

8.9 Network and Internet Use Policy

8.10 Office workers & Student Aides

8.11 Parking Privilege

8.12 Study Halls

8.13 Telephones and Messages to Students

8.14 Text Books

8.15 Traffic in Hallway

8.16 Videos

8.17 Visitors

9. Francis Howell School District Information

9.1 Board of Education Members

9.2 Central Office Administrators

9.3 District Policy Against Discrimination

9.4 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

9.5 Special Education in Francis Howell School District

9.6 Complaint Resolution Procedure For No Child Left Behind Programs

9.7 Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

9.8 Notification of Rights Under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools

10. Communication with School

10.1 Student Demographics

10.2 School Web Page

10.3 Staff E-Mail and Web Pages

10.4 Parent Portal

10.5 Daily Announcements and E-News

10.6 Teacher Contact List

11. Francis Howell North Building Map



August, 2014

Dear Knight Students/Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to Francis Howell North High School, home of the Knights. We are excited to begin the 2014-2015 school year with our wonderful students and exemplary faculty.

Our daily focus is on student learning and creating a positive environment in which all of our students can grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Last year, the results of our student survey confirmed that this is happening. Our students told us the following information:

·  97% feel that being successful in school today will help them in their future.

·  98% respect the personal differences found among students in this school.

·  98% believe they can do well in school.

·  98% feel their teachers believe they can learn.

Our 2014, senior class earned $8,517,400 in scholarships, and this was a direct result of our Senior Knights being highly successful in the areas of athletics, academics, and service. Colleges and universities wanted these individuals as their future undergraduates, and we as a staff sent them off well-prepared for their tenure as a college student.

We believe all students can learn and be successful at Francis Howell North High School. We also know that students will be gracing our halls with many talents and interests, and we want all students to capitalize on those talents and interests by getting involved in activities such as sports, clubs, and other organizations. Our goal is for every student to be involved in at least 2 activities.

The research is very clear that students who are involved in school perform better academically, enjoy school, and are sought after by colleges. We strive to develop well-rounded students who can collaborate, problem solve, analyze, become leaders, and team members—all skills that are required to be successful after high school.

It is great to have you as a member of our school community, and we look forward to working with you very soon.


The Francis Howell North High School Administration



Francis Howell North is a school, where everyone learns and matures academically, socially, and personally as individuals, as well as a whole, within a positive, healthy atmosphere with support and guidance from all faculty, staff, peers and families.


Building Revision 8/12


Graduates of Francis Howell North High School will contribute as productive citizens to our ever-changing global society. Therefore, it is our mission to provide an environment which will inspire students to be lifelong learners and to develop their individual academic, social, aesthetic, and physical potentials.


High levels of learning are expected and ensured; daily attendance is a prerequisite for academic success. The members of the school community have focused resources including time, skill, and effort, to create the optimal learning environment in which students readily strive for and meet the highest levels of academic success.

School-wide support ensures each student is involved and accepted. The school community is focused on each student setting goals, achieving success and personal growth in a well balanced school experience. All students will participate in at least one extra-curricular activity, and their behaviors will reflect the PRIDE shield (character, commitment, effort, and respect)

Collaboration dominates school culture and improvement. All members of the school community are involved in a collaborative environment embedded into the school day. All opinions are valued, and all voices can be heard as the community moves forward proactively to ensure high levels of student learning and achievement.


We provide a safe and caring learning environment where all students are

valued and respected.

We are committed to using best teaching practices daily.

We monitor and measure student goals and growth using assessments for


We are committed to the PLC process.

We respect other’s property, both personal and community.

We will prepare students for successful transition to the post-secondary



1.3 pyramid of intervention


(Revised 2014-15)

Tier 3: Intensive Intervention Support

5% or less of School Population

IEP & 504 Plans
Modified Curriculum
Alternative Ed Setting
ESC Referral Process
Guided Study Hall / Alternative Ed Setting
ESC Referral Process
Bridgeway Partnership
AIP Drug Program
Preferred Family


Tier 2: Selected Students based on Data Triggers

15% or less of School Population

STAT Parent/Teacher Team
Success Classes/ Student Success Mentors
Selected Intervention Support
Spectra Gifted Program / Attendance/Behavior Watch List
Support Groups with Goal Setting
Crisis Counselor
Attendance Contracts
OSS Re-entry Meetings

Tier 1: Universal Support

100% of School Population

Support for All Students: Tutoring, Freshman transition day & mentoring, Student Goal Setting, Co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, Intervention Support, Study Island, Progress Reports/Quarter grades, School wide behavior expectations.
CORE Curriculum and Instruction: Updated curriculum aligned to state standards; Best Practices Instruction and Assessment Professional Development; Use of data to monitor on-going student achievement; PLC school culture with collaboration; A+ program.
School Structures and Communication: Updated school/student information system; Ability of parents/students to access student information on-line. Open House and Parent/Teacher Meetings; Teacher web-sites; FHN School web site with Parent/Student Handbook; e-news.


