
Volume 6. Doctor’s Degree Programme in Geology. Other Information Concerning Study Programme

Doctor’s Degree Programme in Geology

1. Introduction 3

2. General Description of Programme 5

3. Appendix 11

Other Information Concerning Study Programme

4. Comparison of the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes of Universities of Latvia

and Tartu 13

5. Comparison of the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes of University of Latvia

and Aarhus University 15

6. Calculation of Costs of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Geology 17

7. Calculation of Costs of the Master’s Degree Programme in Geology 19

8. List of the Best Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses in Geology Defended

During the Last Three Years 21

9. Results of Student’s Inquiry: an Evaluation of the Study Programme

in Geology (January 2000) 23

10. Booklet about Possibilities to Study Geology 28

16. Curricula Vitae 29

University of Latvia

Doctor’s degree programme in Geology

Director of programme:

Prof. Dr. habil. geol. Igors Danilâns

Riga 2000

Geology is a versatile branch of science that investigates the geological composition and history of geological development of the Earth. It unites a number of specialised branches: geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrography, sedimentology, palaeontology, stratigraphy, structural geology, tectonics, Quaternary geology, geomorphology, geology of minerals, engineering geology, hydrogeology etc. Geological research usually focuses on a particular territory with a view on the local specifics of the composition of the mineral wealth and history of geological development. Therefore the significance of the several branches of geology differs among regions and states.

International scientific collaboration in geology is headed by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). It organises international geological congresses, first of them already in 1878, and co-ordinates the activity of different specialised associations. IUGS is an initiator of several international research programmes including the most long-lasting and widest one – the International Geological Correlation Programme. Latvian geologists are participating in a number of projects of this programme. The Latvian Quaternary Research Association (LATQUA) from 1999 is a member of the International Quaternary Research Society (INQUA). A lot of scientific literature has been published abroad; the number of scientific periodicals in different areas of geology exceeds 200. Geological research in our country is carried out by the Institute of Geology and the Faculty of Geographical and Earth Science where 11 projects financed by the Latvian Council of Science are under way.

Geological research and geological information is of great economical and national importance therefore since the middle of the past century, geological services had been established all over Europe and other continents too. The State Geological Survey of Latvia is an independent structure and it operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development. Currently about 30 private companies have been engaged in geology related activities of different use.

Teaching students of geology in Latvia started in 1920 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia; from 1944 till 1949 at the Faculty of Geology and Soil Science, later at the Faculty of Geology and Geography. In 1952 geology studies in Latvia were ceased completely and only in 1989 with the changes of the political situation, geology studies were renewed at the University of Latvia. A Chair of Geology was established in 1991 (currently the Chair of General Geology), later followed by study laboratories of Quaternary environment, Rocks, Palaeontology and Engineering Geology. In 1996, on the basis of the aforementioned structures and the Museum of Geology of the University of Latvia, the Department of Geology was established. Since 1992, along with the Bachelor’s degree program, Master’s degree program is performed in several branches of geology.

In 1992 the Latvian Council of Science assigned the Habilitation and promotion board of Geology of the University of Latvia the right to habilitation and promotion in two branches: General geology, Quaternary geology and geomorphology. In 1998 the Latvian Council of Science decided to assigned the board also the right to habilitation and promotion in Hydrogeology and engineering geology. Since 1994 studies for doctor’s degree in geology have started and currently the branch of geology of the University of Latvia has 5 such students.

The University of Latvia is the only higher educational establishment in the country that offers geological studies on all study levels. The situation is similar in Estonia and Lithuania, however, in bigger countries geology studies are provided at nearly all universities or at least at the largest, classical type ones. Geology study programmes, including doctoral programmes are also provided by technical universities, especially those providing mining engineering studies.

