Victorian WorkCover Authority

Management of Hazardous Substances in the





Requirements to Undertake A Risk Assessment

This booklet has been prepared to assist the woodworking industry comply with their obligations under the Occupational Health & Safety (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1999. These regulations require employers, in consultation with employees to:

·  make a list of hazardous substances in the workplace (ie compile a register)

·  obtain current manufacturers/importers’ MSDS for each product and put copy in the register

·  ensure MSDS are accessible to employees

·  identify hazardous substances in systems such as pipes, process vessels, reactor vessels or equipment involved in a manufacturing process to employees who may be exposed to them (where applicable)

·  undertake a risk assessment for all hazardous substances in use as well as for any new substance

·  revise risk assessments if conditions change and in any event, every 5 years

·  undertake specific measures to control risk

·  ensure risk control (safety) measures are properly used and maintained

·  ensure exposure standards are not exceeded

·  undertake atmospheric monitoring and health surveillance if required

·  keep various records

·  provide information, instruction and training to employees

·  consult health and safety representatives

In order to fulfill these obligations employers should first prepare a Register of Hazardous Substances. An example of such a register is incorporated in this document.

Employers should be able to demonstrate they have carefully considered the questions raised in this booklet and have taken all reason steps to minimise worker exposures to substances used in the workplace.

Evidence of consultation with OH&S representatives and the workforce is also required. The benefit of consultation with employees is that actual work practices will be reviewed as part of this risk assessment.

How to Use This Booklet

Using the flow chart on the opposite page employers should be able to achieve compliance with the regulations.

Employers should note, the questions are generic to many of the substances and processes used in the industry but may not cover every process or chemical used in the industry.

The use of this booklet will enable workplace representatives to perform risk assessments on the following processes:

Process / Tick if relevant
· Mixing & Decanting Solvents / _
· Woodworking / _
· Adhesive Application / _
· Sealing, Varnishing and Painting / _
· Isocyanate Use / _
· Cleaning & Waste Removal

List other processes or hazardous substances used at your workplace:




Where other processes or hazardous substances are used, a risk assessment will need to be undertaken based on the hazards posed by the chemicals used in these additional processes (refer Appendix A for risk assessment template)

By answering the questions in this booklet, employers will identify risks that need additional safety measures.

If you require further assistance call the WorkCover Authority on 9641 1444.



Step 2

·  Chemical labels
·  Material Safety Data Sheets
·  Code of Practice for Hazardous Substances

Step 2a

·  Hazardous Substances Example Register

Step 3,4,5

·  Material Safety Data Sheets
·  Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment Report
·  Visual observations of work process

Step 6

·  Hazardous Substances Action Plan

Step 7

·  Hazardous Substances Action Plan /

Step 1

·  WorkShop Manager
·  Site OHS Officer
·  OHS Committee (including Union Reps)

Steps 2 - 6

·  Project team as above

Step 7

·  Plant Manager
Consultation should occur in all processes after Step 2.
This should involve the following:
·  OHS Representatives
·  Union Representatives
·  Employee involved in the use of HS
Training of employees should be undertaken in the following areas:
·  Reading MSDS’s & labels
·  Hazards of exposure
·  Safe Work Practices
·  Use of PPE
·  First Aid





Mixing & Decanting Solvents

A range of solvents stored in tins and bottles may be decanted and mixed on site. The majority of these solvents are associated with lacquer paints, varnishes and stains used to finish wood products. These chemicals are flammable and may be manually mixed and applied utilising spray application. Exposure to these products is generally through skin contact and inhalation of solvent vapours and fine spray mists. The solvents may be highly irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory system and may cause central nervous system depression and headache after prolonged exposure.

