The Laplace Transform


To study the Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform.


Module I- Laplace transform of some elementary functions

Module II- Properties of Laplace transform

Module III- Existence conditions

Module IV- Inverse Laplace transform


A Transformation is a mathematical device which converts one function into another. For example, when the differential operator D operates on f(x) = sin x, it gives a new function g(x) = Df(x) = cosx.

Laplace transform or Laplace transformation is widely used by scientists and engineers. It is particularly effective in solving linear differential equations. It is very useful in system analysis where initial conditions can be easily included to give system response. We begin this session by the definition of Laplace transform.


There are two types of Laplace transforms. The transform defined by


where s is a parameter which may be real or complex is known as two sided or bilateral Laplace transform of the function f(t), provided the integral exists.

For some functions the above transform cause problem of convergence. This can be almost avoided by restricting the range of integration to between 0 and and considering f(t) = 0 fort < 0. Thus the transformation defined by

where t > 0 and s is a parameter which may be real or complex is known as unilateral or simply, Laplace transform of the function f(t), provided the integral exists. It is also denoted as L{f(t)} or .

In this session we will be used this second definition.

Module I- Laplace transform of some elementary functions

I. f(t) =k



II. f(t) = eat



III. f(t) = tn, (n > -1)


, by putting

, if n > -1 and s > 0.

Note. If n is a positive integer, we have


IV. f(t) = cos at



V. f(t) = sin at



Module II- Properties of Laplace transform

I. Linearity property

If c1, c2 are two constants and f1, f2 are two functions of t, then



By definition, we have


This result may be generalized as


for n constants c1, c2, …, cn and n functions f1, f2, …, fn.


We have .





II. First shifting property

If , then .


By definition, we have

, where r = s – a



1. If n is positive integer, we know that


Therefore by first shifting property,


2. We know that.

By shifting property,


III. Change of scale property

If , then .


By definition, we have

, where at = r and

, where



1. We know that .

Therefore by change of scale property, we have


2. Let , then


IV. Change of scale shifting property

If , then .

Proof is similar to the proof of above property.

Example.Let, then


Module III- Existence conditions

The Laplace transform does not exists for all functions. If it exists, it is uniquely determined. The following conditions are to be satisfied:

Let f(t) be the given function. If

1. f(t) is piecewise continuous on every finite interval

and2. f(t) satisfies the inequality for all and for some constants a and b,

then L{f(t)} exists.

The function which satisfies the condition 2 is known as exponential order.

For example, cos htet for all t > 0,

tnn! et(n = 0, 1, 2, …) for all t > 0.

But , whatever may be a and b. So does not exist. Similarly, does not have Laplace transform.

Example. Find the Laplace transforms of

(i)sin 2t cos 3t(ii) sin

(i) Here




(ii) We have



Example.Find the Laplace transform of t e-4t sin3t.


We know that.

Therefore by first shifting theorem, we have


Equating the imaginary parts on both sides, we get


Again applying the first shifting theorem, we have


Module IV- Inverse Laplace transform

If , then f(t) is called the inverse Laplace transform of and is denoted by


Here denotes the inverse Laplace transform.

For example, since , we have .

Inverse Laplace transform follows all the properties of Laplace transform.

From the results of Laplace transforms, we have

(1) , k being constant.


(3) if n is positive integer. Otherwise .








Example. Find the inverse Laplace transform of

(i) (ii)


(i) We have



(ii) We have




Inverse Laplace transforms using method of partial fractions

If is rational algebraic function, then we have to express in terms of partial fractions in order to find the inverse Laplace transform.

Example. Find the inverse Laplace transform of


Here the denominator can be written as



Putting s = 0, we get 1 = 2AA = ½

Putting s = -1, we get2 = -BB = -2

Putting s = -2, we get5 = 2CC = 5/2.





In the session we have discussed the Laplace transform of various functions and properties of Transform. Also we discussed the inverse Laplace transform and the method of finding inverse transform by the partial fraction method.

Assignment questions

1. Define Laplace transform.

2. Find the Laplace transforms of the following functions:

(i) f(t) = sin at sin bt

(ii) f(t) = cos3 2t

(iii) f(t) = e-2t sin 4t

(iv) f(t) = e-3t(sin 2t – 2t cos 2t)


3. Find the inverse Laplace transforms of:







  1. The Laplace Transform, Shaum Outline Series, Shaum Publishing Company, New York.
  2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig, John Wylie & Sons, New York (1999).


1. The Laplace transform of sin at is

a. b. c.

2. If , then the value of is

a. b. c. .

3. If , then is known as

a. Shifting property

b. Change of scale shifting property

c. Change of scale property

4. The inverse Laplace transform of is

a. b. c.

5. The inverse Laplace transform of is

a. b. c.




Function: It is an assignment f from a set A into another set B; the set A is called domain of f and the set of all function values is called the range of f.

Partial fraction: Suppose that is a proper rational function and is a product of polynomials. Thencan be expressed as sum of simpler rational functions, each of which is called a partial fraction. This process is called decomposition ofinto partial fractions.

The decomposition depends on the nature of the factors of.

If.i.e., a product of non-repeating linear functions, then

, where are constants.

Ifi.e., some factors repeating, then

, where are constants.

If some factors are quadratic, but non-repeating, then corresponding to these factors, the partial fraction is in the form.


1. Define Laplace transform.


The transformation defined by

where t > 0 and s is a parameter which may be real or complex is known as the Laplace transform of the function f(t), provided the integral exists.

2. State and prove the first shifting property of Laplace transform



If , then .


By definition, we have

, where r = s – a


3. Find the Laplace transform of the function f(t) defined by



By definition, we have


4. Find the inverse Laplace transform of .


We have




5. Find the inverse Laplace transform of .




Putting s = 1, we get8 = 8Aor A = 1.

Equating the coefficients of s2,

0 = A + Bi.e.,B = -A = -1

Putting s = 0, we get3 = 5A – Ci.e.,C = 5A – 3 = 2


