Breast and Cervical Cancer

Prevention and Treatment Program

Now That You Have Medicaid

Title XV/Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP)

You are now receiving Medicaid through a special Medicaid Treatment Act for women diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer through the Title XV/Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP).


You are entitled to full Medicaid coverage in addition to coverage for cancer treatment. You will be responsible for small co-payments for certain office and/or hospital visits. Cancer treatment may include one or more of the following:


Cancer drug therapy (chemotherapy)

Radiation therapy

Monitoring of side effects (relating to the type of cancer

therapy given)

When Do Your Medicaid Benefits Begin and End?

Your Medicaid benefits start when you are diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer through the Title XV/BCCCP and end when your cancer treatment is finished.

A Title XV/BCCCP case manager will work with you through the course of your treatment. It is your responsibility to assist the case manager at all times in obtaining any needed information about your cancer treatment.

If you receive more Medicaid benefits than you are entitled to through withholding information or other fault of your own, you may have to repay any extra benefits received.

What Are Your Responsibilities?

Maintain BCCCP Eligibility

You must meet BCCCP eligibility and be in treatment for your cancer to receive Medicaid through the Medicaid Treatment Act.

Your eligibility will be re-verified from time to time.

To Communicate With Your Case Manager

You must contact your case manager immediately:

If your income, address, or phone number changes

If you obtain any other insurance

When you have finished your cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery)

When your treating physician tells you that you are free of cancer and no longer require cancer treatment

Choosing Your Provider

Your case manager will work closely with you throughout your cancer treatment. If you get treatment from non-Title XV providers, you will be asked to sign releases to allow your case manager to obtain information from those providers about your treatment. Your case manager must have access to this information to help ensure your Medicaid eligibility.


Please call your case manager if you have any questions about your treatment.

Your case manager is:
Donna Wilson, R.N.
Ingham County Health Department, BCCCP
5303 S. Cedar Street
Lansing, MI 48911
(517) 887-4473

January 2008