List possible health hazards which may result from using these products:
List any safety warnings issued on labels:
Yes / No
Has MSDS and label information been read? (The regulations require you to consider this information) / _ / _
Are the products used as described above? / _ / _
Are the health effects described above applicable to the products used in your workplace? / _ / _
If you answer No to this question you should complete the risk assessment template in Appendix A. If Yes to all questions, proceed to the following questions
List who uses these substances or performs this process: / hrs/day
Does the form or concentration of the substance differ from that described above? / _ / _
If you answer YES to this question you should complete the risk assessment template in Appendix A

1.0 Mixing & Decanting Locations

Yes / No
· Are designated areas assigned for mixing/decanting solvents? / _ / _
· Are mixing areas clean and free of stored solvents? / _ / _
· Are mixing areas well ventilated? / _ / _
Hint: Does natural airflow into the area or is an exhaust fan or ventilation provided. Use a sheet of paper or ribbons to determine effectiveness of exhaust ventilation
· Are mixing and decanting areas isolated from: / _ / _
ù Pedestrian walkways? / _ / _
ù Forklift Traffic? / _ / _
ù General work processes? / _ / _
ù Ignition sources? / _ / _
· Are decanting areas provided with absorbent material to contain spills? / _ / _
· Are all solvents stored in packages/tins that are labelled with the product name? / _ / _
· Do safety signs provide hazard warnings and indicate which PPE is required to be worn? / _ / _
· Are material safety data sheets (MSDS) available in the workplace? / _ / _
· Are emergency response procedures and first aid procedures clearly posted in the workplace? / _ / _
· Is there a no smoking policy within the mixing/decanting area and signs posted to indicate this? / _ / _
If No to any of the above, additional safety measures should be used to reduce the risk of exposure.

2.0 Transporting Solvents

Yes / No
· Are solvents transported in open containers that expose workers to risk of splashing/spills or vapours? / _ / _
· Are solvents required to be carried over: / _ / _
ù Wet or slippery surfaces? / _ / _
ù Up/down stairs or ladders? / _ / _
ù In close proximity to other workers? / _ / _
If YES to any of the above, improvements may be required in the methods of transporting solvents.

3.0 Use of Personal Protective Equipment

Yes / No

3.1 Respirators

To determine if a respirator is required, read the MSDS safety requirements for handling the chemical.

· Where MSDS’s require respirators to be worn when decanting or mixing solvents, are the respirators: / _ / _
ù Available and always worn? / _ / _
ù Fitted with correct cartridges? / _ / _
ù Fit tested to ensure correct protection is provided? / _ / _
Hint: Fit mask to face, place hands over cartridges and breath in. If the mask remains compressed to face, fit is good.
ù Suitable for the chemical? / _ / _
ù Clean and hygienic? / _ / _
· Are staff trained in the use and maintenance of the respirator? / _ / _

3.2 Gloves and Aprons

Gloves should be used at all times when decanting chemicals.

· Are gloves: / _ / _
ù Available and always worn? / _ / _
ù Appropriate for chemicals being handled? (Supplier of gloves can advise) / _ / _
ù Suitable for enabling maximum dexterity? / _ / _
ù Clean and hygienic and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers requirements? / _ / _
· Are aprons worn when decanting chemicals/solvents? / _ / _
· Are aprons appropriate for the chemicals being handled and maintained in a clean and hygienic manner? / _ / _

3.3 Eye Protection

Eye protection should be used at all times when mixing and decanting solvents.

· Are chemical goggles/face shields provided and worn at all times when mixing and decanting solvents? / _ / _
If NO to any of the above, the risk of exposure to chemical hazards may be further reduced through the use of PPE.

4.0 Pouring and Use of Containers

Yes / No
· Are containers used to decant solvents: / _ / _
ù Made of suitable materials? / _ / _
ù Washed free of chemicals after use? / _ / _
ù Labelled to indicate hazardous nature of contents? / _ / _
ù Used solely for a specified class of chemical? / _ / _
ù Provided with spouts to minimise splashing? / _ / _
· Are taps, syphons and pumps used to decant from large or difficult to handle containers? / _ / _
· Are all spills cleaned immediately? / _ / _

If NO to any of the above, consider adopting appropriate safe working procedures or safety measures to reduce the risk of exposure.

