Council October 9, 2017

Present for the regular meeting of the Village of West Liberty Council was; Mayor G. Hostetler, Mr. M. Hostetler, Mr. King, Mrs. Coy, Mrs. McKelvey, Solicitor Moell, and Chief Oelker. Absent: Mr. Mally and Clerk Boyd.

The meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance and Lord’s Prayer.

A MOTION was made by Mr. Hostetler seconded by Mrs. McKelvey to approve the special annual with Liberty Township of September 25, 2017. Motion Carried. Yeas: 5 Nays: 0.

A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. Hostetler to approve the minutes of September 25, 2017. Motion Carried. Yeas: 5 Nays: 0

A MOTION was made by Mrs. Coy seconded by Mr. King to approve the special meeting of September 28, 2017. Motion Carried. Yeas: 5 Nays: 0

A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mrs. Core Thomas to approve the special meeting of September 30, 2017. Motion Carried. Yeas: 5 Nay: 0

A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mrs. Core Thomas to approve the following bills in the amount of $34,137.35. Motion Carried.

CJ Hostetler services rendered 312.00

Darren Dunham 30 hrs. 262.11

Hodge Hager 8 hrs. 76.55

Paul Salyers 6 hrs. 42.41

Lee Deloye 72 reg. 8 vac. 1084.57

Nate Fickle 80 reg. 16 OT 1043.21

Shane Oelker salary 1319.82

Marc Roberts 64 reg. 16 vac. 2 OT 956.45

Bill Detrick 64 reg. 16 vac. 961.49

Phil Holycross salary 1232.63

Dennis Lance 80 rg. 961.49

Postmaster utility bills and stamps 350.60

Medical Mutual insurance 5599.06

CT Communications phones 320.86

D P& L electric 709.48

Vectren natural gas 218.49

Companion Life life insurance 84.00

Cindee Boyd salary 1119.28

Robert Griffith salary 134.97

Conrad Hostetler salary 1959.44

Greg Hostetler salary 335.17

Chris Moell solicitor 413.33

Larry Reed salary 279.25

Stanton Walker salary 25.56

Ohio Deferred comp for Boyd 55.00

IRS WH MC Emp. MC 751.15

IRS WH MC Emp. MC 1500.89

CCA municipal tax 281.49

Ohio Dept. Taxation state tax 665.86

School dist. Inc. Tax school tax 383.14

Time warner Cable internet 114.24

Ohio Police and Fire retirement 3833.21

OPERS retirement 3689.07

Time Warner Cable internet 235.36

Solomons Garage battery cruiser 163.95

Cont. October 9, 2017

Center Education books 159.00

Tom’s Lock and Key duplicate 11.60

Century Link phones 196.15

John Hopkins pump testing 300.00

Fire Safety gear 1080.00

Retail batteries 63.57

Aim Media police bids 208.26

Whites Service anti-freeze 19.27

Orkin mosquitos fogging 500.00

Bellefontaine Examiner police bids 105.36

Bellefontaine Examiner special meeting 12.84

Bellefontaine Examiner help wanted 12.05

Cindee Boyd mileage and postage 63.44

State Auditor audit 451.00

Bell Equipment dumpsters 1707.00

Cherokee Run Landfill 31.66 Tn 2289.34

Mrs. McKelvey is concerned with curb side recycling company leaving recycling bins in the middle of the driveway. Mr. King will contact them.

Mr. King voiced concern over the dilapidated condition of the old grade school building; mess outside...trees, brush, weeds, and trash and it looks horrible. Discussion that the ordinances will need to be more user friendly for the Code Enforcement Officer (who will need to meet with Shane and Chris after being hired to begin updating the ordinances to remove the vagueness).

Mr. M. Hostetler brought up his concern over not getting three readings on most resolutions and some ordinances because of time constraints. Solicitor Moell explained that most of the time three readings should be used to allow input from the citizens. Mayor G. Hodttler advised that sometimes paperwork is not received to allow three readings

Street Committee – Mr. King contacted David Neer regarding the sidewalk/parking; Mr. Neer said he is waiting on the company to come back and fix the parking lot lines; Mr. King has called Quality Paving to come and fix it but is still waiting for a call back. Solicitor Moell advised that H&S Paving may be another option.

There is a concern regarding the flooding behind the Liberty Gathering Place in the alley. Mr. Holycross will contact Shane Long to get a catch basin installed.

Finance Committee will begin to explore options for insurance to bring to entire council once Mr. Mally returns from out of town. Council would like for Finance to meet with employees in the next few weeks to get some basic information about the current insurance.

Safety Committee: Mrs. Coy advised that Miller’s tree has been taken down. A concern was voiced by Mrs. Coy that there is a garage needing repair before it falls down.

Code Enforcement Officer position will be advertised in a display ad again until October 27, 2017. This position will be reimbursed for mileage on personal vehicle for village business and will be issued a cell phone for business purposes only. Interviews will be conducted by Mayor G. Hostetler, Mrs. Coy and Mr. Hostetler during the week of Oct 30.

Trash bags discussion- Mrs. Coy contacted Shell about carrying the bags and clerk will follow up. Mrs. Core Thomas was concerned that many people will need to buy bags after Thoman’s has closed or on Sundays and maybe Shell would be able to deal with these concerns. Mrs. McKelvey and Mr. M.

Cont. October 9, 2017

Hostetler discussed the limited information from the surveys done online and that at the last council meeting we had wanted the surveys sent out with the water bills. Council has agreed that the survey is to be mailed to all residents by October 16th with feedback being able to be mailed (resident pays postage), emailed to clerk (include in mailing the email address to respond), phone calls to village office (include phone number in mailing), or drop off during business hours by October 31 to Village Office.

Bid opening for the remodel of the police department was opened last Wednesday. We received one bid. A MOTION was made by Mr. M. Hostetler seconded by Mrs. McKelvey to reject the bid for the remodeling of police department. Yeas: 5 Nays: 0.

Solicitor Moell will contact J&S Engineering to advise that Council would like to rebid the project at the first of the year (timeline as advised by J&S Engineering for beginning the bidding process, timeline for starting and completing the project).

A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mr. M. Hostetler to approve payment of the next part of the contract with J&S Engineering for work completed. Yeas 5 Nays 0

A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mrs. Coe Thomas to approve online codification in the amount of $2100.00 and $390.00 year to include $3.50 per page for changes. Motion Carried. Yeas: 5 Nays: 0.

Mrs. McKelvey and Clerk Boyd attended Sunshine Laws and Certified Public Records seminar and reported Executive Sessions not at the end or beginning of the meeting and there is specific motion for going into Executive Session.

A MOTION was made by Mrs. McKelvey seconded by Mrs. Coy to adjourn. Motion Carried.


Clerk Cindee M. Boyd Mayor Gregory J. Hostetler