Assessment Department / Accomplishments 2002 – 2003
Goal 1: Increase the efficiency of computerized testing in SCC Computerized Testing Lab.
# / Action Item / Linkage to other Plans / Year-End Status and Accomplishments
1a / Increase the number of computer stations by eight for a total of 27 stations to alleviate wait-lists. / PT2, PT3, M3 / There are now 27 student stations in the lab, including 2 ADA stations.
1b / Incorporate all the data bases that hold test results into a universal data base and have it available on Computer #21 in SS #121. Each student would be checked for prior testing. This would not necessarily facilitate check-in but might eliminate much repeat testing. Universal data base would expedite finding results when students request duplicates in SS#121 / PT2, PT3, M3 / All data back to 1994 is now in one database (ASAP). This database can be accessed from all staff computers through ASAP Look. Students are being checked for prior tests when they enter the lab.
Goal 2: Increase access to test results for authorized personnel.
2a / SCC Counselors have access to test results on the computers in their offices reducing the need for counselors to come to Assessment for duplicates. / PT2, PT3, M3 / Counselors now have access to all assessment records back to 1994 through ASAP Look.
2b / Streamline the process for retrieval of results at outreach centers by allowing access to results on Outreach Counselors office computer. / PT4, M3 / Outreach centers now have access to all assessment results back to 1994 through ASAP Look.
Goal 3: Design and conduct a study of the effectiveness of the SAC Program.
3a / Work with SCC Research to collect and analyze data prior to redesigning the SAC program. / PT2, M3 / Project is on hold pending reevaluation of goal.
Goal 4: Create a universal data base of test results.
4a / Assessment staff to work with College Board of Tech support, CAPP Associates, SCC Computer Services to consolidate data bases. / M3 / All data back to 1994 is now in one database (ASAP).
4b / Prepare test data in a single format in preparation for PeopleSoft system. / M3 / Data can be provided to PeopleSoft in any format they choose through ASAP.
Goal 5: Make Assessment results available to SCC Counselors on the computers in their offices.
5a / Assessment staff will work with ARC Assessment to adapt their software to our system. / Project cancelled as no longer necessary due to improvements in ASAP/CAPP software.
5b / Investigate PeopleSoft system capabilities. / Project is ongoing.
Goal 6: Assessment Counselor to regularly update campus on Assessment matters.
Action Item / Linkage to other Plans / Year-End Status and Accomplishments
Use e-mail for monthly updates / M3 / Keyfile has removed need for email updates
Attend Counselor meetings / M3 / Meeting are attended as necessary to update and educate counselors about Assessment issues.
Conduct faculty/staff survey and continuing student survey in preparation for Assessment Self-Study for the Matriculation Site Visit. / M3 / Project on hold pending more information about scheduling of site visit.
Goal 7: Update office equipment and software.
Replace copier with more efficient desktop model / PT3, M3 / Remains an assessment need.
Prepare computers to be compatible with PeopleSoft. / PT3, M3 / Complete as far as we know. More information on PeopleSoft requirements needed.
Replace monitors in lab and Assessment Center with flat screen monitors to reduce flicker and save space. / PT3, M3 / Remains an assessment need.
Goal 8: Staff to continue with computer training.
Staff members to improve their knowledge of computer systems and software by continuing to take training offered by the District and classes at SCC when appropriate for their work schedules. / PT5, M3 / Staff is making good progress with regard to continuing computer training.
Other Accomplishments:
Keyfile implemented for storage and access of Competency and ATB results. Access provided to Financial Aid and Admissions & Records.
Lab hours have been extended an additional five hours each week.
Delivery time for assessment results to most students has been cut from up to 24 hours during busy times to a few minutes.
Converted EFL and ESL ATB testing from paper and pencil to computerized version compatible with ASAP database and software.
Online orientation now offered in the lab during all open testing hours.
Upgraded the testing lab to automatically print reports and capture data.
Completed installation and training on new Study Behavior Inventory Assessment.
Online computerized assessment testing made available at outreach centers.
Modified placement system and software to accommodate course renumbering.
Successfully piloted onsite online testing at Delta High School.