PRESENT:Cllr P. Davies (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ Mrs J. Crisp

“ Mrs C. Edwardes

“ Mrs L. Evans

“ Mrs S. Mills

“ Mrs A. Morgan

“ G. Morgan

“ G. Rowlands

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ J. Whittal Williams

Town Clerk

At 6.30pm Councillors received a presentation from Mr Aidan Ackerman, Director of Services at Mid Wales Housing relating to the newly built housing estate on the Trefeglwys Road. Mr Ackerman introduced himself and stated that recently, 25 properties ranging from 4 bedroom houses to 1 bed flats have been built on the Trefeglwys road with the financial help of PCC, 6 will be built at a later date. This will enable PCC to have 50% nomination rights, allocating houses to whoever they choose. Mid Wales Housing allocate their 50% taking into consideration the following criteria: Living, Working or Volunteering in the area. This criteria was used on a recent new build at Churchstoke and has worked very successfully. JWW asked if a proportion of the housing must be allocated to people living outside Llanidloes. No, not necessarily but they don’t know how PCC will allocate their 50%. If there are an insufficient number of tenants from the catchment area then the surrounding areas are then considered. PCC would look at s136 agreements. Cllr Rowlands stated that he is pleased with the 50% of Mid Wales Housing ideas but is dubious of the PCC allocation. Mid Wales housing are hoping to have some influence on PCC with balanced sustainable communities. Armed forces personnel will be given sufficient regard in the allocation of the properties. The properties are all designed so that future work can be undertaken to alter the layout of the houses. Cllr G Morgan asked how many people are on the housing list for Llanidloes – Mr Ackerman didn’t know as there are various waiting lists.There will be an initial Starter tenancy which will last for 12 months and therefore if someone misbehaves they can be evicted easily. The houses can be sold to tenants who have lived there for 12 months. Mr Ackerman was keen to state that Mid Wales Housing cannot assure us that there will not be any problems but they will do everything they can to avoid any problems.There will be an Open daysoon to which all Councillors will be invited. Cllr Breeze asked if the proposed playground will be built there or if Town Council could benefit from the money which would be allocated. Mr Ackerman stated that he would be pleased to enter into discussions regarding the playground at a future date. Mr Ackerman was thanked for attending.

396/01APOLOGIES Apologies were received from CllrsLady Hooson, Mrs M. Jonesand P. Rees


Declaration of Interest Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Cllr G Morgan declared a personal interest as a Member of Powys County Council.

396/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-

Minutes of Council Meeting held on 22.06.15 True Record. The following was added:

395/06 Cllr Davies declared an interest and left the room.

395/14 Mr David Williams has requested a meeting with Council to discuss the Planning application proposal


a)Annual Report from Public Service Ombudsman - Received

b)Thank You letter from Llanidloes Millennium Garden Committee - Cllr Evans mentioned that the Green Flag award has again been received for the current year. It was agreed to send letter of congratulation to the Millennium garden cttee

c)Thank You letter from Llanidloes Twinning Association - Received

d)Thank You letter from A Voice For You - Received

e)Request for funding from Ponthafren Association – Received. It was agreed to discuss at the October Finance panel meeting

396/05TO RECEIVE QUOTATIONS FOR REFURBISHMENT AND UPDATE ON BUSINESS PLAN FOR GRO TOILETS (Cllr G. Morgan)Clerk explained that she has received one quotation. Cllr Morgan informed Councillors that the inaugural meeting was held last Thursday and “Llanidloes Community Services Committee” was set up and has been enrolled with Entrust. The next step is to form a limited company with help from PAVO, sourcing free legal advice. A scheme will then be put forward to Entrust. The next meeting of the group will be held on 24th August.

396/06TO RECEIVE REQUEST FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM CLLR LADY HOOSON Councillors agreed to look at again in 4 months time

396/07TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON QUOTATIONS REGARDING THE PLAY AREA AT THE RECREATION GROUND Clerk explained that she has met with 3 companies specialising in play equipment on site in the past month. Only one quotation has so far been received. Council will wait for 3 quotations to come forward. Cllr Breeze suggested Council contact Llani Ltd to find out what funding may be available through them. Councillors were in agreement. Cllr Morgan will pass on to Clerk details of PCC Community funding currently available.

396/08TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON ROOM LETTINGS AT THE TOWN HALL Clerk explained that Charles Cowan has applied for planning permission on behalf of the Town Council, for change of use of the Snooker room, Reading Room and Committee room from Category D1 (public hall) to category B1 (offices). A letter was received from the Llanidloes Soma Yoga Group, expressing their concern that the Snooker Room will be unavailable for community use and asking Council to reconsider letting the room to FSC. Councillors unanimously agreed that a letter should be sent back explaining that Council have entered into an agreement with FSC and do not propose to renege on it as it is important to keep jobs in the community.


