Essential Functions Evaluation through the Student Wellness Program
The decision to refer a student for an Essential Functions Evaluation can often be a difficult one for supervisors to make. The Student Wellness Program can provide support and guidance through the process while serving as the neutral facilitators and liaisons between all parties involved.
What is anEssential Functions Evaluation?
An Essential Functions Evaluation is an assessment, requested by an academic department, to determine if a current student is or is not able to perform essential academic functions because of psychological or psychiatric conditions. Additionally a risk assessment encompasses the elements of an Essential Functions Evaluation, with particular emphasis on identification of characteristics that are associated with increased risk of harm to self or others.
Professionals conducting Essential Functions Evaluations are required to maintain a position of neutrality and advocate for neither the school nor the student. Evaluators are being requested to make a determination as to the student’s ability to perform his/her academic duties, the existence of psychological difficulties that may interfere with a student’s ability to perform his/her work, or for assessment of risk for self-harm, and/or harm to others. The Student Wellness Program will arrange an evaluation for the referred individual, communicate the results to the academic program, and hold all records in our confidential files.
Why would a student be referred for an Essential Functions Evaluation?
Supervisors are encouraged to reach out to the Student Wellness Program at any time to discuss if there is a concern about a student. An evaluation would be recommended if:
- A student is unable to fully perform their duties as a result of aperceived psychological condition.
- A student has demonstrated threatening, harassing, or assaultive behaviors in the classroom or elsewhere.
- A studenthas experienced a trauma while on campus or engaging in coursework.
- There is a reasonable concern for the safety of the student or others.
What information will the Essential Functions Evaluation provide?
An Essential Functions Evaluation can determine if a student is experiencing a psychological condition that is interrupting their performance in their academic program. The evaluator will be able to report if a student has limitations that would interfere with his or her ability to perform their essential functions and can also make recommendation for any accommodations that may need to be in place for the student to perform in their program. The evaluator will also determine if a student can or cannot be returned to work if on leave. Recommendations for any additional medical or psychological treatment will also be made.
Meeting with the Student:
Before meeting with a student contact the Student Wellness Program to discuss if a an Essential Functions Evaluation is appropriate.
If an evaluation is determined to be needed, supervisors are encouraged to connect with appropriate contacts to review policies and procedures in the event that the student will need to be placed on a leave of absence or work with restrictions pending the evaluation.
When meeting with the student to discuss the referral for an Essential Functions Evaluation, supervisors are encouraged to:
- Review documented performance and/or behavior problems
- Explain why an Essential Functions Evaluation is being requested
- Contact the Student Wellness Program with the student to schedule an appointment to begin the necessary documentation for the facilitation of an evaluation
- Review expectations for attendance and performance while evaluation is pending
- Remain calm
- Keep the focus on performance standards
- Maintain professional boundaries
Essential Functions Evaluation Check List:
Student Wellness Program referral form
Supporting documents (e-mails, letters, witness statements) discussing student performance and behavior problems
Formal documentation detailing the essential functions of the student
Documentation for Student Counseling Session
SWP Referral Form
Student: ______Phone No: ______
Academic Program/Department: ______
Supervisor: ______Extension: ______
Observation: Please be specific - use additional pages if needed. Examples of typical reasons for a job counseling session: Deteriorating quality, Declining output, Absenteeism, Tardiness, Safety Issues/Accidents, Interpersonal Problems, Substance Abuse, Inappropriate Behavior.
To the SWP:
It is understood that the information above is confidential and has been compiled to assist the student and the supervisor during the referral process. The student's signature on this document does not necessarily represent the student's agreement with the contents; it only means that the student is aware and understands the issue(s) the supervisor has raised above and the student understands that the supervisor is recommending that the studentmake necessary changes before the follow up counseling session.
Supervisor's Signature: ______Date: ______
Student's Signature: ______Date: ______
An Essential Functions Evaluation will be conducted for student______
Evaluation Date and Time:
Estimated total cost to be paid by employer: