Q.1(a)Define irrigation and explain its necessity in India. What are the advantages and disadvantages of irrigation.

(b)Discuss various types of irrigation system. Classify the irrigation projects.

Q.2(a)The isohyets for annual rainfall over a catchment basin were drawn. The areas of maps between the isohyets are shown in the table. Determine the average depth of annual precipitation over the basin-

cm / 75-85 / 85-95 / 95-105 / 105-115 / 115-135 / 135-155
km2 / 600 / 3000 / 2800 / 1000 / 600 / 200

(b)Discuss various methods for finding the discharge of a stream.

Q.3(a)Explain Irrigation Scheduling of major crops in India.

(b)A stream of 140 litres/sec was delivered from a canal and 100 litres/sec were delivered to the field. An area of 2 hectares was irrigated in 10 hours. The effective depth of root zone was 2m. The run off loss in the field was 440m3 , the depth of water penetration varied linearly from 2m at the head end of the field to 1.5m at the end of the tail end. Available moisture holding capacity of the soil is 20cm/m depth of soil. Determine various water efficiencies.

Q.4(a)Design a triangular lined canal to carry a discharge of 60m3/sec. Assume bed slopes as 1 in 8000, N = 0.015 and Side slope as 45o.

(b)Design a trapezoidal unlined canal to carry a discharge of 6m3/sec by Kennedy’s theory. Take B/D ratio = 4.5, N = .0225, Silt factor = 1.

Q.5(a)Discuss the factors affecting alignment of off taking canal.

(b)What are the function of the canal outlet. Discuss the requirements of a good outlet.

Q.6(a)What is the difference between shallow and deep well. How the yield of an open well is determined.

(b)Determine the discharge from a fully penetrating confined well of 350mm diameter of the thickness of aquifier is 25m, drawdown is 5m, hydraulic conductivity is 310-4m/sec.

Q.7(a)Discuss furrow irrigation. How the discharge is estimated in furrow irrigation.

(b)What are the advantages of Sprinkler irrigation. Determine the system capacity of a sprinkler irrigation system to irrigate 20 hectares of a crop. Design moisture use rate is 6 mm/day. Moisture replaced in soil at each irrigation is 6cm. Irrigation efficiency is 65%. Irrigation period is 10 days in 12 days interval. The system is to be operated for 20 hrs per day.

Q.8(a)Discuss the quality of irrigation water. Estimate the sodium absorption ratio of irrigation water with following characteristics concentration of Na, Ca and Mg are 22, 3 and 2 Meq per lit respectively.

(b)What are the remedial measures for water logging. Discuss.

Q.9(a)Establish relation between duty and delta. If rice requires 12.5 cm depth of water at an interval of 12 days and the base period is 120 days. Find out the delta of rice.

(b)15m3/sec of water is delivered to a field of 55 hectares for 5 hours. If the soil moisture test indicates that 0.35 m of water has been stated in the root zone, Compute the water application efficiency.

Q.10(a)Write short notes on following

(i)Kennedy’s theory

(ii)Duputts equation

(iii)Rainfall and runoff relationship

(iv)Reservoir capacity.

Q.1(a) What are the advantages of prestressed concrete over reinforced cement concrete?

(b) What is the difference between pre and post-tensioned concrete from the point of view of construction details?

Q.2(a) Why only good quality concrete and steel should be used in prestressed concrete construction?

(b)What are different types of devices used for tensioning in prestressed concrete construction?

Q.3(a)Discuss how tendon profile is maintained in pre-tensioned members. Provide neat sketches.

(b)What do you understand by supplementary anchoring devices used in pre-tensioned construction?

Q.4(a)Describe any one post-tensioning system, based on wedge action, used for providing anchorage.

(b)Describe different types of tendon splices with sketches.

Q.5(a)What do you understand by ‘Stress Corrosion’?

(b)Write expressions or recommended values for calculating various losses of prestress in prestressed concrete members.

Q.6(a)A pre-tensioned beam is 150 mm wide and 300 mm deep. It is prestressed by tendons, provided with a constant eccentricity of 50 mm from the centroidal axis. The initial value of prestressing force is 200 kN. Total cross sectional area of tendon wires is 188 mm2. Estimate the loss of prestress in tendons due to elastic shortening of concrete. Take Young’s modulus of elasticity of steel and concrete as 2105 N/mm2 and 0.33105 N/mm2 respectively.