396/10TO DISCUSS ACTIONS FURTHER TO INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTThe following matters were agreed upon

1) The Cash book will be updated to balance the account

2)The payment of cheque number 104850 for the sum of £33,647.31 was retrospectively approved

3)It was agreed that the out of date cheque for £329.71 will be written out of the accounts for 2014/15 and will be re issued

396/11TO RECIEVE UPDATE ON BIODIVERSITY DAY AT ALLT GOCH (Cllr Breeze)Cllr Breeze explained that he attended a Biodiversity day organised by Tir Coed on 10th July. He really enjoyed his day and would recommend the next open day to be held on 4th September to anyone able to attend. 10 people attended the open day in July where a survey of a small part of the woodland was undertaken, traps had been set the day before and various creatures were studied on the day. Cllr Breeze read out an e mail from a volunteer at the woods expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to work at the woods and explaining how much it had improved his quality of life. Cllr Rowlands had made enquiries at the Royal Welsh Show with regard to problems caused by squirrels, and explained that the answer is to introduce a pair of Pine Martens. Clerk was asked to make further enquires through Natural Resources Wales

396/12TO DISCUSS COMPLAINTS REGARDING DOG FOULING AROUND PARKS AND STREETS Cllr Smith expressed concern about dog fouling and the problems it can cause to small children who on average put their fingers to their mouths 4 times a minute. Therefore she thought that the mindset of dog owners who don’t pick up after their dogs could be seen as unconcerned about children. She therefore suggested posters - “Irresponsible dog owners don’t like small children”. Cllr Davies suggested that disposal bag dispensers should be placed next to the bins. Clerk was asked to find out the cost. Cllr Whittal Williams suggested that all dogs should be on a lead. It was agreed that Council should engage with the School about the issue and ask them to design some posters.

396/13TO DISCUSS THE FUTURE OF THE TOWN HALL CROCKERY (Cllr Smith) Cllr Smith suggested selling the large amount of crockery and cutlerywhich is stored in the cupboard on the landing upstairs, and Council could put the money towards equipment for the playground. Clerk will prepare an inventory for the next meeting.

396/14TO DISCUSS REPLY FROM THE BURIAL BOARD TO QUESTIONS ASKED PRIOR TO THEIR LAST MEETING Councillors received a copy of a letter sent by Council to the Chair of the Burial Board, and answers to the questions. This will be discussed further at the next meeting when Councillors have had a chance to peruse the questions and answers. Members of the Burial Board were asked to find out the difference in the cost of a burial and a cremation.

396/15TO DISCUSS INSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS FROM ZURICH INSURANCE Councillors agreed to accept the contract for 5 years

396/16TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON BIOMASS BOILER Clerk informed Council that she sent a letter to IEC at the beginning of June, requesting them to attend our meeting in July. They have replied stating that they are unable to attend a meeting this evening but could make it on Monday 10thAugust at 5.30 pm. Councillors agreed on this date . The boilers are not working at all presently and Clerk will ask David Jerman to have a look at the Electrical problem which keeps tripping the switch.Cllr Morgan suggested sending a solicitors letter. Cllr Davies explained that IEC accept there is a problem and did not agree that antagonising them was the best way forward. It was agreed that the £2,000 outstanding will not be paid until all works are completed to a satisfactory standard. Cllr G Morgan was not willing to accept any assurance except from the people who installed the boilers. It was agreed Councillors will need answers to issues with the hopper on 10th August. Clerk explained that the contract had been looked over by a Solicitor at Milwyn Jenkins and Jenkins and their advise is that” the agreement clearly states that the contract is inclusive of all requirements for a complete installation and the hopper was not listed in the list of “exclusions”


P2015/0604 Full Retrospective planning application for the existing erected solar array and extension to existing solar array at Morfodion Farm, Llanidloes 8 Councillors Object as they believe it is a blot on the local landscape. 2 Councillors had No Objection (Cllr Mills declared a personal interest and left the room)

P2015/0597 Full demolition and re build of structurally damaged properties at 11,12,13,and 14 Gwaelod y Bryn Llanidloes - No Objection

P2015 0596 Retention of four lightweight stud partitions; installation of sanitary ware in existing toilet block; temporary removal and subsequent reinstatement of timber floor (on second floor) in order to install insulation; new extract to bathroom and kitchen on first floor; dry line external walls and install secondary glazing; new fire doors and fire lining to underside of stairs at first floor at The Old Mill Bar (formerly United Services Club) High Street Llanidloes - No Objection

P2015 0634 Section 73 removal of conditions 5, 6 and 7 of planning permission P2011/0106 referring to the Code for Sustainable Homes at Plot 2 Van Road Llanidloes – No Objection

The following Planning decisions were received from PCC

Retention of 1 illuminated fascia sign (ATM surround) at SPAR STORES 38-39 Long Bridge Street, Llanidloes –CONSENT

FULL PLANNING PERMISSION IS GRANTED TO The retention of an automated teller machine (ATM) at SPAR STORES 38 -39 Long Bridge Street


JUNE 2015

Chq No

100231Llanidloes High School (Rugby

Development officer) 1,000.00

100232Llanidloes Charter Market200.00

100233Llanidloes Brownies 100.00

100234Powys Citizens Advice100.00

100235North Powys Youth Band100.00

100236Millennium Garden Cttee100.00

100237Llanidloes Scouts 100.00

100238Bobath Cymru 50.00

100239A Voice for You 50.00

100240Llanidloes Twinning Cttee500.00

100241Dial a Ride 2,240.00

100242Aztec Print130.00


100244Inland Revenue856.04

100245Severn Trent 2,561.75

100246Petty Cash 81.01

100247PCC (Trade Bin)471.38

100248PC -Q 18.37

Total£ 11,216.35


Cllr Davies has received complaints from a resident at Penygraig Street regarding a cherry blossom tree. Clerk explained that the tree belongs to PCC and she will report to Emlyn at the PCC office.

Cllr Mills has received a complaint regarding trees near to Long Bridge on the Hafren Motors side, Clerk will pass the complaint on to Emlyn


August 10th- Meeting with IEC Connect to discuss boiler

September 28th-Full Council Meeting (unless a panel meeting is needed in the meantime)

Meeting closed at 9.25 pm