Seattle Community College District
Project No. 03-CDG-10 Budget No. 011-1U11
Section I
In furtherance of their mutual interest in developing the instructional materials and/or media as described in Section II below, the following agreement is freely entered into between Seattle Community College District, hereafter called "The District", and Yun Moh hereafter called "The Awardee."
In consideration of a payment to the undersigned, the grant awardee will receive $2,500.00 as a stipend for completion of the below-described project. The final decision to enter into the project is the sole prerogative of the district as indicated by the signature of its authorized representative at the end of this agreement. It is agreed that the grant awardee, does hereby:
A. Agree to produce the physical evidence exactly as stated in the accepted proposal and agreed-to in Section II.C of this document;
B. Grant the district free and unlimited use of the materials and reports developed through the project;
C. Agree to reimburse the district for its financial contribution to the project to the extent that the grant awardee receives any financial benefit from the sale, lease, presentation or loan of project materials and reports; the district shall be entitled to said reimbursement prior to the realization of any financial benefit by the grant awardee; however, the amount of the reimbursement due the district shall be limited to those sums actually granted to the grant awardee for this project.
D. Authorize the district to use his or her name without remuneration in connection with the promotion of said reports and materials;
E. Agree to protect, indemnify and hold the district harmless from any and all claims, expenses, damages, or other liability, including costs of defense and reasonable attorney's fees, arising from the acts or omissions of the grant awardee involved in this project. This latter promise by the grant awardee is intended to insulate the district against all manner of claims, including, but not limited to, patent or copyright infringement or unfair competition, whether arising within the contract dates or at any time thereafter which arise from the grant awardee's participation in this project;
F. Understand that in the event that the services/materials provided for by this agreement are not accepted by the curriculum grants committee, the district releases all rights and claims to the materials;
G. Understand that before payment will be authorized, the final report must be submitted and approved by the Curriculum Grants Committee. (See Section III C. below for details regarding the final report.)
H. Agree that the decision to award payment is at the sole discretion of the committee, based upon the committee's review and acceptance of the final report, as submitted, as having met the terms and conditions of this contract, and further agrees that the acceptance of revisions or addenda to the final report is the sole prerogative of the committee;
I. Agree that the committee may, at its discretion, request demonstration of the materials or products submitted as part of the final report;
J. Agree to the following payment schedule: Payment will be made as a salary stipend on the first available regular payday following the approval by the committee.
Section II
A. Name of Grant Awardee: Yun Moh
Campus Mail Stop:
Campus Telephone:
Home Address:
Home Telephone:
Social Security Number:
B. Project Title: Curriculum Development in Wireless Internet Programming.
Expected Project Completion Date:
Total Project Hours:
Grant Awardee Signature
District Authorized Signature
Budget Approval Date
Budget to be charged Project No. 03-CDG-10
Date of ENSRC
Section III
Please keep this section until final report is complete. This will need to be signed by your unit administrator upon completion of final report.
Awardee Name: Yun Moh
Project Number: 03-CDG-10
Project Title: Curriculum Development in Wireless Internet Programming.
Curriculum Development Grant Final Reports are to include the following items:
A. An Abstract of the Project (5 copies) X
This is a brief (one page maximum) summary of your project
B. A copy of this Final Report check list with signatures X
C. A Project Narrative X
A brief (5 - 7 pages) description of the processes and outcomes of your project
D. Copies of the following list of products that you proposed to complete in your project. X
Ø Course outlines and syllabus X
Ø Instructions, software downloads including installation, manuals etc. X
Ø Lesson materials including topic outlines, introductions, and summaries X
Ø Illustrated instructions of course materials, samples and exercises X
Ø Collection of trouble shooting tips and solutions X
Ø Assignments X
Ø Projects comprehensive practice X
Ø Written evaluations including quizzes X
Ø Email account for communication between instructor and students X
Ø List of internet links for course materials X
Ø Excel grading sheet template for tracking student work progression and automatic grade calculations. X
If you are submitting a final report that does not include one or more of the products listed above, please include a statement describing the progress you have made on (or reason for not including) that product. The committee will consider these statements in its decision regarding payment. Partial or full payment may be withheld for incomplete projects.
E. Your Unit Administrator’s endorsement of the completion of your project.
“I have reviewed this project final report and am satisfied with its quality and completeness.”
Unit Administrator’s Signature Date
Professional Services Agreement 03-CDG-10 3