(b)Redo example 4.2 of the unit on ‘Losses of prestress in concrete’ if the minimum stress in the wire immediately after tensioning is to be 500 N/mm2.

Q.7(a)Solve example 4.3 if the beam cross-section is 200 mm350mm and the beam is subjected to a prestressing force of 300 kN. Other data remain the same.

(b)Discuss the concept of ‘Pressure Line’.

Q.8(a)What do you understand by ‘Load Balancing’? Give examples and provide sketches in your answer.

(b)A prestressed concrete beam is of a cross section of 200 mm width and 400 mm depth. It has a simply supported span of 6m. Straight tendons, having a stress of 1000 N/mm2, are provided with a constant eccentricity of 50 mm. The cross-sectional area of tendons is 120 mm2. What shall be the percentage increase in stress in the wires if the beam supports a live load of 5 kN/m over whole of the span? Modulus of elasticity of steel and concrete may be taken as 2105 N/mm2and 0.33105 N/mm2respectively. Density of concrete may be assumed as 25 kN/m3.

Q.9(a)What do you understand by cracking moment? Draw a load-deflection curve for a prestressed concrete beam.

(b)Briefly explain different strength and serviceability limit states.

Q.10(a)Discuss the procedure of calculating the required prestressing force and eccentricity of tendons in the design of a prestressed concrete beam.

(b)What are different stages in the design of prestressed concrete pipes?

Q.1(a)Describe briefly the technical and execution responsibility of a supervisor working for a construction agency.

(b)Explain the role of a first line manager in the light of various phases of a construction project.

(c)What facilities will you ensure to maintain the health, safety and environment on a project site?

Q.2(a)Explain the importance of various drawings used in project execution? How do these drawings help in conflict resolution?

(b)What do you understand by interpretation of specifications?

(c)List out the possible instructions to be issued to a contractor before engaging him for fixing door and window shutters at a residential project.

Q.3(a)What are the various steps involved in placing a purchase order to a supplier?

(b)Discuss the features of billing systems used at project sites.

(c)Prepare a first & final bill of a contractor with the support of the abstract of quantities and prices for the construction of a shop of 6.0 m x 4.0 m and height 3.2 m. Assume other data accordingly.

Q.4(a)Differentiate between site diary and site order book. How are these important at a project site?

(b)Write down the important stages of work to be recorded in the inspection register for a road work with culverts.

(c)Explain briefly the registers for scrap and construction equipment. Name the types of scrap that could be generated at a project site where heavy earth moving equipments and construction equipments are deployed.

Q.5(a)Discuss the materials issued by the owners at a project site. Explain the reconciliation process of these materials.

(b)Discuss the importance of supervision on a construction site for anti termite treatment.

(c)What checks will you carry out in wooden partition work?

Q.6(a)What are the types of corrosion of reinforcement steel? Explain the types of measure to control it.

(b)Differentiate between dampness and leakage. Explain the procedure for repair.

(c)Explain the defects caused due to seasoning of timber.

Q.7(a)What are the common defects in flushing cistern?

(b)Discuss the function and construction of ball valves with floats.

(c)Explain the jointing of PVC water supply with service connections and pressure testing.

Q.8(a)Explain the defects in CI and SW pipes used in a building drainage.

(b)What do you understand by water proofing? Explain brick bat coba and tiling method of treatment.

(c)Mention the checks to be observed during supervision of timber truss with AC sheeting.

Q.9(a)Explain the factors governing selection of pipes for water supply and drainage system.

(b)Discuss the removal of clogging in vertical drainage pipe.

(c)What are the types of deterioration in a building? Classify the cracks with sketches.

Q.10(a)Explain the treatment of cracks and surface treatments of concrete.

(b)Discuss the sources of defects likely to occur in masonry structure.

(c)Briefly explain the causes of dampness.

Q.1 (a) Discuss the factors affecting rate of demand.

(b) Compute the fire demand for a city having population of 1,00,000 using various formula.

Q.2 (a) What are the types of springs? Explain with diagram.

