Madhu Kopparapu
3302 Willow Crescent Dr., #22
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 359-4462
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Seeking a suitable position with emphasis in Distributed Application Development and CORBA, Object Oriented Design and Development using JAVA and C++.
Seven years of experience in software design and development. Programming skills include C, C++, JAVA, Xt/Motif, and SQL on UNIX and Windows environments. Experience in Distributed Application Development using CORBA and Orbix 2.0, OrbixWeb 3.0. Experience in Object Oriented Design and Development using Booch Methodology, JAVA and C++. Experience in User Interface (GUI) design and development using JDK 1.2, Borland JBuilder 2.0, Visual Café 2.0, Visual C++ 5.0, Neuron Data Open Interface 2.0, TeleUSE 3.0 and Xt/Motif toolkits. Experience in design and development of database applications in Oracle 6.0/7.0 using SQL*Plus 3.2, PL/SQL 2.0, Forms 4.5, and Pro*C 2.0.
Technical Skills
Languages : JAVA, C, C++, Perl, HTML, SQL, PDC Prolog, Common Lisp.
Software : JAVA Development Kit (JDK), Orbix, OrbixWeb, Borland JBuilder, Visual Cafe, Visual C++, Neuron Data Open Interface, TeleUSE GUI Builder, Xt/Motif toolkits, Rational Rose, Rogue Wave, Power Builder, Oracle.
Hardware/OS : HP-UX, SUN SPARC, UNIX, DEC VMS, Windows 95, SUNOS.
Degrees and Certificates
Sun Certified JAVA Developer 1.1, June 1998.
Sun Certified JAVA Programmer 1.1, January 1998.
M.S., Computer Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA., May 1995.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Regional Engineering College, Warangal, India., May 1991.
Training and Courses
- Advanced JAVA Programming
- Building Distributed Applications with CORBA and Orbix
- JAVA Programming for C++ Programmers
- Programming in Visual C++ 4.0
- Object Oriented Programming in C++
- Object Oriented Design and Analysis
Professional Experience
Senior Software Engineer, Global Component Technologies Inc., Fairfax, VA. 07/98 - Present
Work Environment: JAVA, RMI, JDK 1.2, Borland JBuilder 2.0, Rational Rose 98.
Comsearch – Microwave Modular Toolkit (MMT)
- Currently designing and developing the data entry module of the MMT application using JAVA, JDK 1.2, Borland JBuilder 2.0. The object model for the GUI is designed using Rational Rose 98.
- Designed and developed the business objects for the engineering module of MMT application using JAVA, RMI and JDK 1.2. These objects are responsible for performing Microwave engineering calculation and encapsulate the business logic of MMT application. The object model for the engineering module is designed using Rational Rose 98.
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Senior Systems Analyst, Technology Consultants Inc., Reston, VA. 08/97-07/98
Work Environment: JAVA, C++, Orbix 2.0, OrbixWeb 3.0, Visual Cafe 2.0, UNIX, Rogue Wave, Rational Rose, Oracle 7.0.
MCImetro - Translations Provisioning System (TPS)
- Designed and developed a web based front end for Customer Trouble Logs for TPS application using Visual Cafe 2.0, JAVA, IDL and OrbixWeb3.0.
- Developed proxy classes for the business objects in C++ to add additional functionality on the client side like deleting the implementation object after it is used by the client.
- Designed and developed business objects for TPS in C++, IDL, Orbix2.0 and Rouge Wave.
- Converted TPS business components from Oak system to Orbix2.0.
Software Engineer, IMI Systems Inc., Vienna, VA. 12/94-08/97
Work Environment: C/C++, UNIX, TCP/IP, Neuron Data Open Interface 2.0, TeleUSE 3.0, Xt/Motif toolkits 2.0, Visual C++ 2.0, Oracle 7.0.
Concert - Concert Packet Services
- Designed and developed a reporting system for Concert Packet Services to check network dial access availability. The system is developed in C++ on Solaris platform.
- Developed HTML documents to view the CPS daily and monthly reports on-line.
- Designed and developed routines and calculation programs to collect and process the in coming data.
- Developed shell scripts to automate the daily data collection processes of the system.
