Now that you have worked with borders and the box model, you may have begun to notice a lot ofrectangles on your web pages! Still in draft form and not yet an official standard, CSS3 introduces theborder-radius property, which can be used to create rounded corners and soften up those rectangles.
There is a complication when using this technique, though- developers of browser renderingengines, such as WebKit (used by Safari and Google Chrome) and Gecko (used by Firefox and otherMozilla-based browsers), have developed their own proprietary properties to implement roundedcorners. In addition, Internet Explorer 9 is the first version of IE to support the borderradiusproperty. So, you need to code three different style declarations to round those corners:
-webkit-border-radius (for WebKit browsers)
-moz-border- radius (for Gecko browsers)
border-radius (W3C Draft Syntax)
Eventually all browsers will support CSS3 and the border-radius property, so code this propertylast in the list. CSS declarations to set a border with rounded corners are show below. If you wouldlike a visible border to display, configure the border property. Then set the value of the threeborder-radius properties to a value below 20px for best results.
border: l px solid #000000;
-webkit- border- radius: l5px;
-moz -border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: l5px;
The web page (chapter7/box4.html) shows this code in action. With progressiveenhancement in mind, your visitors using olderversions of Internet Explorer will see right-angle ratherthan rounded corners. However, the functionality andusability of the web page will not be affected.
Be aware that when you code the non-standard properties,your CSS will not pass W3C validation. Keep inmind that another approach to getting a rounded look isto create a rounded rectangle background image with a graphics application. However, once CSS3becomes a well-supported standard, the box model will be easy to "round out" and is a much moreefficient way to accomplish rounded corners.
You'll configure a logo header area that uses a background image and rounded borders. When complete, your web page will look similar to the one shown.
- Create a new folder called CSS_Borders.
- Copy thelighthouselogo.jpg and the background.jpg files in the chapter7/starters folder to yourCSS_Borders folder.
- A starter file is readyfor you in the student files. Copy thechapter7/starterl.html file to your CSS_Bordersfolder.
- Launch a browser to display thestarter1.html web page.
- Launch a text editor or Dreamweaver and open the starter1.htmlfile. Save the file as index.html.
- Edit the embeddedCSS and add the following style declarations to the h1 selector that willconfigure the lighthouselogo.jpg image as a background image that does notrepeat: height set to 100px, width set to 700px, font size set to 3em, 150px ofleft padding, 20px of top padding, no top margin, and a solid dark blue border(#000033) with a border radius of 15px.
The style declarations are as follows:
h1 {
background-image: url(lighthouselogo.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: l00px;
width: 700px;
font- size: 3em;
padding-left: 150px;
padding-top: 30px;
margin-top: 0;
border: lpx solid #000033;
-webkit-border-radius: 15px;
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: 15px;
- Save the file. When you test your index.html file in a browser, it should look similar tothe one shown above if you are using a browser that supports rounded corners.
Otherwise the logo will have right-angle corners, but the web page will still be usable.
Activity - CSS3 Rounded Corners.docVersion 1
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