
POST:Head of Academic Business and Workforce Developments

FACULTY:Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing




Reportsto:Associate Dean Research and Enterprise

Postholder:Head of Academic Business and Workforce Developments


Internal:OfficesoftheViceChancellor,Deanand AssociateDeansof School,Project Support Office, Business Solutions Office, centralservices, academic,technicalandadministrativestaffatSchool,campusandinstitutionallevels,and students.

External:Widerangeofclients,includingbothpotentialstudentsandemployers;researchagencies; otherconstituenciesrequiringresearchorconsultancyservices;othergroupsasrequiredby theDeanof School.


The Head of Academic Business and Workforce Developments will be educated to MastersLevel or above and hold a record of academic achievement in health. They will have a proven track record of innovation in course and curriculum development of corporate programmes. S/he will be able to demonstrate experience of effective collaboration with public and private sector organisations and funding bodies and possess entrepreneurial flair.




Tocontributetotheachievementof FacultyandUniversitystrategicobjectivesbyleading, managing and coordinating the delivery of consultancy, CPD and joint venture working within FEHW across all the curriculum offer, in line with the needs of employers and partners and Faculty’s commercial income objectives.


Pleasenote,whereappropriatethedutieslistedbelowaretobecarriedout incollaborationwiththerelevant Dean,AssociateDean,ProfessororPrincipalLecturerwithintheFaculty,oracrosstheUniversity.


a)Workacrossdisciplinesanddepartmentsintheallocatedareaof responsibility.

b)Lead the health CPD team.

c) Provideacademicleadershipinrequiredareasforexamplepeoplemanagement,studentrecruitment.

Contributetothedevelopmentof researchstrategiesandgenerateresearchprojectinitiatives.

d) Undertaketheappraisalanddevelopmentof staff,asrequiredtoensuredevelopmentof teamsand individuals.

e) Effectivelymanageresourcesincludingstaffandprojects

f) Contributetotheteachingandassessmentof programmeswithintheFacultyasagreedwiththe


g)Undertakeresearch,scholarlyactivityandthirdstreamactivityasappropriateand agreedwiththeDean andAssociateDean.

h) UseManagementInformationforplanningandmanagingresourcesforbusinessandstudentexperience improvement.

i) Ensureeffectiveinternalandexternalcommunications.

ji)Leadonthedesignanddevelopmentof teachingtechniques/pedagogyintheallocatedareasof responsibility.


l) Assumecollectiveresponsibilityfordecisionsmadeaspartof theFacultymanagementteam.


n) Actasmentorforotherstaffasrequired.

o) Takeonkeystrategicleadershiprolesin teaching,researchand/orbusiness/communityengagement.

p) SupportnewdevelopmentswithintheFacultyandacrossFacultyasdirectedbytheDean/Associate


q) Undertakecontinuousprofessionaldevelopmentandparticipateinstaffdevelopmentandtraining activitiestoupdateandenhancetheirin-depthunderstandingoftheirfield.

r) Takealeadinrelevantandappropriateinstitutionalmeetingsandcommittees,inparticularto develop internalnetworks.



i)To support the initiation and development of consultancy, CPD and joint venture working within FEHW across all the curriculum offer, in line with the Faculty’s commercial income objectives.

ii)To develop and support staff competencies and capabilities in the area of consultancy and CPD through a variety of mechanisms in order to build capacity amongst colleagues within FEHW to deliver the academic business.

iii)Liaise with funding bodies and regional, national and international agencies in collaboration with Subject Heads and Heads responsible for Academic Quality, International Outreach and Recruitment, Practice and Lifelong Learning and Collaborative Partnerships to identify and develop academic business opportunities.

iv)Ensure the achievement of Faculty income generation targets.

v)To lead the health CPD team.

vi)Lead on the academic development of comprehensive packages of support for private and public sector organisations in collaboration with the Subject Heads and Heads responsible for academic quality, practice lifelong learning and collaborative partnerships.

vii)Identify and lead on workforce development opportunities arising from bidding opportunities, employer engagement, professional, statutory and regulatory bodies’ requirements and legislative change relevant to education, health, and sport in collaboration with the Subject Heads and Heads of Quality Professional Standards and Academic Quality.