(b) A tube well of 30 cm diameter penetrates fully in an artesian aquifer. The strainer length is 20 m. Calculate the yield from the well under a drawdown of 2.5 m. Assume coefficient of permeability of aquifer as 50 m/day and radius of influence equal to 200m.

Q.3 (a) Discuss how following parameters are determined to evaluate the waterquality – Turbidity, Taste and odour, Alkalinity and hardness.

(b) Discuss the handling and collection of water samples for a stream.

Q.4 (a) Differentiate Coagulation and flocculation. What is the use of polyelectrolytes.

(b) Differentiate slow sand filter and rapid sand filter.

Q.5 (a) What are the factors influencing disinfection? Discuss.

(b) Explain Ion exchange.

Q.6 (a) Explain following joints for connecting water main or submain – Socket and Spigot joint, Expansion joint.

(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of layout of distribution system.

Q.7 (a) Define BOD and COD. What are their practical significance.

(b) How the waste water is reused? Explain various techniques.

Q.8 (a) Find the depth of flow in a sewer pipe of diameter 500 m; if N = 0.013 and slope is 0.002. The velocity of flow of 0.75 m/sec must be maintained.

(b) What is Sewer rehabilitation? Explain.

Q.9 (a) Discuss types of Sedimentation with neat sketches.

(b) Explain the role of microorganisms in biological processes.

Q.10 Write short notes on the following –

(a) Aeration Tank

(b) Oxidation Pond

(c) Activated Sludge process

(d) Trickling filters.

Q.1 (a) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each mode of transportation.

(b) Explain with neat sketches the various factors controlling the alignment of roads

Q.2 (a) Calculate the radius of horizontal curve for a design speed of 100 km/hr and super-elevation of 0.07.

(b) What is overtaking sight distance? How is it estimated?

Q.3 (a) What are the softening point and flash point of bitumen? Give the recommendation of BIS.

(b) Explain the various methods for the determination of strength of aggregates.

Q.4 (a) Differentiate flexible pavement and rigid pavement.

(b) Explain CBR test and its application.

Q.5 (a) Calculate the run off from a road surface whose area is 0.75 hectare, the intensity of rainfall is 30 mm per hour and road surface is impermeable with run off coefficient as 0.9.

(b) Discuss the maintenance of WBM and Concrete roads.

Q.6 (a) Discuss the features of hill roads.

(b) How the waterway is estimated? Discuss the components of well foundation.

Q.7 (a) What are the functions of following elements of railway – Ballast, Sleepers and Rails?

(b) Explain the components and its functions of a bridge.

Q.8 (a) Explain various parts of aircraft with neat sketches.

(b) Discuss airport layout.

Q.9 (a) What are the requirements of passenger terminal building?

(b) Discuss the maintenance of airport pavements.

Q.10 (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of water transport?

(b) Write short notes on harbours, break water docks and Jetties.

Q.1(a)Who are different stakeholders in a construction project? How they are related to each other?

(a)Enlist different phases in a construction project. Explain any one of them briefly

Q.2(a)What are different types of capital requirement for a construction project?

(b)Explain different project phases of a construction project.

Q.3(a)Describe briefly the various sources of finance for a construction project.

(b)Discuss project execution and control phase of a typical construction project.

Q.4(a)Discuss ‘Land use and circulation’ aspect of site planning.

(b)Write a brief note on “site organisation”.

Q.5(a)Write a brief note on the project planning process.

(b)What is a bar chart schedule? Explain with the help of a neat sketch.

Q.6(a)Briefly explain various protection measures taken at a construction site.

(b)What is a ‘Work Breakdown Structure’? Enlist various steps to generate it.

Q.7(a)Why a bar chart is not suitable for a complex project? Write the suitability of CPM/PERT/PN networks for different types of projects.

(b)Briefly describe the network analysis procedure.

Q.8(a)Describe ‘Resources-limited scheduling’ briefly.

(b)What do you mean by a contract? List various essential elements of contract and briefly describe any two of them.

Q.9(a)Enlist types of contract. Explain any one briefly.

(b)What do you understand by pre-qualification of contractors? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Q.10(a)What are different terms of payment to the contractors? Explain briefly.

(b) What do you understand by ‘Liquidated damages’? Explain various factors considered