Local Mandate Fiscal Impact Estimate

Kentucky Legislative Research Commission

2013 Regular Session

Part I: Measure Information

Bill Request #: / 818
Bill #: / HB 124
Bill Subject/Title: / An ACT relating to motor vehicles
Sponsor: / Rep. Bart Rowland
Unit of Government: / City / x / County / x / Urban-County
x / Charter County / x / Consolidated Local / x / Unified Local Government
Office(s) Impacted: / County Clerk
Requirement: / x / Mandatory / Optional
Effect on
Powers & Duties: / Modifies Existing / x / Adds New / Eliminates Existing

Part II: Purpose and Mechanics

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HB 124 amends KRS 186.010 by defining a “mini-truck” as a lightweight kei class utility vehicle and by including mini-trucks in the definition of a motor vehicle.

HB 124 also creates a new section to KRS Chapter 189 which would permit a person to operate a mini-truck on public roadways under the same insurance, title, registration, and usages tax requirements as other motor vehicles.

Under current practice, the Kentucky Transpiration Cabinet does not recognize mini-trucks as a legal vehicle for operating on public roadways.

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Part III: Fiscal Explanation, Bill Provisions, and Estimated Cost

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The fiscal impact of HB 124 on local government is indeterminable. It is not know how many current owners would choose to register their mini-truck as a motor vehicle in order to use them on public roadways or how many individuals would purchase a new mini-truck for the same purpose.

County clerks will be responsible for titling and registering mini-trucks under the existing process for motor vehicles. For administrative duties, the clerk retains a $6 fee under KRS 186.040(1) for each vehicle registration and also retains a 3 percent commission under KRS 138.460 on the usage tax collected. These fees should cover the clerk’s administrative costs.

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Data Source(s): / LRC staff; Kentucky Transportation Cabinet; Kentucky County Clerk's Association
Preparer: / Christopher T. Hall / Reviewer: / Date:

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