On-going projects financed by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(as of 30th July 2014 inclusive)
Project Name / Project Objective / Loan amount (EUR mil.) / Year of Project Commencement / Year of Project CompletionRegional and Municipal Roads Programme / This Project is aimed at improving the conditions and the quality of local and regional road network in the Republic of Macedonia, thus reducing the costs for access of municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia to markets and services. / 50 / 2009 / 2014
Macedonia-Bulgaria Transmission Interconnection Project / Objective of the Project is to improve interconnection with the Republic of Bulgaria, thus improving the quality of electricity transmission network in the Republic of Macedonia and strengthening institutional capacity of MEPSO AD. / 36.77 / 2003 / 2014
Rail Corridor X Project / Objective of the Project is repair of several sections of the railroad on Corridor X at motorway sections Tabanovce - Kumanovo, Miravci – Smokvica, Zgropolci – Gradsko – Negotino, thus reducing the costs for its maintenance and ensuring safe traffic on these sections. / 17.6 / 2010 / 2014
Rehabilitation of Eastern Part of Rail Corridor VIII Project - Phase I, Kumanovo-Beljakovce Section / Rehabilitation of this section will contribute to reducing the costs for its maintenance and provision of safe traffic, i.e. improvement of safety during the transport of people and goods, thus saving time and providing for environmental benefits. / 46.4 / 2012 / 2017
Project for Construction of Corridor X Motorway, D emir Kapija Smokvica Section / Objective of the Project is construction of motorway design along the modern section from Demir Kapija to Smokvica, covering around 28 km, in line with the European standards, thus completing the main axis of Corridor X passing through the Republic of Macedonia, as well as modernization of the toll collection system at the existing toll stations and construction and equipping of four new toll stations along Corridor X. / 91.12 / 2013 / 2015
Project for Construction and Installation of electronic Toll Collection System along Corridor X / Goal of the Project is modernization of the toll collection system of the existing toll stations and construction and equipping of four new toll stations on Corridor X. / 15.88 / 2013 / 2015
Project ”Through New Concepts for Efficient Traffic towards Cleaner Skopje" – without sovereign guarantee / Main Project Objective is providing implementation of new concepts for efficient traffic, as well as improving the quality of the traffic by applying modern technology, to end of cleaner Skopje.
Under the project, construction of traffic management center is envisaged, which existence and functioning is one of the main assumptions for optimization of the traffic in the City of Skopje, as well as rehabilitation and reconstruction of “Prvomajska” street. / 5.6 / 2011 / 2014
M-NAV Modernisation Project/Macedonian Air Navigation System Upgrading– without sovereign guarantee / This Project envisages modernisation of the air traffic control equipment, i.e. improvement of the performance of the overall system (safety, capacity, cost effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility, predictability, environmental impact, etc.). / 11.15 / 2013 / 2016
Project “Rehabilitation and Modernisation of the Transmission Network and Power System” – without sovereign guarantee / Implementation of this Project will increase the quality of delivery of electricity, safety when supplying electricity to the users of the transmission system, and it will also lead to revitalisation of 110 kV transmission lines older than 40 years. / 25 / 2013 / 2017
Boskov Most Hydro Power Plant Project / Boskov Most Hydro Power Plant Project is a complex hydro power system, which envisages total utilisation of the hydro power potential on the River Mala Reka and its tributaries in the western part of the Republic of Macedonia. Within Boskov Most HPP, 117,546 GWh of electricity may be generated in average annually. / 65 / 2011 / 2016