The Doctor’s degree program in Geology for accreditation has been worked out in accordance with the specifics of the geological composition of Latvia and geological research, traditions of academic education of the University of Latvia, the contents and structure of geological doctoral studies at different universities (Danish, Swedish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Great Britain, Russian, Canadian and the USA), as well as the Doctor’s studies programme of the University of Latvia and the Regulations of Doctoral Studies of the University of Latvia.


1. Scientific degree acquired, the goal, basic principles of realisation and financing of the studies

Scientific degree acquired: Doctor of Geology (Dr. geol.)

The goal of studies: to acquire an experience of research and academic work, scientific competence in some of the subdisciplines of geology and internationally comparable doctor’s degree, as well as the ability to compete in the international academical society, as well as in the higher qualification labour market.

Studies are realised by the Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, and Institute of Geology, University of Latvia. The Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences together with the Institute of Geology provide scientific supervising, equipment, materials and information, but in case of necessity helps to find it in other organisations including abroad.

Financing of studies: the Doctor’s degree programme is financed by the budget and by individual payments of the students. Selection of applicants to the budget-financed places are organised in order of competition, but to the places financed by legal and physical persons - according to an agreement.

2. Structure of the programme and branches of studies

Structure of the programme: The Doctor’s degree programme in Geology, University of Latvia, is based upon individual programmes of doctoral students. These programmes are composed of the theoretical studies and the research parts. The theoretical studies requires the mastering of compulsory and optional courses, but the research part includes the realisation of scientific investigations, presenting of their results in conferences, preparation of scientific publications, as well as the participation in realising the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in Geology.

Branches of studies:

The Doctor’s studies in geology are organised in following branches:

·  General Geology;

·  Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology;

·  Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology.

By special decision the doctor’s studies in geology may be organised also in other branches of geology, and the studies may be interdisciplinary.

3. Pre-requisites and matriculation rules in the Doctor’s studies in Geology, duration of studies

Prerequisites to the Doctor’s studies in Geology:

Master’s degree of Natural Sciences (MSc) in Geology, Geography, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Engineering Sciences (Mg. sc. ing.). In exceptional cases, according to special motivated decision of the Council of Doctor’s degree studies in Geology[1], applicants from other branches may be matriculated.

Matriculation includes:

·  Submission of the application and other necessary documents in the Doctoranture, Department of Studies, University of Latvia.

·  Appraisal of the Council of Doctor’s degree studies in Geology regarding the knowledge of applicant in geology and in selected branch, as well as in foreign languages, preliminary theme of the doctoral thesis and the possibilities to realise it. The council decides about compliance of applicant, the scientific supervisor of the doctoral thesis, and in case of necessity defines additional courses to be taken;

·  Matriculation to Doctor’s studies in the Doctoranture, Department of Studies, University of Latvia takes place according to decision of the Council of Doctor’s degree studies in Geology;

·  Doctor’s degree student together with the scientific supervisor during one month prepare an individual programme of studies and research. This programme, according to accept of expert of appropriate branch is confirmed in session of corresponding unit and submitted to the Doctoranture, Department of Studies, University of Latvia.

Duration of studies:

·  Full time studies - 3 years, i.e. 52 weeks per year (40 hours in week) - 48 weeks working and 4 weeks leave. The amount of studies corresponds to 144 credit points.

·  Part time studies - 4 years, i.e. 36 weeks per year (40 hours in week) The amount of studies corresponds to 144 credit points.

4. Contents of the studies

The Doctor’s degree programme in geology is composed of:

·  Major course in the corresponding branch;

·  Two optional courses of specialisation according to the theme of doctoral thesis. These courses are mentioned in the plans of studies of corresponding branches. In special cases other courses may be taken instead by the decision of the Council of Doctor’s degree studies;

·  Complementary courses in principles of preparation of scientific papers, information technologies, data processing and advanced research methods, which are provided for Doctor’s degree students of all disciplines (Geography, Geology and Environmental sciences) represented in the Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences;

·  Mastering of foreign language for the students whose language knowledge has been evaluated as insufficient for preparation of scientific publications, as well as in special cases - mastering of second foreign language and other courses;

·  Geological field studies and collection, processing, systematisation and analysis of the geological information obtained previously;

·  Laboratory analysis of samples and other geological material collected in the field studies;

·  Every-semester seminars to discuss the results of studies;

·  Participation in realisation of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in Geology;

·  Participation in local, Baltic or international scientific conferences with oral or poster presentations;

·  Preparation of scientific publications dealing with results obtained during doctoral studies;

·  Preparation of the doctoral thesis, preliminary approbation and submission for defence;

·  As far as possible - participation in scientific projects of Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, and Institute of Geology, University of Latvia, as well as in other universities;

·  Plan of courses in each branch see in appendix.

5. Principles of studies, examination forms and order of attributing the scientific degree

·  Doctor’s degree student together with scientific supervisor prepare the individual programme of studies, specify the structure and title of thesis. The theme and scientific supervisor must be accepted by the Council of Doctor’s degree studies. The realisation of programme of studies is controlled by scientific supervisor and professor of corresponding branch;

·  Student masters the major and optional courses by studying the scientific literature according to the programmes of courses and recommended references. Examination takes place in the Commission of doctoral examinations. The members of the commission are assigned by the Scientific Pro-Rector, University of Latvia, according to the proposal of the Council of Doctor’s degree studies;

·  Doctor’s degree student twice in a year reports in the seminars of corresponding branch of science. In these seminars the decisions are taken about how the results of studies are compliant to the individual programmes of studies. The protocol and the decision are submitted to the Doctoranture, Department of Studies, University of Latvia.

·  When the Doctor’s degree studies are finished, professor of corresponding branch of science organises the seminar, where the results of studies and scientific research of student are discussed. A decision is made about further events: to continue work on improvement of the thesis or to recommend it to defence;

·  The scientific degree is attributed by Promotion Council of corresponding discipline of science, according the regulations of the council, as well as “The Regulations About the Order and Criteria of Promotion” (Cabinet of Ministers, Regulations No 134, April 6, 1999).

6. Forms of doctoral thesis

The doctoral thesis in geology may be prepared and defended in following forms:

·  Monograph;

·  Dissertation;

·  The series of published scientific papers.


It must include a complete review of some problem or branch of science, contain new original fact material or new sufficiently important and well-founded evaluation of previous data and concepts, in accordance with modern level of science. When a monograph is submitted to defence, concise summary is allowed.


It reflects completed summary of important research, which contains a review on previous studies in corresponding branch, used methods and their effectivity, obtained results and their importance in solution of corresponding problem or development of branch of science. Copies of published scientific papers are submitted together with dissertation. Acceptance of paper for publishing is confirmed as a written notification from the editorial board.

The series of published scientific papers

The series of published scientific papers must contain at least five scientific publications in the journals, which are included in the list of issues accepted by the Latvian Council of Science. It must contain also an extended summary of doctoral thesis, which in case of necessity could be supplemented by unpublished materials and additional references. The series of published scientific papers must represent a summary of integrated studies with important scientific conclusions.

7. Costs of the Doctor’s degree program in Geology

Costs of the Doctor’s degree program in Geology are composed of scholarship of student, reward to scientific supervisor and the direct costs of work. Budget financing as a scholarship and reward to scientific supervisor can be provided for three years.

Approximate calculation of costs of the Doctor’s degree program in Geology:

Kinds of payment / Monthly costs (Ls) / Annual costs (Ls)
Scholarship of student and reward to scientific supervisor: / 86 / 1032
Scholarship of student / 25 / 300
Reward to scientific supervisor / 372
Social tax / 150
Lectures, consultations and examinations
in the theoretic courses
Costs of preparation of doctoral thesis:
Field studies and business trips / 450
Materials and chemicals / 450
Acquisition of scientific literature and obtaining of scientific information / 600
Total: / 3354

8. Researchers of University of Latvia and other institutions involved in realisation of the programme, their scientific activities