viii)Work in collaboration with other PLs in the Student Facing Team i.e. Heads of Recruitment and the Headof Progression, Attainment and Employability, to actively contribute to the development and implementation of the retention and progression strategies and ensure continuity of student experience along the pathway from enquiry to employment or further study.

ix)Work with the Head of Doctoral Studies to develop professionally relevant doctoral study programmes in line with the University Doctoral College.

x)To oversee the management of staff to include: recruitment, selection, induction, appraisal, development and workload.

xi)Work in collaboration with cross faculty PLs to achieve targets for recruitment, retention, progression, attainment and employability and implement measures to enhance student satisfaction.

xii)To chair Assessment Boards and Faculty Committees as required.

xiii)Deputise for Associate Deans as required.

xiv)Working collaboratively with cross faculty PLs and the Subject Heads PLs to achieve the Faculty Strategy.

xv)Support and enable the research and enterprise activities of the Faculty.


The post holder will be required, under the terms of his/her contract of employment with the University, to participate in a staff appraisal scheme.

This job description sets out the duties of the post at the time when it was drawn up. Such duties may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the job or the level of responsibility entailed. Such variations are common occurrence and cannot themselves justify a reconsideration of the grading of the post.

Data Protection Act (1998)

The post-holder will be familiar with the above legislation and will, at all times, bear in mind his/her responsibilities under the above act. Attention is specifically drawn to the need for confidentiality in handling personal data and the implications of unauthorised disclosure.

Computer Misuse Act (1990)

The post-holder will need to have regard to the provision of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and in particular to take such steps as may seem necessary to prevent unauthorised access to computer material (Section 1) and the unauthorised modification of computer material (Section 3)

Health and Safety

The post holder will be responsible for health and safety in the area under his/her control on a day-to-day basis, and must ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that he/she is familiar with all relevant Health and Safety legislation and recommendations and that these are observed within his/her areas of responsibility. Attention is particularly drawn to the existence of the University’s policy statement on health and safety at work, copies of which have been displayed onnotice boards inthe University (further copies may be obtained from the HR Department). Any accident in the post holder's area must be entered in the accident book.

Thisjobdescriptionsetsoutthedutiesofthepostatthetimewhenitwasdrawnup.Suchdutiesmayvary from timetotimewithoutchangingthegeneralcharacterof thedutiesorthelevelofresponsibilityentailed. Suchvariationsareacommonoccurrenceandcannotof themselvesjustifyareconsiderationofthegrading ofthepost.



POST: Head of Academic Business and Workforce Developments



Attribute / Essential / Desirable
1 / Standard of General
Education / Master’s Degree or above in a health related area / PhD/Doctorate
2 / Academic Qualifications / Master’s Degree or above in a health related area / PhD/Doctorate
3 / Professional Qualifications / Relevant learning and teaching qualification / Membership of Higher Education Academy or Membership of a relevant professional body or learned association
4. / General skills and experience / Proven people management and communication skills
Clear evidence of leadership ability
Excellent management and administrative abilities
Evidence of skills and experience in managing change
Track record of successful collaboration with private and/or public sector partners and a range of funding bodies
5 / Subject skills and experience / Expertise in one of the constituent areas of the Faculty: health
Experience of developing income generating activities
Experience of innovative course and curriculum development of corporate programmes
Experience of effective collaboration with public and private sector organisations and funding bodies
Experience of successful bidding for corporate work and project funding
Experience of undertaking market intelligence research to identify business opportunities
Ability to work cross faculty with other cross faculty roles and HODS / Experience of marketing and promotion
6 / Specific qualities related to the post / Ability to build an academic team and lead CPD health
Ability to work within a multi-professional interdisciplinary team
Ability to work under pressure
Commercial acumen
An ability to inspire confidence and build rapport with both academic colleagues and external clients
Results oriented
7 / Other / Evidence of on-going professional development
Commitment to equal opportunity
Commitment to quality assurance
Understanding of data protection / Understanding of intellectual property