We have an extremely strong progression of spelling, punctuation and grammar within the school. The coverage is fantastic and matches the outline for what we should be covering each year throughout primary education.
Reception/KS1 has a vast coverage (far more than needed –THE MELLIS EFFECT!)
· Year 1 need to ensure that PHASE 5 letters and sounds has complete coverage
· Year 1 need to ensure that they are teaching proper nouns ( Capitalisation for names/dates/places)
· Year 2 need to further the use of organisational features and ways of presenting texts
Key Stage 2 coverage is also vast and there seems to be strong progression and good coverage from basic to complex in years 3-6
· Year 3 need to ensure pluralisation is clear- noticing which words can be pluralised or not
· Year 5 sentence contractions and prepositions- not listed on Claire’s list but I am sure she does do this!
Next steps:
Copies of this progress summary along with a copy of Mellis Grammar Scheme of work to be sent out to each teacher for class file- under planning section.
We need to wait until there is further clarity of Year 6 SAT outcomes (weighting of levels/ compulsory element/ Govt expectations after initial testing) and then make a firm decision as to whether we need to teach this discretely as we do with spelling and comprehension or whether to simply integrate in planning but making sure that this is explicit.
All to become familiar with technical language and terminology. Copy of terms and language will also be included with the above listed documents. Children from Reception to be exposed to the rich language so that it is not alien by key stage 2.
Key Stage 2- Begin to assess using Rising Stars or use Schofield and Sims teacher guides to make up appropriate assessment questions. Do this termly alongside Ros Wilson big write not as an alternative. We must maintain teacher assessment half termly as we do currently.
Key Stage 1- similar assessments each term that will link to the High Frequency spelling tests children have- give simple questions such as which of these words is a noun (object) ....
In September we will be in a better position to meet afresh at the beginning of a term to outline our expectations fully. Everyone will have all necessary documentation, will be able to learn! Technical language and terms and will be able to collaborate whole school then key stage to decide on final actions to be implemented within planning. Teaching styles and planning will vary but coverage is compulsory.