MC179 Master in Information Management

GD088 Graduate Diploma in Information Management

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  When do I apply for a place in Semester 1, 2010?
First round applications close in early November 2009 although late applications may be accepted. There will be an information night on Thursday 1 October Room TBA, Building 108, 239 Bourke Street or Thursday 5 November Room TBA. Further details are available from the Office for Prospective students and the School of Business Information Technology. Check the website for more details:

2.  Will the timetable suit my needs?
The timetable for the School of Business Information Technology can be seen on the RMIT website at (read only version) must be treated as provisional as there are changes from semester to semester in order to accommodate staffing and room changes. You need to look for Business Information Technology and Semester 1 HE 2010. (This timetable will be available towards the end of Semester 2 2009)

3.  How many hours per week do I attend class for each course (subject)?
Attendance for each course is 3 hours per week and there are 12 weeks in a semester. For semester dates see the Academic Calendar at;ID=557wozpxskyf;STATUS=A?QRY=academic%20calendarSTYPE=ENTIRE .

4.  Do I have to do the core courses (i.e. subjects)?
As this program is recognised by the Australian Library and Information Association the core structure must be followed. The core structure consists of seven courses plus one elective.)

Master in Information Management (MC179)
Core Courses Code / Core Courses
LIBR1085 / Information Provision 1
ISYS1166 / Document Management 1
LIBR1013 / Information Provision 2
ISYS1168 / Document Management 2
LIBR1092 / Information Centre Management
LIBR1018 / Information Organisation in Libraries
LIBR1016 / Professional Issues and Practice
Elective Courses Code / Elective Courses Choose 1
ISYS1032 / Relational Database Design & Dev
LIBR1028 / Records Management and Archives
LIBR1057 / Advanced Information Retrieval
LIBR1026 / Information Project
ISYS1186 / The Global Network
LIBR1065 / Knowledge Management
LIBR1024 / Recreational Lit for Young People
COMM1218 / Electronic Publishing
Graduate Diploma Exit Point (GD088) 96 credit points
Students enrolled in the Masters Program do 4 more electives from the above list or by negotiation from the MBIT list or choose from the research courses available in the School either Thesis or Project.
144 Credit Points

5.  What are my job prospects?
In our experience, graduates of the program have good employment prospects. Graduates usually work in information management, with libraries being a major employer group, however many other positions are available including Content Manager, Document Manager, Community Information Officer, Knowledge Officer, Research Analyst, and Electronic Publishing Support Officer. In addition to a range of ongoing positions, many employers have casual and temporary openings that are good entry points into the profession. Students also gain valuable experience from their industrial placement, which can lead to casual, temporary or permanent work, as this is a chance for employers to see prospective employees. We also disseminate a number of job advertisements to enrolled students and to our alumni, some of which are unique to us. In semester two we organise a careers session where employers and past students talk about job opportunities and we offer assistance with writing a CV. Employers include: companies (law, market research, web design, consultants, banking, financial services, telecommunications, engineering, broadcasting, design); government (local, state and federal); cultural organisations (galleries, museums, libraries); foundations and associations (charities, conservation bodies, health and non-government organisations); research organisations (health, welfare and politics); education (universities, schools and colleges); and community organisations. Moreover, RMIT has an excellent reputation in the industry, particularly for producing ‘work-ready’ graduates. The Australian Library and Information Association salary scales are available from: and data on labour market can be sought from:

6.  If I am a part-time student, which courses shall I do first?
We advise part-time students to do Information Provision 1 and Document Management 1 in semester one and Information Provision 2 and Document Management 2 in semester two. In year two the remaining core is done plus the elective.

7.  Where on the RMIT web site is the relevant information about this program?
Some useful web sites are: / RMIT homepage;ID=in0p6j1kaf0s / School of Business Information Technology / Timetable information / Program Brochure / Program homepage / Program structure / Direct Application Form
Search for course number e.g. LIBR1085 / Course guides / Staff list
Search for “academic calendar” / Academic Calendar / Fees at RMIT / Postgraduate Equity Places at RMIT

8.  Are there Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP)—formerly HECs places—in this program?
Not as such, however students are eligible to apply for Fee-Help which is a Commonwealth Government loan scheme for postgraduate coursework programs. This is similar to CSP in that there are deferred payment arrangements, but it is different to the extent that there is no Government subsidy. See for more information. Note that applications for Fee-Help, and the associated form on citizenship, are due in March; the form can be obtained at enrolment from the School of BIT.

9.  What are the fees?
For current fees please go to the website in table above. Fees are payable at the commencement of each semester and are calculated annually. There are no additional material or equipment costs for this program.
Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa are eligible to apply for a FEE-HELP loan through the Commonwealth Government. For further information visit

10.  Are there equity places?
A limited number of postgraduate equity places are available at RMIT for students who meet the criteria and who make a successful application. The closing date for applications is 10 November. Further information on the criteria and application process is available at the website listed above.

11.  Am I eligible for exemptions?
Each application is assessed on a case by case basis following enrolment. The relevant RMIT procedures are followed for Recognition of Prior Learning and application for Block Credits. As a general guide, equivalent subjects completed through another postgraduate program in information management may entitle an applicant to exemption in whole subjects where there is a close match. Because the program has accreditation with the Australian Library and Information Association, exemptions are not usually granted for studies other than partial completion of a graduate level information management program, nor are they granted for previous work experience, although an application may be made for exemption from the industrial placement on the basis of relevant experience and quantity of prior experience.

12.  How likely am I to be accepted into this program?
The entrance requirement is a bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised tertiary institution. Shortlisting is based on several criteria, including strong academic standing, the quality and relevance of any work record, and any expertise in particular disciplines such as computing, business studies and foreign languages. Many shortlisted applicants, however, do not have such expertise. Prospective students are advised to make an early application. Please note that the closing date is November 10.

13.  Do I need to be an expert in how to use a computer?
It is expected students will enter the program with some basic computer skills; these are the foundation for learning the skills needed by information professionals. Basic skills include some knowledge about searching the internet, some knowledge of how to use email, knowledge of one or two desktop applications, such as a word processing program, some knowledge of files and how directories are structured, and competent use of a keyboard and mouse. If you have not used computers you may wish to do a basic skills short course before starting the program.

14.  How do I apply?
Fill out the RMIT Direct Application Form which is available from any office at any RMIT campus and is also on the RMIT website at Submit your application to the RMIT Office of Prospective Students – note that for the first round of offers the closing date is November 10, but applications are accepted after this date.
Prospective students may request that a copy of the form be mailed to them along with a copy of the current brochure for the program; call the School of Business Information Technology Reception Desk on 9925 5969.

15.  And if I would like to do more than one elective?
If you would like to do more than one elective, you are able to enrol in the masters program which allows you to study 4 more courses. These can be a mixture of electives or research courses.

16.  Graduation from the Masters Program (MC179) involves the completion of 144 credit points. Graduation from GD088 involves completion of 96 credit points.

17.  Do I have to fill out an Additional Information form?
No, this has now been discontinued.

18.  What is the plan code for GD088?
There is no plan code, so this box can be left blank on the application.

19.  Whom do I consult if I have additional questions?
Contact the School of Business Information Technology Reception, phone 9925 5969 or email ; or Bernadette Welch, GDIM Program Coordinator, phone 9925 5827 or email .