Overview (either of these)

Atkinson, J & Braddick, O (2013). Visual development (Chapter 12). In Zelazo, P.D. (Ed.)OxfordHandbook of Developmental Psychology.OUP

Daw, NR (2006). Visual development(Chapter 3).Springer

Specific studies (** = most relevant to talk)

**Banks, MS & Bennett, PJ (1988). Optical and photoreceptor immaturities limit the spatial and chromatic vision of human neonates.J Opt Soc America A, 12(5): 2059-2079.

**Jacobs, DS & Blakemore, C (1988). Factors limiting the postnatal development of visual acuity in the monkey.Vision research28(8): 947--958.

**Norcia, AM & Tyler, CW (1985). Spatial frequency sweep VEP: Visual acuity during the first year of life.Vision Research.25: 1399-1408.

Banks MS & Salapatek P.(1978) Acuity and contrast sensitivity in 1-, 2-, and 3-month-old human infants.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 17: 361-5.
Adams RJ & Courage ML. (1998) Human newborn color vision: measurement with chromatic stimuli varying in excitation purity.J Exp Child Psychol. 68(1): 22-34.
Regal, DM. (1981) Development of critical flicker frequency in human infants.Vision Research21:549-555.
Apkarian, P (1993) Temporal frequency responsivity shows multiple maturational phases: state-dependent visual evoked potential luminance flicker fusion from birth to 9 months.VisNeurosci10: 1007–18.
Morrone MC, Fiorentini A, Burr DC (1996) Development of the temporal properties of visual evoked potentials to luminance and colour contrast in infants.Vision Res36: 3141–55.
Braddick O, Atkinson J (2009) Infants’ sensitivity to motion and temporal change.Optometry & Vision Science86(6), 577–582.
Shatz CJ (1996) Emergence of order in visual system development. Journal of Physiology-Paris 90(3-4): 141-150
Braddick, OJ, Atkinson, J, Julesz, B, Kropfl, W, Bodis-Wollner, I, & Raab, E. (1980). Cortical binocularity in infants.Nature288: 363-365.
Braddick, OJ, & Atkinson J (1983). Some recent findings on the development of human binocularity: A review.Behavioural Brain Research 10: 141-150.
Fox, R, Aslin, RN, Shea, SL, & Dumais, ST (1980). Stereopsis in human infants.Science, 207: 323–324.
Held, R, Birch, EE, & Gwiazda J (1980). Stereoacuity of human infants.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 77: 5572-5574.
Birch, EE, Gwiazda, J, & Held, R (1982). Stereoacuity development for crossed and uncrossed disparities in human infants.Vision Research, 22: 507-513.
Volkmann FC & Dobson, V (1976). Infant responses of ocular fixation to moving visual stimuli.J Exp ChildPsychol 22: 86-99.
Adelson EH & Bergen JR (1985). Spatiotemporal energy models for the perception of motion.J. Opt. Soc. Am. A2(2): 284-299.
Emerson RC, Gerstein GL (1977). Simple striate neurons in the cat. II. Mechanisms underlying directional asymmetry and directional selectivity.J Neurophysiol40: 136-55.
Wattam-Bell J. (1991) The development of motion-specific cortical responses in infants.Vision Res31:287-297.

Burkhalter, A. (1993). Development of forward and feedback connections between areas V1 and V2 of human visual cortex.Cerebral Cortex, 3 (5), 476–487
Braddick, O, Birtles, D, Wattam-Bell, J & Atkinson, J (2005). Motion- and orientation-specific cortical responses in infancy.Vision Research45: 3169-3179.
Braddick, O, & Atkinson, J (2007). Development of brain mechanisms for visual global processing and object segmentation. In C. von Hofsten & K. Rosander (Eds.),From action to cognition (Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 164)Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gunn, A et al (2002). Dorsal and ventral stream sensitivity in normal development and hemiplegia.Neuroreport13(6): 843-847.
Wattam-Bell, J et al (2010). Reorganization of Global Form and Motion Processing during Human Visual Development.Current Biology20(5): 411-415.

Kovacs, I. (2000). Human development of perceptual organisation.Vision Research40, 1301-1310

Regan, D (1977). Speedy assessment of visual acuity in amblyopia by the evoked potential method.Ophthalmologica175(3): 159-64.

Teller, DY (1981). The development of visual acuity in human and monkey infants.Trends in Neurosciences4: 21-24.