AT&T - MIS Server Reporting System
- Designed and developed the user interface for MIS Server using C++ and Neuron Data Open Interface 2.0 on HP-UX platform.
- Designed the GUI object model and server processes object model using Rational Rose generating C++ class templates.
- Designed and developed the server processes and the required operational objects using C++, DEC Message Queues 3.0 and Tuxedo System 4.2.
- Developed wrapper classes for communication between GUI frontend and backend servers to hide the internal details of DEC Message Queues and Tuxedo System.
- Developed various shell scripts to generate control files for loading reporting data into ORACLE database using SQL*Loader.
- Designed and developed the user interface for the prototype using Visual C++ 2.0 for Windows environment and using TeleUSE 3.0 and Xt/Motif 2.0 for UNIX environment.
AT&T - Loyalty Tracking System
- Designed and developed the user interface (GUI) for Loyalty Tracking System using C, TeleUSE 3.0 and Xt/Motif 2.0 on Solaris platform.
- Designed and developed the client and server process for the Loyalty Tracking System using C and Tuxedo System 4.2.
- Designed and developed data retrieval routines from the database using C and Oracle 7.0/Pro*C 1.5.
Software Engineer, DynCorp*Viar, Alexandria, VA. 01/94-12/94
Work Environment: C, TCP/IP, Oracle 7.0, Pro*C 1.5, SQL*Forms 3.0, PL/SQL.
Internal Revenue Service - Resource Tracking System
- Developed report generation screens in Oracle 7.0/Forms 3.0 for RTS application.
- Developed detailed customer reports and annual review reports for RTS application in Oracle 7.0/Pro*C 1.5 on UNIX platform.
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- Developed the database requirements and created the database instance for the developed RTS application under Oracle 7.0.
- Involved in Database Administration for the RTS application.
- Developed test cases and involved in system and integration testing for RTS application.
Department of Labor - Job Training Partnership Act
- Developing a Database Management System in Oracle 7.0/Forms 3.0 and Pro*C 1.5 on UNIX platform. The system is designed to collect JTPA Terminee information, and generate the reports for DOL.
- Designed and developed data edit checks in Oracle 7.0/Pro*C 1.5 for incoming data quality control for JTPA application.
- Developed the detailed design specifications and requirements for the database and creating the database instance for the developed JTPA application under Oracle 7.0.
- Involved in Database Administration for the JTPA application.
- Conducted Oracle Performance Tuning to improve the database response time, system efficiency and to increase the resource utilization.
- Developed various UNIX shell scripts to automate the functionality of the JTPA system.
- Product maintenance, enhancement and application support to the users.
Course Related Projects
- Designed and developed a multi tire Client-Server application using JAVA and JDK1.1.5 utilizing all the advanced features of JAVA including Swing API(JFC), JAVA Beans, JDBC, JAVA RMI, JAVA Networking, JAVA Security and JAVA Native Methods.
- Designed and developed an Object Oriented Elevator Simulation using JAVA and JDK 1.0.2 on Windows 95 platform.
- Designed and developed a draw-application, which supports various drawing features and text edit features. Utilized JAVA and JDK1.0.2 on Windows 95 platform.
- Designed and developed an Object Oriented Manufacturing Resources Planning System (MRP II). Implemented using C++ on UNIX platform and the user interface is developed using Xt/Motif toolkits 2.0.
- Designed and developed an Object Oriented Graphical Interface System for a RDBMS. Utilized C++, Oracle 6.0 and Xt/Motif toolkits 2.0 on UNIX Platform.
- Designed and developed a Drug Dispensing System using C and Oracle 6.0/Pro*C 1.1 to assist a network of pharmacies and physicians in efficient drug dispensary and inventory maintenance. The user interface is developed using Xt/Motif toolkits 2.0.
- Developed an Information System in Oracle 6.0/SQL*Plus 3.0 and Power Builder 3.0 to aid traffic police in keeping track of driving records and in issuing citations to traffic violators.
- Developed a Front end Graphical User Interface for Bank Transaction System using Turbo C++. The user interface is developed using MS Windows SDK.
- Implemented a multi-level socket based and message queue based Client-Server Model in 4.3 BSD UNIX and Internet domains using TCP/IP protocols.
Visa Status Permanent Resident ( Green Card ).
References Available upon request.