1.4 P.R.I.D.E Personal Responsibility in Daily Effort Top Ways to Behave with PRIDE

1.  Treat others with respect at all times.

2. Cell Phones and electronic devices are not to be seen, heard, or used during class time unless authorized by the teacher. Phones will be bagged and tagged if seen/heard without teacher permission, and parent will need to come to school to pick-up the phone from the main office. Students may use cell phones before and after school, between classes and at lunch. Section 7.14

3. Halls Passes are required to be carried when leaving a classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and carry an individual hall pass, signed by a teacher, with name, time, date, & destination written on the pass. Students must sign out on the Hall Pass Log Sheet before leaving the classroom. Do not cut through commons during lunches. Section 8.4

4. Attendance Procedures are to be followed. This includes: Section 5

§  Being on time to school and to each class period.

§  Sign in/out with the attendance office. Excuse late arrivals or all day absence with a parent note, fax, e-mail or phone call to the attendance office within 48 hours.

§  Report to the lunch room on time and remain there until the bell rings

(Rest rooms to be used during lunches are in the front hallway by the snack tables)

5. Dress appropriate at school by not violating the dress code, 7 Bs, and not wearing hats or hoods in the building. Section 7.3

6. School documents or student work cannot be altered, forged or plagiarized. This includes attendance notes, grade reports, hall passes and student assignments. Section 7.7 & 7.9

7. Detentions must be served to avoid being assigned a Saturday Detention. Saturday detention must be served to avoid being assigned a suspension. Section 7.18

8. Parking is a privilege and all procedures must be followed. Juniors and seniors must purchase parking passes, register all cars, and park in the proper student provided spaces. Parking permits will be forfeited for violations and removed if student is assigned a Saturday detention (for not serving a detention on time), ISAP or OSS. Freshmen and sophomores are not allowed to park on campus for any reason. Section 8.11

9. Behavior toward others including respect toward staff must meet school expectations. This includes no profanity, horseplay, slapping or fighting, and no Public Display of Affection (PDA.) Directions from a teacher, substitute, staff member or administrator are to be followed at all times. Section 7.4 & 7.6

10. Harassment and bullying of fellow students or staff will not be tolerated. This includes name calling, racial or sexual slurs, physical or cyber-bullying. Section 7.6

11. Nurse’s Office section has information about prescription and non-prescription drugs at school. Be sure you know and follow these procedures! Section 6.4

12. Learning Commons Procedures include having a pass and signing in. Section 6.3

13. Food and drinks are not allowed in the hallways, Learning Commons or classrooms. These items should be consumed in the commons area only. Section 6.5

14. After School Activities Students on campus after 2:30 p.m. must have an after school pass and be involved in a school sponsored and supervised activity. Students are not allowed to loiter or “hang out” in the building after school. Section 7.11

1. WELCOME TO FHN (continued)



Main Office (636) 851-4900 FAX (636) 851-6199

Andy Downs, Principal 851-5023

Dr. Katie Greer, Associate Principal 851-5031

Erin Steep, Assistant Principal Student’s with last names A - De 851-5031

Jeff Blankenship, Dean of Students Student’s with last names Di - Lu 851-5068

Kelly Longo, Interim Assistant Principal Student’s with last names Ma - Sa 851-5020

Dr. Chris Birch, Assistant Principal Student’s with last names Sc - Z 851-5020

SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER – Officer Sarah Brueggeman (636) 851-4973

GUIDANCE OFFICE (636) 851-5099 FAX (636) 851-4123

If you wish to see your counselor, stop by the Guidance Office in Room 100 and sign the appropriate list. You will be called from class as soon as your counselor is available. If you have an emergency, notify the guidance office receptionist. The Guidance Office is open on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month (September-May) from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. for evening appointments. To schedule an evening appointment, please call (636) 851-5099.

Know your counselor! Your guidance counselors are interested in your well-being and are here to help you. Counselors and their assignments are listed below:

Jennifer Schwarz (A-Com) Professional Development

Stephanie Johnson (Con-Go) Advanced Credit/AP

Lisa Woodrum (Gr-H) College Counselor/Dept. Chair

Mary Kerr-Grant (I-Mc) Hearing Impaired