Page 1 ECEGR 3711 SyllabusProf. P.Munro
Syllabus for ECEN 2612
2612. Instrumentation and Computation Lab 2. Laboratory experiments and computer exercises to accompany ECEN2633. Laboratory experimentation and basic instrumentation. Computer-aided analysis and simulation. Prereq.:ECEN 2611. Prereq. or concurrent: ECEN 2633. 1 s.h.
Room: MOSH 3020
Wk / Day/Date / Lab #, Title / Notes / Due Dates / Pts1 / R1/14 / 0. Introductory session / Lab intro; AC circuit computations, equations, using your calculator. / Today / 10
2 / R1/21 / 1. Mutual inductance / Magnetic coupling, mutual inductance measurements. / Next lab / 10
3 / R1/28 / 2. AC power measurements / Using power, voltage, and current meters on various loads. / Next lab / 10
4 / R2/04 / 3. PSpice AC analysis / PSpice with an RLC circuit. / Next lab / 10
5 / R2/11 / 4. RLC phasors / RLC circuit measurements. / Next lab / 10
6 / R2/18 / Open lab, makeup, problem session
7 / R2/25 / 5. RLC transients / RLC transient measurements. / Next lab / 10
8 / R3/03 / 6. RLC resonance / Measurements of RLC resonance
R3/10 / Holiday / – Spring Break
9 / R3/17 / 6. (con.) / (con.) / Next lab / 10
10 / R3/24 / 7. An opamp active filter / Measurements of a narrow-band active RC filter.
11 / R3/31 / 7. (con.) / (con.) / Next lab / 10
12 / R4/07 / 8. PSpice and Fourier Analysis / The narrow-band filter with PSpice, and Fourier analysis.
13 / R4/14 / 8. (con.) / (con.) / Next lab / 10
14 / R4/21 / 9. Two-Port Circuits / Measurements and PSpice analysis of z parameters of a two-port circuit.
15 / R4/28 / 9. (con.)
Assessment / → →
→ → / Today
Today / 20
Fin / R / Final Exam / 5/7 (10:30am) : 5/7 (1pm) / n/a / n/a
ECEN 2612 SyllabusPage 1 of 2
General Information: This course provides experience with linear circuits using appropriate laboratory equipment and components. The experiments continue the work started in ECEN 2611 and accompany the ECEN 2633 course. Computer simulation is also part of this course.
For an engineer, written communication occurs in mathematical, graphical, tabular, and computer forms, but it also requires good language skills. Oral and written communication skills will be significant for your professional life and all of your life. Do whatever you can to improve them.
Grading: Lab reports will be assigned points as shown in the schedule above. Your technical work is most important. However, writing can affect each lab grade, so work on your writing, too.
Good writing includes clarity, consistent formatting, legibility, spelling, and grammar.
All lab assignments must be satisfactorily completed and turned in to avoid failing the course. Avoid late work since the grade for each piece of late work may be decreased. It never makes sense to turn in late work.
Final course letter grades will follow a percentage schedule based on 140maximum points possible (which includes total points for lab reports, 10 points for GoalAssessment, 10 points for Instructor assessment) as follows:
85 A100%75 B85 / 60 C75
50 D60 / 00 F50
Course Goals (Learning Outcomes): When you gain credit in this course, you should be able to:
- Analyze circuit behavior using experimental techniques with power supplies, function generators, DMMs, oscilloscopes, and watt meters;
- Analyze circuit behavior using a computer-aided analysis and design tool such as PSpice;
- Function as part of a small engineering team;
- Acquire needed knowledge and skills as a self-learner;
- Communicate technical results in written forms suitable for practicing engineers; and
- Meet deadlines and work responsibly.
Instructor Assessment: Your instructor will assign up to an 10 extra points to your lab total to indicate your overall work. In addition to your technical work and writing, interaction in your lab groups and with the instructor will be considered for this.
Goals Assessment: Don’t miss the questionnaire concerning these expected course goals. Your responses help our department measure how well this course accomplishes these things for you. The purpose of assessment is to improve the engineering education we provide. And you will earn an extra 10 points for turning in the questionnaire.
Lab Reports: Reports should be written as neatly as possible using tables, figures, equations, and proper English. It takes practice, so do the best you can to improve your writing. The Reportsmust:
- Be written on the unlined side of Engineering paper.
- Have your name and your partner’s name clearly written and labeled in the upper right corner of the lab cover sheet. Unless specifically stated otherwise, each person turns in his/her own report even though you will work in teams of two persons.
- Have pages numbered in upper right corner as “p/t” where p = page number and t = total number of pages, and stapled your pages in the upper-left corner with the lab sheet as the cover.
- Follow other guidelines given with each lab.
Internet info: You will be able to look at postings relevant to this lab. You are expected to make your own printed copy of each lab sheet from this site, and do it before coming to the lab
Email: Be sure to monitor your e-mail so you don’t miss important communications.
Department Web Site: Take note of our department web site. It contains information which can be helpful and interesting to you: .
Academic Honesty: Except when specified otherwise, work which you turn in should be your own. Copying other people’s work as your own is never acceptable. Although you will probably work with a lab partner in this course, individual reports are required.
Other Policies: See the current YSU undergraduate bulletin or web site for policies on incomplete grades, calendar items, disability information, academic honesty, etc.
Disability Information: If you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact me privately to discuss your needs. Also, you must be registered with CSP Disability Services and provide a letter to verify your eligibility.
Thank you ahead of time for your hard work and your evaluations of this course.
Sanjit Khanal(Graduate Assistant)Dr. Lin Sun
Moser Hall (MOSH) room 3020 Moser Hall (MOSH) room 2042
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