MK Baby Sweater with interchangeable panels size 3-6 mos.
Yarn 2/12 Trenzado or equivalent
Gauge: approx 8 st x 11 rows
Step 1: make 2 front side panels
RC 000 TN 1: CO 20 sts for1 x 1 rib, knit 16 rows at TN 1 and transfer to main bed.
RC 000 TN 6: knit to row 66 and mark one side for armhole.
Knit to row 110 and take off on scrap. Repeat for 2nd panel, marking opposite side for armhole.
Step 2: Button Bands – make 2
RC 000 TN 1: CO 70 sts for 1 x 1 rib.
Knit 8 rows at TN 1 and transfer to main bed.
With right side of panel facing machine, hang one side of panel on same needles and BO.
Repeat for second panel.
Step 3: Sweater back, make 1
RC 000 TN 1: CO 80 sts for 1 x 1 rib. Knit 16 rows at TN 1 and transfer to main bed.
RC 000 TN 6: Knit to row 66 and mark armholes on both sides.
Knit to row 102 and start neck shaping as follows:
Set machine to hold and put center 20 plus all stitches Left of “0” in Hold. Carriage is on the right.
Knit across, wrap and knit back. Then short row on the neck side 4 sts once, then 3 sts twice – wrapping each time to avoid holes. Knit to row 110 and remove 20 sts on scrap.
Reset row counter to 102. Put Left side back in work leaving the 10 sts left of “0” still in hold and proceed with the same short rowing: 4 sts once, 3 sts twice as above. Knit to row 110 and remove the 20 shoulder sts on scrap.
Remove the 20 neck sts on scrap.
Step 4: Sleeves – make 2
RC 000 TN 1: CO 48 sts for 1 x 1 rib. Knit 16 rows at TN 1 and transfer to main bed.
RC 000 TN 6: Knit to row 10. On this row, increase 1 st at each side, repeat increases on rows 20, 30, 40 , 50 and 60. Then knit straight to row 68 and take off on scrap. Repeat for 2nd sleeve.
Step 5: Center Front Panel
RC 000 TN 1: CO 24 sts for 1 x 1 rib. Knit 16 rows at TN 1 and transfer to main bed.
RC 000 TN 6: Knit 70 rows and take off on scrap.
Step 6: buttonhole bands
Note: on Left band you are transferring the sts from L to R from the ribber to the main bed and on the Right band, from R to L from the ribber to the main bed.
Left Band: RC 000 TN 1: CO 49 sts for 1 x 1 rib setting 24 needles left of “0” and 25 needles right of “0”. Knit 3 rows – carriage is on Left.
Make buttonholes – move sts left of “0” from ribber to main bed as follows: move st 21 on ribber to st 20 on main bed, 11 to 10, 1 to “0”, now on right side of “0”, move ribber st 10 to 11 on main bed, and 20 to 21.
Put empty needles back in work and knit to row 8. Transfer to main bed.
Hang one side of front panel (right side facing machine) with the ribbing part on the panel on the left hand end of the needles on these 49 sts - use about 12 needles to hang the ribbing part of the panel. BO
Right Band: CO same as Left band and knit 3 rows. Carriage is on Left.
Make buttonholes by transferring the sts left of “0” as follows:
Left of ”0”, Take st 19 from ribber and hang on st 20 on main bed, 9 to 10, then right of “0’: st 1 on ribber to “0” on main bed, 11 to 10, and 19 to 20.
Put empty needles back in work and knit to row 8. Transfer to main bed.
Hang remaining side of panel with right side to machine (ribbing on panel is at right hand side of needles) as above and BO.
Step 7: Ribbed top band for front panel
RC 000 TN 1: CO 40 sts for 1 x 1 rib. Knit 3 rows – carriage is on Left.
Make buttonholes: Left of “0”, move needle 17 on ribber up to 18 on main bed. Right of “0’, move needle
16 on ribber up to 17 on main bed. Put those 2 empty needles back in work. Knit to row 8.
Now hang the front panel with right side facing machine on these 40 sts – 8 on each end and the 24 from scrap in the middle. BO.
Step 8: Back neck band
RC 000 TN 1: CO 42 sts for 1 x 1 rib. Knit 8 rows and transfer to main bed. Hang back neck of sweater with right side facing ribbing evenly on these 42 sts putting the scrapped off 20 in the center and BO.
Step 9: Attach sleeves
With right side of sweater facing you, hang armhole evenly on 60 sts between armhole markers , having shoulder seam at “0”.
Now with right sides together, rehang sleeve from scrap on same needles and BO.
Do 2nd sleeve same way.
Step 10: Finishing: Sew neckband ribbing seams at shoulders. Sew up sides and sleeves and attach 12 buttons for front panel – 6 on each side.
I like to lightly steam pieces as they are made and then do a final very light steam after assembled. I use a Jiffy steamer.