Strategy Meeting

Once the decision has been made to follow the multi-agency safeguarding procedure, a strategy meeting/discussion will normally be held within 5 working days of this decision. This can be either a face to face formal meeting or a telephone discussion, depending on the severity of the incident. Whether a meeting or discussion is held, it should have the same purpose, aim and outcome.

The purpose of the strategy meeting/discussion is;

•To share information regarding the safeguarding concern/allegation

•To coordinate the collection of information about the harm or neglect

•To determine the type of investigation, if an investigation is required

•To plan the investigation

•To assess the current level of risk

•To agree an interim protection plan

The strategy meeting/discussion must:

•Include the view of the adult at risk (or their representative) in order to consider their wishes and how they will be communicated with

•Agree whether an investigation will take place, and if so, which agency will take the lead

•Undertake a risk assessment, or risk assessments as required, and address any immediate protection needs

•Make a clear record of all decisions

•Agree an investigation plan with timescales and tasks clearly identified and actioned to individuals

•Agree the scope and nature of the investigation

•Adhere to the multi-agency Safeguarding Protocol for the sharing of information and data protection

The Strategy meeting/discussion must take place prior to the commencement of an investigation. The commencement of a police investigation is an exception to this when vital evidence gathering is required. This can take place prior to, or alongside the strategy meeting.

Aim of the investigation

A Safeguarding Investigation is a term covering a wide range of responses. For example: it could start with a conversation with the person thought to be experiencing harm, or a check of documentation relating to that person. It may encompass a wide and complex investigation involving the police and other agencies.

The aim of the investigation is to establish the facts which led to the referral and ascertain whether the vulnerable adult has experienced harm as a result.

Hence the investigation process will:

•find out if and how the adult has experienced harm

•find out the type and scale of the harm

•determine the risks to the vulnerable adult (and any other vulnerable people)

•propose appropriate protective remedies or sanctions to remove or reduce risks

•identify appropriate services and supports to be offered to the vulnerableadult

Bolton Safeguarding Adult at Risk StrategyMeeting
Details of Subject(name, address, date of birth)
Time, date, venue
Minute Taker


Name / Contact info / Role - Organisation

Welcome and Introduction

The meeting commenced at XXXX and was chaired by XXXX. The Chair welcomed the members and the attendees introduced themselves

Apologies: Recorded

N.B. These notes are not a verbatim record, but should reflect the main points of the discussion. Where the same issue was discussed several times it may only be recorded once. Also, the chronological order of the notes will not reflect the exact sequence of the discussion on the day.

Confidentiality Statement:

This meeting is being held in accordance with the Boltonmulti-agency policy and procedures to safeguard adults from abuse. The information shared at this meeting is confidential and is intended to be used solely to enable safety and support measures to be put in place for the adult at risk. The records produced from this meeting shall be subject to the provisions of Data Protection Act 1988 and Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Purpose ofthe Meeting:

Pen Picture of the Adult at Risk: Summary of needs and abilities, living situation and care plan (The Adult at Risk or best placed professional)

Details of Allegations and or Concerns (Allocated worker or person who raised the referral)

View of the adult at risk

View of all professionals

Risk Assessment

Decisions regarding the further investigation Lead agency, named co-ordinator. CQC role

Communication and support needs of Adult at Risk during investigation process:

Risk management and protection plan:

Information Sharing/ Feedback to others:

Any other issues:

Date of case conference:

Summary of decisions and action plan, feedback to others, information sharing.

Decision /Action / Responsible person/agency / Time scale

The Chair thanked the members and closed the meeting at ……………………………….

Name of the Chair Person
Note: / These minutes are issued in the belief that they are an accurate representation of the meeting. Please contact the chair within 7 days of receipt to record any inaccuracies or omissions.
These minutes are confidential and the contents should not be disclosed to other parties without express permission of the Chair.