Lighting (Live Performance)

Level 3

Awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority and METIER
Accredited from 6 December 2001 to 31 January 2007
Group award number: G6TD 23

This SVQ is based on standards developed by Creative and Cultural Skills. Creative and Cultural Skills draws its membership from a wide variety of people working in a broad range of occupations within the Lighting Industry

Structure of the SVQ

The way the SVQ is made up is shown below. The unit title appears in bold and the elements that make up each unit are listed under the unit title.

Mandatory units

Candidates must complete all of these units:

D8R4 04

Analyse Lighting Plans and Organise Resources

1Interpret scaled lighting plans and determine requirements

2Source equipment and consumables

D8TL 04

Plot and Rehearse Lighting States

1Plot lighting states

2Rehearse lighting states

D1VB 04

Conduct an Assessment of Risks in the Workplace

1Identify hazards in the workplace

2Asses the level of risk and recommend action

3Review your workplace assessment of risks

D1HW 04

Support the Efficient Use of Resources

1Make recommendations for the use of resources

2Contribute to the control of resources

D8RF 04

Contribute to Good Working Relationships

1Clarify roles and contributions to the production process

2Work with colleagues to benefit productivity

Optional units

Candidates must also complete 4 of the following units, in addition to the mandatory units:

D8V1 04

Rig and Check Lighting Equipment

1Rig lighting equipment and accessories

2Cable up and confirm the readiness of the installation for focusing and plotting

D8V8 04

Set Up, Plot and Rehearse Stage Electrics and Effects

1Set up stage electrics and effects

2Plot stage electrics and effects

3Rehearse stage electrics and effects

D8RR 04

Ensure Your Own Actions Reduce Risks to Health and Safety in the Workplace

1Identify hazards and evaluate the risks in your workplace

2Reduce the risks to health and safety in your workplace

D8V0 04

Return Engineering Products/Assets to Service by Component Removal and Replacement

1Remove components of engineering products/assets

2Replace components of engineering products/assets

D8RD 04

Conduct Specified Testing of Engineering Products and Assets

1Test the performance and condition of engineering products/assets

2Analyse engineering test results

B77N 04

Manage Information for Action

1Gather required information

2Inform and advise others

3Hold meetings

B77D 04

Maintain Activities to Meet Requirements

1Maintain work activities to meet requirements

2Maintain healthy, safe and productive working conditions

3Make recommendations for improvements to work activities

B73D 04

Manage Yourself

1Develop your own skills to improve your performance

2Manger your time to meet your objectives

D1R1 04

Facilitate Individual Learning Through Coaching

1Coach individual learners

2Assist individual learners to apply their learning

B6G8 04

Lead the Work of Teams and Individuals to Achieve their Objectives

1Plan the work of teams and individuals

2Assess the work of teams and individuals

3Provide feedback to teams and individuals on their work

There may be publications available to support this SVQ. For more information, please contact:

Customer Contact Centre

The Scottish Qualifications Authority

The OptimaBuilding

58 Robertson Street


G2 8DQ

Tel: 0845-279-1000

Fax: 0845-213-5000



Lighting (Live Performance)/3/261001