5.0 Results of Risk Assessment

Yes / No
Have any risks been identified? / _ / _
Comment: ……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………..
Does a particular issue require further assessment (e.g. monitoring, consultation, etc.)? / _ / _
Comment: ……………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………..



ACTION PLAN List any actions required to further reduce risks. / Person Responsible / Date
q This Action Plan SHOULD be completed by the employer q If after answering all the above questions, no actions are necessary to improve safety - Print “No Actions Necessary” in the above box.




A range of timber and veneered products are utilised throughout wood working processes. These include soft and hardwoods as well as medium density fibreboards. Wood dust is not classified as a hazardous substance, however, certain hardwoods such as beech and oak may produce allergic asthma like respiratory sensitisation after repeated or prolonged exposure to their dust. Chemical constituents such as formaldehyde may also be released in dust produced through the use of mechanical equipment in the cutting/sanding/routing of MDF.

List possible health hazards which may result from using these products:
List any safety warnings issued on labels:
Yes / No
Has MSDS and label information been read? (The regulations require you to consider this information) / _ / _
Are the products used as described above? / _ / _
Are the health effects described above applicable to the products used in your workplace? / _ / _
If you answer No to this question you should complete the risk assessment template in Appendix A. If Yes to all questions, proceed to the following questions
List who uses these substances or performs this process: / hrs/day
Does the form or concentration of the substance differ from that described above? / _ / _
If you answer YES to this question you should complete the risk assessment template in Appendix A

1.0 Evidence of Exposure

Yes / No
· Are workers required to handle green timber? / _ / _
· Do employees suffer from rashes? / _ / _
· Do skin conditions return rapidly after returning from leave? / _ / _
· Do skin conditions occur after working with a particular type of wood? Specify…………………………… / _ / _
· Do employees suffer irritated eyes or redness of the eyes during work with wood? / _ / _
· Do employees suffer nose irritation or redness whilst working with wood? / _ / _
· Do employees find breathing difficult whilst working with wood products? / _ / _
· Do employees with respiratory illness (asthma) find their condition deteriorates when working with wood? / _ / _

If YES to any of the above, additional safety measures as detailed below are necessary to further reduce the risk of exposure.

2.0 Safe Operating Procedures

Yes / No
· Is all woodwork undertaken using exhaust ventilation? / _ / _
· Are dust masks worn when working with MDF? / _ / _
· Have specific areas been designated for working with MDF that are isolated from other work areas? / _ / _
· Are hand tools provided with dust collection bags? / _ / _
· Is time spent working with MDF boards limited to minimise employee exposure? / _ / _
· Is good housekeeping in place to ensure excessive quantities of wood dust are not laying on surfaces? / _ / _
· Is the use of compressed air to clean equipment prohibited? / _ / _
· Are vacuum cleaners used to clean the work area of wood dust? / _ / _
· Are good hygiene practices a requirement in the workplace (i.e. wash hands prior to lunch or smoking)? / _ / _

If NO to any of the above, additional safety measures may be required to further reduce the risk of exposure.

3.0 Effectiveness of Safety measures

Yes / No
· Is the mechanical ventilation provided operating effectively? / _ / _
Hint: manually place a minor quantity of wood dust on the working surface of the machine and determine whether the dust is extracted.
· Has the requirement to work with green wood been prohibited? / _ / _

4.0 Personal Protective Equipment

Yes / No
· Are the following PPE provided: / _ / _
ù Leather gloves for handling wood (not during machine operation)? / _ / _
ù Safety glasses with side shields? / _ / _
ù Long sleeve clothing? / _ / _
ù Dust masks? / _ / _
· Are employees trained in the use and maintenance of these items of equipment? / _ / _

If NO to any of the above, the risk of exposure to wood dust hazards may be further reduced through the use of PPE.